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Everything posted by cichlisuite

  1. And it's not that Venezuela, Iran, etc are any direct threat to anything the "west" (USA) represents. It's just nations who don't want to play by the USA rules and therefore ... well since you have such military power, you might as well use it. You know, what else would they be doing? They have to test those trillion dollar military toys on live human beings. Destroy nations, families, and rebuild them so they can enter the New World Order of the Fascism 2.0. USA sickens me to the core.
  2. Ok so judging by what happened in 2001, does that mean USA will find a scapegoat nation for this shitshow (Russia or China) and start a war with them? Because that would be the end of the world. Quite literally.
  3. 1. Terrible choice for a car 2. Dust will be always in the air
  4. You got people richer than some world countries sending rockets into space and competing who can make a better business model out of it. On the other side you have people enraged and desperate over inequality and injustice, who need to be heard but no one listens. The news happen on the same day. Yep. Going full-speed into dystopia.
  5. In spirit of Frank Ocean: Jim Atmosphere Barney Continent Harvey Strait Belinda Desert Simon Isthmus Matthew Taiga Marta Glacier
  6. Old-style mediterranean house on Sicily or an Adriatic island Islamic / Atarique manor in Grenada Agricultural estate in Ukraine Old crafts flats in Berlin, Barcelona and Vienna
  7. We have a garden. Tomatoes, beans, string beans, carrots, garlic, onions, chicory (and similar salad stuff I can't translate), strawberries. There's also pear, walnut and apple trees. Since I live by the woods there's all kinds of good stuff to be found: wild strawberries, blackberries, mushrooms of many kinds, chestnut... I'm still considering to acquire a hunting license.
  8. Noo, you can't just strap a toast to a cat and have infinite energy generator. They would have to fall indefinitely, like falling in earth's orbit, and the cat would need a space suit with heating and oxygen. Where do you strap the toast then? On the outside of the cat's space suit? Exposed to elements of empty space the toast will lose its integrity and not work properly. Inside of the cat's space suit? Its rotational properties will not work because the toast will have no reference of its position. The cat's space suit also needs roll-correction liquid rocket nozzles. It wont work, man.
  9. ^ just came here to say that Diatoms looks just like I imagined he would ?
  10. Exactly, it's sort of a gauge of how much to inhale, you can feel it, it's the same with bongs because I always felt I don't get anything in. Yeah I never used grinders either. With years I developed a perfect way to make joints. The way you pack that and wrap the papers around is also crucial as you can achieve a perfect burning temperature (not too tight to produce tar, and not too loose to make air pockets that increase the smoke temperature). Me and my mates we call it ISO standard joints:)
  11. I'm guilty of this, I guess it's a thing of habit from youth as it was the only way to smoke apart from rolling weed only which was expensive and hard to come by if one wasn't well connected to shady weed chads. Today I put just enough tobacco so the joint burns nice and even. Rolling weed only doesn't burn well and you have to constantly light it up and it just burns up the weed too quickly. I guess since I'm a tobacco smoker as well I kind of got used to the combined feeling of tobacco and weed high/taste. I get to hate it though, when on a smoking spree, since tobacco itself is nasty shit so I take regular and long breaks. Have to try this vaping thing though.
  12. If energy and mass are equivalent (Einstein), and energy and frequency are equivalent (Planck), therefore mass and frequency are the equivalent, does that mean music is the ultimate expression of our universe?
  13. Yeah those large calibre zeiss lens were razor-sharp and clear. Samyang, tamron are all good third-party lens. In my opinion if anyone wants to dabble in film photography, get yourself a pentax mx5. Small, light, SLR, sturdy, good mechanics, built-in lightmeter, you can get excellent lens from almost any manufacturer (by way of adapters). The viewfinder is excellent, on ebay yoz can get mint condition for a very good price.
  14. Stuff like hasselblads and leicas are not worth their price tag. It's gate keeping. They are assembling parts together, leica has hand-made assembly (production is machined). There are 8 semi-conductor and sensor manufacturers in the world, and a couple of lens manufacturers. None of them are leica or hasselblad. They are relics of the film era, used by famous people. Leica is a luxury product, hasselblad had good mechanics, top of the line zeiss lens and modular design. Now it just has medium format sensor and modular design. A couple of years ago I was looking up a hasselblad digital model and it was obsolete and outclassed by its competitors by a huge margin (not justifying their inflated price).
  15. Nice. I got a similar setup. A wooden bar and two automobile tires with steel rims on both sides. Next on the list is to make an incline 'chair' or whatever is it called. Also empty stove gas cylinder and a big vise as dumbbells. You gotta improvise ?
  16. Religion and far right have a lot in common. The right sticks to their ideas like religious fanatics do. The same 'brain' centers don't allow them to stand back and review their beliefs from a self-critical distance. Presenting them any view-altering facts will only solidify their religion.
  17. Great news! Too bad I'm kinda broke atm. That would be a great present for myself. This music defined a part of my life.
  18. It's just a pointless thought I had based on people I know and my observations. There are all kinds of exceptions that can prove it wrong I guess
  19. Yea I just read about this. So how can this happen guys, please someone explain me, first Hillary devoured him, now he quit? By himself? Got tired of it? Lost confidence in his ability? An offer he could not refuse? Part of the charade? A social experiment? What the hell USA?
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