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Everything posted by cichlisuite

  1. Personality trait shared among people with really dark coloured eyes: outgoing/expressive, talkative/communicative, indulging in attention they receive
  2. That guy's body language! It looks as if he is right on the edge of strangling someone (that woman) with his bare hands. He is sweating rage out of his pores.
  3. So this guy made Soyuz Atomic Clock egg timer
  4. Doom3 had better horror and atmosphere than Doom Eternal. DE is quite boring and over the top. I would like to try HL: Alyx but have no money for VR. Have been playing War Thunder for the last month or so... not great not terrible. Anyone plays it?
  5. As the world and reality slides into dystopian future with ever greater speed, the Stupid First World Problems thread will become a real-time log of the dystopian world and its inhabitants
  6. In Deus Ex, when you try to link up the Helios AI with the Aquinas Router (accessing the internet), the password is Panopticon. Just add that to the things that Deus Ex predicted. Online surveillance.
  7. Maybe they have a soft spot for the Spanish and Italians, but remember Greece back and aroun '08?
  8. Plus frat social systems, privatization of healthcare and prisons, private armies, sugar everywhere, patriotism, imperialism, shows where people argue, live news anchors are millionaires...
  9. When all this blows over we need a dark comedy titled How I Stopped Worrying And Love The USA
  10. I did it one or two times under moonlight on some lone winding roads, it's quite amazing and anarchist. A bit stupid, yes, but one of the less stupid things I ever did in my life... unfortunately
  11. yes, that's the one, thanks. it's a bit scary when movies become reality ?
  12. When I was a kid, I watched Sneakers (1992) on TV, there's a quote from the main antagonist named Cosmo which stuck in my mind ever since: "He who controls information, controls the future" (might not be the exact words) Little I knew back then how true these words were...
  13. I'm willing to put my house and my lot under canadian jurisdiction for the time being. The flag is already waving. Can you send some?
  14. Have your local weedmasters closed shop or are still working? With these long semi-idle days ahead of me, I kind of regret I didn't stock up on some weed. On the other hand, I'm glad I didn't. I smoked all through January, and to think I'd just sit around all day, watch movies, listen to musics ... damn, where can I get some weed lol
  15. It's not just the relationship with his father that is a message vehicle. It's also the attitude of the scientists aboard that vessel, and above all, his late wife(!) (I should've pointed that out earlier). The deep inner workings of a man (or woman) are as hidden as the existence of that sentient planet. How is that possible? Kris is an expert on human psyche, he is a psychologist. If anyone, he should know best. But he doesn't. He is as lost as anyone. They were able to understand how to bring people to this remote part of the universe, along with everything they need up to the point it's almost rudimentary (Kris arrives there as if by a bus), but they are unable to understand what is happening with them inside each one of them. They don't know how to deal with it. It's driving them crazy. Don't you think this shows a big gap between understanding rocket science and human nature (or nature in general)? What is making the characters looking away, as you adequately put it, is the inability to face one another and retain one-self. I think it's the attempt by Tarkovsky to humble people who all too soon are celebrating technological advancements and neglecting all other aspects that make us human, or part of this universe.
  16. I think Tarkovsky makes it quite clear that there are more aspects to the human domain than technology and its advance. And that all those domain should be pursued with the same vigour as the technology. The analogy with his relationship with his father works as a narrative vehicle for this: what good is your success in life when you can't share it (live it) with your closest ones? Ergo: what good are we to ourselves and our environment as a species if we propagate only one aspect of life and completely ignore other? Rather than saying Tarkovsky is against technology, one should rather say he's against technology being the sole measure of advancement as a species. And I completely agree with that.
  17. 3.6 roentgen. Not great not terrible.
  18. join in at the table, mix that pussy fest with some dong, solder your stuff, have a spliff, bring order to chaos
  19. what is this mixlr non-sense that requires me to login and start a free trial? is there a link?
  20. yea, I'm going to bed really late these days, if that's what you mean. about the dreams, yes, I thought maybe it has to do with what my subconsciousness was receiving from all this virus craze. Collapsing house vis-a-vis talking to a person = end of the structured civilization as we know it
  21. I was standing next to a concrete house talking to someone. Suddenly, the house collapsed, I felt the slabs and bricks hitting me in the face and my body until I was burried deep beneath. As the rubble piled over me, I faced the sensation of inevitable death. I awoke suddenly gasping for air. It fucking terrified me, and I can't stop thinking about this.
  22. The Dow fell 12.94% today. The worst day in 1929 was a decline of 12.82%.
  23. I know some CEOs resigned, but that many? Wtf is that other stuff you wrote about? Who's Barrie Mccullloch? I need answers
  24. You know I just hope the vulture advisors of the 'elites' will not come up with an idea to push some shady agendas while we're all preoccupied with this.... I mean it's like a perfect storm...
  25. cichlisuite

    Rob pls

    in Attenborough's voice: "We can witness here a rare event; an ancient tribe of knob twiddlers and vinyl cultivists attempt to summon one of their gods by chanting his name in various forms. Their well-being and prosperity depends on the favor and mercy of their great Pantheon. The gathering invites many, but mostly men, as they share their delight in amusing each other with various creative mantras and chants. This has never been documented before, as the tribe usually comprises of recluses, and sages of their crafts and arts, marginalized by their wider society, who prefer more mundane, and easily accessible forms of entertainment."
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