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Everything posted by cichlisuite

  1. Well if you only have hammers, all problems seem to be nails, right? Gotta put all those assault rifles to use somehow. We also got militia boys with guns in our country. They want to patrol borders catching illegal immigrants. But the legislative branch doesn't know what to do with them as there are no laws to handle such situations. The times we live in...
  2. cichlisuite


    There's so much preservatives in our food we're basically mummified alive lol As for Dune... the problem I see is this weird undertone that is imagining what "epic" is like. The actors themselves are pushed by directors to be aware that they are some prophecy demigods. They have to be perfect human beings in every aspect. How do you play a perfect human being? Well, ironically, you have to water down all aspects of personality to appear collected, well-bred, sophisticated, dont-give-the-impression-you-know-you-are-a-demi-god aka false modesty. After all this all the actor can do is mumble-speak and frown at the camera.
  3. of course it's the hottest thing imaginable. they do it like once in a lifetime, which is one month give or take (many dangers lurk in the life of a fly so maybe even less) i mean, whole point of their life is to get laid an then die, think about that lol which is not any more than some humans now that i think of it....
  4. The wider context of deGrass' statement is missing here (also I don't watch his videos, he annoys me), but with "lower gravity field" he might have meant being lower towards the source (in terms of altitude) of gravity, therefore, where the gravity is stronger, therefore, slower time. Like with a funnel: the lower through the funnel you go, the stronger the gravity pull (you're closer to the source). Likewise with the statement from the second video you posted. "High level gravity" is another phrase for "stronger gravity". Like cranking "high level volume" on your amp. You want accurate nomenclature with this stuff, but the producers (and deGrass) don't want the videos to get dry and boring for the layman. I guess.
  5. Hey, a thought just crossed my mind... If the most recent press photo of Ae duo has Rob more in the foreground...does that mean that this release is more Rob's? #Aexcited
  6. Is it an ambient album, is it an ambient album?
  7. ^ this weapon was clearly manufactured for the private militia / oligarch gang customers. Close quarters, 9mm parabellum, small, looks cheap and easy to conceal.. on top of that the dudes in the commercial look very much like some cartel security
  8. Sorry, but I really don't understand why would you skip the entire season, and the first one on top of that -it's the real deal... I'd recommend 1st season, then 2nd, then FWWM, then 3rd season.
  9. on lonely saturday nights, even listening to music can fill the void for just as long as the song goes
  10. That's a given. First they have to make sure the infrastructure is in place. You can measure how big the threat in this sense is posed by China that Pompeo himself had to make his tours. It's no longer enough for the CIA agents to oversee that European countries don't buy communications from China. Or gas pipelines from Russia. The wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria exist in order to secure these resources and to deny them to Russia and China and make profit.
  11. It's the cold war mentality. Pump up the threats, create villains and enemies so that you can sell weapons easier. You need to sell weapons, because a huge chunk of american industry is defense industry (in one form or another). It's been like that since WW2. America's industrial might owes everything to the extensive mobilization of industry at that time. It's what it got them out of the Great Depression, bootstrapped their economy. They are the only country who have been in perpetual war across the globe since WW2. That's 80 years now. America's allies are still paying for their great savior from the Axis. It's a status quo that gives great dividends. American influence is so strong, that it is able to overcome European Union's integrity. Instead of EU building up their own defense industry and policy, which they are completely capable of doing, they buy into american hardware and close down their own means of production, and accept american will in shaping the Allied global agenda. This means the major shift in global political dynamic, because EU loses their autonomy. The EU was further divided by Brexit, etc.
  12. I have to add that, while our country is small, and we are members of NATO (which is actually only a high-level club to ensure a steady flow of money into American military industry), we are obligated now to raise and equip three battalion battle groups (along with attack helicopters). These must be fully mechanized and mobile, meaning tanks, armoured personnel carriers with a variety of anti-aircraft, anti-tank, anti-infantry weapons assortment, mobile artillery, mechanized engineers, etc. WHY?! There is no need for offensive military formations. Even in Afghanistan, Iraq and Yugoslavia we were always a peace-keeping "force" (lol - occupation) and our numbers there never exceeded a single battalion-worth of strength. We were always prohibited from participating in offensive missions, and there is no recognizable outside threat to our country for us to need it. We bought american Hummer vehicles that were designed for desert warfare, yet we are a country with rugged terrain (mountains, rolling hills, woodlands....). Those vehicles are too wide to drive on the extensive gravel road network across our country-side (those outside the major infrastructure) in which any military HAVE to be able to operate! They are fuel guzzlers and very unreliable (half of the motor park is in constant repair). Our defense policy is completely misguided and incompetent, and it's built into the very system. The supreme commander is the country president who has absolutely no military insight, the defense minister is likewise a political careerist who is only there to make sure to extend the influence of defense industry lobbyists. The former chief of staff of the armed forces resigned because she felt her mandate was offered only to appear inclusive to women, and in fact she had a pre-determined agenda to adhere to.
  13. So Pompeo visited our country and I'm utterly ashamed at how our top politicians handled this event. While all state visits respect the measures of possible covid contamination, and even our neighboring country got on "the red list" due the recent surge of cases and the mass of tourists returning from their summer vacations, when the entire country must respect the measures down to the T (that is, the plebs, of course), the elite guests, their hosts and all the protocol personnel, acted like nothing of this is happening. The USA came to visit, a country that has to be the first in every thing on this planet, which is also the first in covid cases, didn't have to wear masks, did not respect social distancing, etc. It's like "we love the USA so much, we don't even care if we get infected. We are willing to conform to USA in any way." But that is beside the point. My point is how the state visit happened in a historical villa on Lake Bled, the villa in which the former communist government held their top-level meetings, and has a 40 meter mural depicting the struggles against German and Italian nazi and fascist occupation. This mural was hidden behind a curtain, so Pompeo could not see it. This was done by our recently not elected prime minister, a staunch communist turned hard-core neo-liberal right wing, because he is butthurt for not being included in the communist elite at the time of their reign. He even said in his speech: "This villa is the place where former communist leadership held their meetings, while we were in political prisons." That guy was NOT in a political prison at that time. In fact, at the time he was filling his resume with high-level communist appointments! Then we get to the point of the reason for this visit. All Pompeo's requests (demands, instructions) were accepted. We assured that we wont get Chinese 5G infrastructure (fuck thiss 5G, no one really needs it, except the corporations and the governments), we had to give priority to USA strategic and political agendas and put aside our affiliation with the European Union. We have to buy American gas instead of Russian gas (which is cheaper), Westinghouse will be building the second block in our nuclear power plant, which is more expensive, not the most efficient and modern one. We had to promise we will further invest in military expenditure (of American hardware of course) at the time of economic crisis. Our retarded prime minister even invited american troops in our country to build a military base here. I'm not pro-Russian, I'm not pro-Chinese or anything. What I'm showing here is complete disregard for our nation's autonomy and self-respect. This visit was a business meeting that went completely in favor of one side.
  14. I was surprised to find this piece on YT, since it's kind of obscure... but this is a really nice composition, it might not seem much to you, but the sound reminds me of a specific church bell atop a hill, high above the plateau where my grandparents used to live, and that sound is imprinted in me ever since. It reverberated across the plateau from the distance, always capturing my attention as a child only running around doing shenanigans. The fact that I was able to find this track by some weird crate digging coincidence makes it ever more intriguing.
  15. Just revisited The Musick To Play In The Dark today after several years. Used to be one of my favorites from Coil, so many spliff sessions on this one. It is still solid as ever.
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