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Everything posted by cichlisuite

  1. No matter how sophisticated an artist gets, it's basically still all about sex. The culture of sex; climb the social structure so you can have better sex and more of it. With the current trends, I dare to bet that future artists are going to film porno videos with music instead of music videos. With visible penetration with dongs and fannys, fondling of breasts etc. At first it will be "shocking" but then everyone will do it. This is the kind of animals we are. That's your futurism: the form, not meaning. It's a good thing the universe is as big as it is. We might still enjoy some "privacy of the species".
  2. This thread and listening to stuff you guys posted made me feel really old. Thanks. I've never heard of this stuff before and you say this has been going on since 2013ish (?), so I guess I can say one can become too oblivious to trends. Sonically (I can't really say musically, or can I?) it's interesting because it has many things going on, it's kind of electronic punk with all things rebel and sex and aggressiveness... but I dunno... I can't stand anything with autotune in it, vocals are annoying, and the "lyrics" are boring. I can see it's aimed for youth because all it talks about is the sex life so it has that pop thing. It made me remember of the old rap which is all about money and ho's and bitches and drugs and dominating other males. This has a similar underlying theme going on, so yeah... the wheel had turned, and scooped up some 2000s underground sounds, but it's the same old wheel. I'll pass. You guys enjoy.
  3. I think I'm going slightly insane and very irritated by this pneumatic pick hammer idiot starting his workday at 7am 6 days a week, going on for 8 hours a day. The terrain here is pure rock, and yet some idiots decided to build two houses there. It wakes me up every morning in the worst possible way and I have used up all my patience and zen state. I can't, I just can't deal with it anymore. Even the earplugs don't help. This construction site is 50 meters from my window. This racket has been going on for almost a year now. I can't listen to music, or work. I honestly thought about sabotaging his machine.
  4. By her majesty's appointment: Lord Mountmeme Viscount of WATMM Bestowed with highest degrees of freemasonry: Order of Holy Arch Knight Temple of Meme
  5. Very much appreciate this record/collab
  6. It's a dark comedy remake of The Shining, starring Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson, Mark Wahlberg, Rihanna, and Andy Samberg. Wahlberg and Rihanna are a typical missmatched couple, trying to solve their failing marriage. Andy Samberg is Wahlberg's retarded brother and all three decide to be the caretakers of a luxury resort in Hawaii due to general covid shutdown. Mark Wahlberg is trying to use this isolation time to buff up his muscles to be more like his idol, The Rock. He spends his entire days lifting and doing cardio, while Rihanna is bored out of her mind, singing "ELA ELA ELA ELA", her voice echoing the empty halls of the resort, driving Mark Wahlberg mad. Samberg is left to his own imagination so several trivial shenanigans ensue, pouring hot oil to the already burning steroid-fuelled fire of Wahlberg's. All this time, Samberg is in contact through "The Shining" of the mind with Dwayne Johnson, actually making Samberg not retarded anymore, but extremely smart and witty. Rihanna is very happy about this fact, and she begins to fancy Samberg over Wahlberg, which makes Wahlberg very jealous and furious, throwing tantrums, etc. So Samberg contacts Dwayne who has to swim across the ocean to reach the resort and help Rihanna and Samberg, making him even more buff, greatly offsetting the divide of muscle density between Wahlberg and Dwayne. The final showdown is imminent...
  7. didn't you know that olivoll is actually a special blend for high temperatures?
  8. If only there was a way to make use of fallen leaves. Imagine if you could make fuel out of them. That would be awesome. Nice colors in your garden btw
  9. It's more complicated than that. These people came to power by different reasons. First, I believe, is the intellectual and statecraft vacuum that has been left gaping wide because people of (trully) elite pedigree are simply not interested in becoming politicians anymore. And even if they do, dealing with the established "deep-state" druids can make a life for a decent and competent leader very hard and work nearly impossible. It's the erosion of discourse, disinformation, populism, always centered around the lowest common denominator, stained by fabricated scandals and institutionalized obstruction. Basically it's a mad house. Second, it's the systematic subduction of media and democratic safety-locks. There is not a single independent, non-party oversight, meaning the legislative branches are led by party henchmen, incompetent liars and manipulators, put in those positions to solidify the far-right party's reign, and making its leaders immune to prosecution. Only in Third, the satellite EU countries (ours included) are set up to have these autocratic fanboys because it's easier to control the interests of the big players. In case of Germany and Austria, to make Slovenia a buffer state to control the influx of middle-east refugees. And in the case of USA, to secure the global agenda of making everything privatized. It is easier to achieve this by supporting a power-hungry demagogue, who is promising well-being to uneducated and brain-washed masses, who don't realize they are being raped in their asses in the long run. The collaboration you're speaking of is existing because our autocratic leaders are playing a smart game. On the outside, they appease the democratic norms ("constructive" EU alignment), suck up to everyone who have the power to slap them on their hands. American top-level visit comes only to lay out the agenda and give instructions, they don't care how it is achieved, as long as the end-goal is according to their plans. Such environment is bursting with far-right scum.
