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Everything posted by jaderpansen

  1. Excel vs Incel: |---------------------------| |-----------|---------------| | | | Assuming | | | Excel | something is | Incel | | | a date | | | |---------------|-----------| |---------------------------| (bg: https://www.theverge.com/2020/8/6/21355674/human-genes-rename-microsoft-excel-misreading-dates)
  2. oh, story and atmosphere never were issues in my book (matter of taste oc). if that's indeed your focus i can definitely recommend the game. city reveals itself as rather backdroppy, but extraordinarily picturesque at that. going back to gtav from cp2077 the former looks and feels rather flat in comparison imo. don't expect lots of interesting npc dialogue tho...
  3. mostly just fixes, the modding scene is actually quite far ahead. that being said the game was far from unplayable in its inital state (on pc at least) as some seem to claim but yeah... gameplay could deffo use some balance patches, any build is trivial even on very hard from a certain point, maybe the whole leveling system needs an overhaul. melee and hacking could use more depth, some perks are pretty much completely useless, etc. etc. waiting for dlcs for a replay, too.
  4. jaderpansen


    gotta agree. specially the arbitrary attempts at humor are cringey as all fuck. "i am similing"... eurgh. bland costume design, clichéd ethno musics. sets look ok tho. ah well, might still be solid.
  5. sign = da shiznit. plus... still dunno. first 4 tracks all as long as ecol would have made for an awesome EP, but as an album... dun no. (tbh imho etc)
  6. gg strive. took some time to get used to coming from xrd, having good times now (<-ky). is it dumbed down? most deffo, but in a smart way, if that makes sense. recommended. good place to start with the franchise, too, methinks.
  7. coronary in his early fifties... fucking hell. big rip.
  8. jaderpansen

    elseq 1-5

    yeh, not gonna lie: tracks like dr dre n marhide offa plus really made me miss the exorbitance of elseq/nts... criminally short. also i tend to listen to the onesix megamix more than individual sets. the more the merrier, basically. milk it, bros!
  9. btw: updates in ignored threads still seem to affect the overview status of the respective subforum (making it appear bold). any way to fix this maybe? fanks!
  10. don't even have a licence, never felt the need to. fuck em i say (cars).
  11. constipation, judging from the image (laxi etc).
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