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Everything posted by cichlisuite

  1. lol that's where boredom and tiredness intersect I guess fwp: dating in mid-thirties is strange as f### last time a woman I went on a date with invited me to her family place at the seaside, but went out of the way to explain me it doesn't mean anything romantic... so far in fact I began thinking she might insinuating something... because when I jokingly said "cool, we're gonna sit around cafes in the old town centre and be each other's wingman" she gave me a disappointed look... But I always wanted a woman-wingman... this feminism thing is going nowhere, obviously.
  2. Phantom Thread excellent performance of everyone, but skillfully crafted anticipation led up to a disappointing end. maybe I just have an aversion to mentally sick personalities/10 Take Care of Your Scarf Tatiana very minimalist, almost boring at moments, very funny, cool music driving into a coffee shop/10
  3. I'd very much like to visit USA one day. To see everything, the urban jungle of NYC, the urban hell of Detroit and other cities around lakes Erie and Michigan, the vast steppes and unknown backwater towns of "the Mid", all the way to explore nature of Rockies, Apalachians, Colorado, Utah, Wyoming, down to the deserts of Nevada and the west coast, including LA and SF. I know this is largely due to excess consummation of all kinds of american cinema, novels, and history, but I don't care. This would probably take more than a couple of months to do, and a large amount of money. The latter is especially a problem. So I'm thinking maybe going vagabond style, but that requires a level of courage I'm yet to attain, but mayybee... I mean what do I have to lose...
  4. The last few days are magnificent thanks to ae warp tapes rob & sean thanks
  5. I should quit smoking tobacco, it really is the stupidest thing ever. My mind is already all for the idea, but body keeps craving. So every morning is like: mind: wow, so fresh, really nice body: *under breath* roll a cigarette mind: nah, I don't need it *two hours later* body: you think you can get away with this? Roll it! mind: shut up, you don't need it. body: but I do! Right now. mind: nah, you're fine. *an hour later* body: you know why I'm here mind: shut up *half hour later* body: oh c'mon, it's really nothing. You've done some work, Mind, you deserve it. And you know it feels good for you too. mind: well... body: just roll it mind: you know, if I just ignore you, eventually you will shut up, I have that kind of power... body: TOBACCO mind: ... body: TOBACCO *ten minutes later* mind: *occupied* body: *hands a 50 euro bill to the muscle memory*
  6. It is so hard to believe there are people out there supporting these imbeciles and only imbeciles are coming to power what the hell my unpleasant theory is that uk wants to secure a sizeable share in the future imperialist expansion spearheaded by usa. and staying in EU makes this impossible. so... there. i really hope this warmongering is just me overthinking on this
  7. apple is asking a 1000$, yes a t.h.o.u.s.a.n.d. bucks for a monitor stand for the new XDR monitor that comes with the new Mac Pro.
  8. Thanks man, I appreciate yeah I guess the angst never really left me, maybe that's why she said I haven't changed lol god, she's this ultra-sharp urban queen even at 3 am, and I'm a duck with a buckshot in my tail feathers.
  9. Dealing with an awful hangover, introduced by a purging morning sickness. My body wants to eat a cow, but I'm unable to put more than a single bite in my mouth. This is the price I'm paying for going to the club yesterday, first time after 5-6 years and completely disregarding my low drinking fitness. I guzzled 7 beers and two shots of schanps, followed by at least two more drinks (I don't really remember) at the club. But I guess it was all worth it because it was DJ Stingray playing and it was a blast. An easy friday afternoon grabbing a beer with a friend (I had no idea what was coming) after work turned clubbing night out and a drunk sentimental taxi drive home because I've ran into someone at a burek stand at 3 am I hadn't seen in years and had no idea I still have all this love for, and she was as cold as an arctic blizzard. My friend thinks I'm being unreasonably adolescent about it, but what can a man do when an eye contact caught amidst the crowd suddenly struck me like lightning and left me a drunk sorry-ass willow..i'm better now, thanks for asking, and yeah, I'm writing this on watmm, because I'm like a teenage emo boy now
  10. What kind of hole? jim carrey making tortured james dean faces is brilliant (there are some on yt as well)
  11. Yeah, real AI is very far, if at all possible. And by possible I mean strictly within our current linear, speed-based 'intelligence'. Human brain don't work like that. Also (maybe somewhat romantically) I believe true intelligence can only be analog. <- ok, maybe bad word use, but definitely, digital yes/no/1/0 system cannot facilitate intelligence. I might be wrong though, of course. You actually don't need AI to make killer robots. We are quite capable of making those right now. They might not walk on legs for the sake of efficiency, but strap a computer with IR cameras and machineguns to a track-based chassis and you're good to go. All modern, high-power stand-off weapons that US army is fielding, is quite capable of acquiring, locking and guiding all kinds of weapons to its target. Humans are included in this process solely to oversee and check data.