  10. This ~45+ years old beech tree lives on my courtyard. Much bigger than it looks on this picture, huge canopy. In summer provides a nice shade, but it autumn truckloads of leaves. My father left it growing when he was building the house. My brain wants to cut it down, but my heart does not allow it. It obstructs the view which would be really nice to see, it also stands on the path where I'd like to make a new driveway (the current one is very awkwardly placed). But during all these years, I've grown really fond of that tree, and it's been a companion of mine ever since I was a kid. I can't bring myself to commit murder.
  11. yeah, that's what I was talking about in my earlier post. Makes me ashamed to be Slovenian. And this prime minister is prime shit stain in our history. How had it come to this lads and lasses? How can civilization go so backwards? Greed and constipation.
  12. Got it. Political backroom country-club skullfuckery. Nothing new in the West. As I suspected.
  13. Which leads to my question: why is Bernie Sanders out? Didn't he have very good support?
  14. This seems to be a trend in worldwide politics these days. People vote, but somehow, wrong people come to power. Like in our country. Suddenly the elected government did not have enough support from the coalition of parties, and the prime minister resigned, giving the seat to a Trump/Orban/Erdogan sympatizer, radical right-wing nut-head, populist agitator, a buthurt neo-liberal. Democracy my ass. Someone needs to flush this scum out of the white halls and put them to work in mines and digging gutters for the rest of their lives.
  15. This covid shutdown is perfect for weed binging lol. And yeah, being sober is really great, specially during spring and summer when I'm much more active, be outside and enjoy the lushness of warmth and and sun. Weed and outdoor activity does not mix well, however, weed and outdoor chilling is cool as hell. But I like to make most of the spring and summer days, whereas these grey, dark and cold days of autumn and winter just call for a bit of lazy weed slacking. A longer period of smoking can truly affect your chemical balance, and withdrawal is a real thing. Cold shivers, trouble falling asleep and weird agitation is what I don't like at all, so I don't do that anymore. Also longer periods of smoking induces tolerance, and things just aren't as fun anymore. So regular pauses are very welcome, I agree. Dude that's really cheap lol, I think I never was able to buy 1g for 3€. I get 10g for 60€, which is still quite expensive in my book, and I feel kinda bad giving out so much money for a vice like this. I really need to find a secluded place and learn how to grow some proper kush. It's so stupid to buy stuff can it's basically, well.... weeds lol
  16. So during the previous month of quarantine I've had an idea to buy 25 grams of weed, curl up in my study and do some personal projects, and just generally chill. Well, I mostly chilled. Random mundane stuff and drawing weird shit becomes too interesting when high, and so, besides some work, this is all I basically did in October. This was after I haven't smoked since March. So I have this weird weed binging thing: when I have it, I can't stop, but then I ran out and I've had just enough of it so I feel a bit sick of weed, followed by another several months of no smoking, then repeat. But really, as long as I have it with me, I can't stop, which is what I don't like about myself. I tell to myself: OK, today, the first joint I smoke will be in the evening, or maybe before I go to bed, and then read a book or something. Nope. Who can resist a morning coffee after breakfast, with a freshly rolled joint? I know I can't. "I'm goin' out, need anythin'?" -"Sure."
  17. Well, I'm no psychologist. I agree, he obviously is narcissistic. What I meant with autistic is a guy who lives in his own weird world (ok we all do I guess, to some extent). What I managed to gather from his talking (the newest is from JR podcast, as much as I managed to stay interested and focused through his ramblings, which was about 20 minutes) is the way he constructs sentences and articulates thoughts, and how his thoughts connect and evolve, and how his inner world is manifested through words and non-verbal communication.... the illusions of grandeur detached from reality, and how he adopted his psyche to operate on the level he does. It is in no sense an empiric conclusion of mine, just an umbrella-term I allowed myself to use, and which is most probably not clinically accurate.
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