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Everything posted by cichlisuite

  1. He does. But also consider this: you are a shareholder in a company, you want a competent manager to run your day-to-day business and comply with highest standards and responsibility. Will you hire a an autistic guy with articulation disability and zero experience who is playing the system for his own interest instead of yours?
  2. Most certainly. That's what I implied when I said "you too transhumanists" Such a childish delusion.
  3. Everything and everyone seem to be disposable in this day and age. For people who seem to be so bent on rationalism and factual view on the world, their idea of simulation is just incredibly ignorant.
  4. It highly irritates me when anyone (mostly silicon valley top nerds and Elon Musk) says that we, and life on planet Earth, might be a simulation, or that we live in a simulation. I just think it's kind of a perverse and incredibly retarded thing to say. It's ok if it's a fun thought experiment, but the way they all say it with a spark in their eye, like they know it's a simulation and act like it... I just think it's a dangerous self-illusion, especially for people with power. Life is not a video game where you can pretend nothing really matters. Shit is real, and not a video game that you can put on a shelf once you get bored with it, or don't like the way you screwed our economy and devouring nature's resources. It doesn't have a save game point 30 years back. It's real, and irreversible. Decisions matter, not just for you, but for everyone and everything on this planet. It just shows how childhood obsessions (imagining a cyber world tailored to your needs) can become rooted and define one's perception of reality, or even entire generation's perception of reality. Yes, you too, transhumanists.
  5. It was probably spring of 2003, I spent some time in Paris on a art history excursion and had a really wonderful and inspiring time there. While roaming the streets of Paris I found a record shop. At that time I was a young techno/electro/detroit enthusiast and thought there is no greater music than that. So I was digging into their electronic music section, and found Miss Kittin's Radio Caroline vol.1 that had a very intriguing playlist (artists I knew at the time: Der Zyklus, Alexander Robotnick, Marshall Jefferson...). I bought it immediately and listened to it on my portable CD player (Sony Discman lol). Little did I know this particular record will change everything about me in relation to electronic music and music in general. It had Autechre's Flutter and Mu-ziq's remix of Kinesthesia's Flicklife and these tracks blew me away and all I was doing for the next several years was digging this immense treasure, eventually wandering way beyond just electronic music.
  6. What exactly do you know about his values? Like what he was speaking in the podcast? It's mostly wannabe-machiavelian gibberish, and you fell for it. Like 90% of the world's population does, I guess. Sure, you are careless happy go-lucky, until: BOOM! "how did we get here, man?!" Every year, the IQ required to destroy the world is lower.
  7. "I am chosen by God to lead this country" is rational? It's for the sake of personal achievements and accolade grabbing. Same shit as other career politicians. Money opens all the doors, regardless of merit. Just because he manages to squeeze in some insights, does not make him a statesman.
  8. Not everyone who "makes it" is worthy of general appraise and forgiving attention.
  9. You're hired. There's a chance we can get a good deal for partnership with North Face. Also it will have the bullwallet section. for edgy stuff that parents don't like. "which zodiac sign is most idm?" "The Sounds of the Machines Our Parents Used: electric razor, chain saw, drill, washing machine, etc" "DIY label: anyone can become the next Warp"
  10. ...like this subculture maybe we should start a magazine company to bring idm to highschools. along with idm horoscope, and articles like: "which idm track for a first date" "For girls: what is this strange noise Boys are listening to?" "Is he cheating on you with Trap?" it's a goldmine
  11. TJ seems to have that teenage angst thing going. In a parallel world, teenage girls would put this heartthrob on their walls instead of back street boys etc
  12. Did Trumpo just say "We're energy independent, we don't need to rely anymore on other countries' energy sources we fought wars for" (paraphrased) hahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahaa
  13. This reminds me of a specific glass-door cabinet at my late grandmother's house. The glass doors were covered with a very old, patterned wrapping paper, probably from 60s, 70s (to keep the light out). The cabinet was solid-built, the door lock had the most asmr pleasant smooth locking feel. The smell inside that cabinet was one of the most soothing smells I experienced. A mixture of ~50 years of storing coffee, sugar, vanilla, etc inside. It smelled like the nicest, most fresh cookies or cake or everything good and sweet and indescribable. All kinds of kitchen-like containers and jars inside... filled with stuff that was random and had nothing to do with the smell. Many hopes died with that closet.
  14. "See what happens Larry? See what happens when [music industry] fucks a stranger in the ass?!"
  15. maybe the republicans don't like trump as well... Mutiny on the Bounty & shit
  16. I love M4 Lema A strong feeling si00 will grow on me psin AM & r cazt very much nice
  17. Did anyone of you ever got their hands on any Grado headphones? I'm curious what they sound like. Are they worth the ridiculous prices?
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