  12. Great, now I'm stocked for a while. Seems like you're much into this stuff. Do you remember seeing a film with a scene where one guy is following the other guy, but it's a dangerous situation and he doesn't have a weapon, so he un-screws the gear-shift lever from his car (it's an east-block generic sedan, like a Lada) and hides it in his trench coat to serve him as a baton? That's all I remember. And it maybe not even be a spy movie. Anyway, there seems to be a lack of cold war spy films from a Soviet perspective, or is it just me? It would be very interesting to see one.
  13. Oh right, I forgot about The Spy Who Came in From the Cold, it was very good, but I didn't know it's a sequel to Ipcress. Gorkiy Park looks interesting, it might even be the "guy-who-screws-off-the-gearshift-lever" film I've been looking for. Do you mean Le Bureau des Legendes? It appears interesting so I'll check it out. Thanks. Thanks, will check out. Yeah, the Conversation was good, Hackman nailed it. Also the President's men. I might rewatch it since it was years ago. Thanks guys, I have some material for a rainy weekend now:)
  14. It seems plausible. I always thought it might have some binary or hex matrix in there, but I'm not knowledgeable in these methods. Your field work, mcbpete? p.s. what is the purpose of the descending byte order in top row?
  15. ^ I'm still getting used to it myself. On the other hand it's quite interesting. The cosmetic makeover of watmm revealed some long-forgotten embarrasments.... like the old nicknames lol
  16. Hey you guys know any good spy movies? But real stuff movies, not james bond or austin powers please. These I watched: - Eye of the needle (1981) - I liked the plot, a bit tame though - The lives of others (2006) - I liked it, a good film, but too drama-ish, not so spy-ish - The bridge of spies - had high hopes, immaculate craft, but too much propaganda; it's all propaganda actually - Three days of the condor (1975) - now we're getting somewhere; unfortunately it turned out rather cheesy (the love plot with Dunaway is a bit naive) - The Ipcress file (1965) - yeah we're getting nearer, but boy did it take long to get to the point (and kind of under-delivered). - Tinker tailor soldier spy - whatever bad I said about this film, I take it back. It's a great film, with exactly the atmosphere and theme I'm looking for - the Bourne *ilogy - I like Bourne very much, but after the third part things weren't fresh anymore, and it's not really a spy genre, this is more government hitman style So I'm looking for proper spy movies (don't care for the era), not some macho, needless love affairs stuff. I want 60s, 70s, 80s when they still went analog with their jobs, dense intrigue, ingenious procedures, not flashy cars and stupid women who fell in love because the script said so... There was a movie I watched when I was a kid, but I remember just this one scene: It was happening in Soviet russia, the guy (protagonist I think) had to follow the other guy as he went into some squalid restrooms, but because he wasn't armed, he screwed off the gear-shift lever of his Lada car to protect him. I don't know what happened after that anymore. Any recommendations?
  17. this is incredibly tempting. hopefully there will be post '87 stuff as well
  18. yeah about that...cool track but rihanna in nagging gf mode is off-putting. honestly i don't understand what she's trying to say anyway. so she'd like to be with him but he's constantly working and not having fun or what's the deal
  19. irl lol i do not frequent watmm as often to be able to understand all of its quirks and features. so i'm left confused, awed, intrigued, ashamed and just roll with it. fancy a pint? i'm gettin some.
  20. pop music is too overt and banal. even if it's good initially, not only it gets 'old' quick, but I feel shame later. something like a post-wank shame
  21. a gift for the consummate. genius indeed. such in-depth visual analysis is what watmm expertise is known for. thank you for spreading knowledge and wisdom.
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