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Everything posted by cichlisuite

  1. dormant in each and every one of us who wait for him he's sort of like Jesus
  2. In the next days, fat Pompeo will be visiting our country in order to make sure we follow the guidelines set by the Rumsfeld's New Europe deal. He will be touring the EU satellite countries that sold their soul to the devil and entered NATO and basically forfeited their sovereignty. The reason being, of course, 5G networks. Fat Pompeo wants to make sure we buy Nokia and Ericsson infrastructure instead of Huawei's. New cold war is upon us, gentlemen. Things had gotten so bad the fat State Secretary himself will have to tour those countries personally. Diplomatic pressure through intermediaries in no guarantee anymore. And make no mistake, our meek 'leaders' (smartly installed to comply with USA foreign policy in general) will follow suit.
  3. corrupt leaders are as old as human society. I bet there's not a single country in the world that has immaculate "elites". (i hate this word, btw, there's not a single person in power that is elite in a true sense of the word) power corrupts. people that have power will do everything possible to hold on to it. they regard their status as a license to all sorts of privileges imaginable.
  4. The Combine maggots were like "dam dis Gescom shit is so tight I want to rebrand my whole race and invade that planet. I want some of that water they're having"
  5. so if Spotify increases the fees for the music creators, would that increase be universal? Your favorite band/musician/composer would get a higher percentage, but so would the Taylor Swifts and Kanyes Wests, who already get huge royalties thanks to their aggressive business models from other sources, not even counting Spotify. So while the small musicians get more, the major pop stars would get even more. Is that ok?
  6. leaflet = one sheet of paper, might be folded in a way you have more pages, but is basically one "leaf", basic information, like a flyer, promotional or propaganda pamphlet = more than a leaflet, also information is expanded, like an article... I don't know really
  7. Lol. This seems like something from the watmm's horrible film ideas thread. The actress' expression on this poster and the flipped E in Perfection is an ominous sign that tells to avoid this movie. Re- watched Anton Corbyn's Most Wanted Man after reading Le Carre's novel. Phillip Seymour is really good in this, even if the movie takes way too much substance away from the story, it still holds well. The final twist made me very sympathetic with the character... the harsh reality of the spy profession is very well portrayed in this regard.
  8. What kind of bird are you most like (@ Cornell)
  9. So today I went to the store to get some tahini and couldn't find it, so I asked a lady working there if they had any... She said she never heard of tahini
  10. I remember paying a visit to chatmm out of curiosity. Said hello, got one or two hellos back. Tried to pick up the conversation thread, found no conversation thread. Just random collection of strings I could make no sense of... so I tried to contribute my own random string thinking "maybe I can fit in that way?" and it got lost in an endless stream. I think even the chatmm participants themselves don't read what others write. It's like /dev/null of consciousness. So... How does internets work, btw?
  11. Behold, call the Guinness book of world records for I have matched the speed of Spitfire aircraft on land. Today, during the 2km downhill, I reached 683.8 km/h, or 424.9 in retarded freedom eagles per assault rifles.
  12. Hey, dingformung, what's the German word for nipple? Can you literally translate it for me? Thanks m8
  13. cichlisuite

    Rob pls

    When recording their live sets before releasing albums: Sean is like: "Enough with these foggy synths Rob, pls. Let's have us some good ol' bangers."
  14. When recording their live sets before releasing albums: Rob is like: "Enough with the Mantronix, Sean pls. Let's have us some mellow shit."
  15. The name "All Gas No Brakes" is so fitting it's amazing. Saw his videos awhile ago. Raw shit, good entertainment, but in small doses. It can easily lead me toward a sort of existential crisis...
  16. never had problems as well (knocking on wood). It works without reinstall for roughly 8 years now since the last major hardware upgrade. cheers to using it to the end of times lol XP was alright. Win98 was better than 95, but 7 just might be the best of the bunch imho. Not sure if you're being sarcastic tho ?
  17. Why is there an option in settings to switch off Windows 10 automatically searching for updates "for other microsoft products" if it switches back on every time I exit the settings? WTF really Then it nags that it downloaded a newer version for Intel display driver, but the older version is better, then it says that it will try find a better version in the next few days... JUST LEAVE THE DAMN THING ALONE IF IT'S BETTER THEN. I checked the log and it downloads new drivers for Inter display EVERY TWO DAYS... I DON'T EVEN HAVE INTEL DISPLAY, I have nVidia graphics card in my laptop! I went on Google to make some sense of this bollocks and it says that windows tries to automatically re-search for more updated drivers every time there's a windows update. Fuck me. And of course, it decides to update when I open my laptop for a client presentation. So we sit there, making stupid small talk, while the screen locks up and says "This is taking longer than expected. Just leave it to us" That's why I still run windows 7 on my workstation and I don't intend to change it even if I am the last person on earth to use it. Fuck microsoft. Why Adobe doesn't release a Linux version for their software? What is this shit
  18. That's one of those 'fascinating' american tropes. Making money off everything - being a good person and make money off it - being a whistleblower and make money off it - find the most obscure niche and make money off it - be a professional douchebag and make money off it - an 'expert' on the most useless topic.... and make money off it.
  19. It doesn't matter. The market crashed because of criminal speculations. In this case the government acted as a rich daddy paying bailout for his delinquent children in jail. "Free market" doctrine exists in order to relinquish responsibility, nothing else. Financial exploitation of the masses and markets is institutionalized. What kind of Change is that? Even worse. But I don't understand why are you writing as if I'm defending the orange degenerate. The fact still remains though. Even if you choose to turn a blind eye to it. I think you're confusing the dynamic of a battlefield as if Obama himself personally influenced its outcome. What happened during time of Obama would have happened even if McCain was in office. The situation in Iraq was never stabilized, and the way it was and is handled (by installing a puppet government), it would never stabilize. Proxy wars are no lesser evil. They still destroy a nation and create a void that is filled with factions struggling for power, and deep resentment. Even if you manage to seize fire and remove much of the occupation force, the struggle for power remains. It just transforms. You speak of "tensions in the region" as if those were not directly stirred up by US foreign policy and covert operations. Assad's chemical weapons were 'removed' because the country was threatened and then bombed into oblivion by a coalition force (this time even Russia got a piece of the pie). You need to understand that the conflict in this wider region is an imperialistic move, not a "we are good guys, saving you from the bad guys" move. And whatever political and rhetorical mumbo jumbo you use, it will never change this fact. The conflict in the Middle East must be looked from the day when Iraq/Iran went through the religious revolution. This was then a perfect storm to create a basis for the first US invasion of Iraq (the first Gulf War), then the second invasion. That was the dirty work that had to be done, but then Obama came in just in time to give all this adventure a more human face. A PR stunt. Throw in the Nobel Peace prize and the charade is done. A circus. Don't even get me started on drones. Drones came in solely to minimize american human casualties on the ground. The ethnical, human cleansing still had to be done. No man. You need to look at the entire invasion of the Middle East as an effort of personal gain for USA and her allies (Saudi Arabia and Israel). Different presidents, different way of dealing with it. Softer vs. harder approach etc. But the JOB still needs to be done. Obama had to win because under McCain it would seem to much like Bush Texan Yeehaw riding the laser guiding bombs.
  20. Stemming of the collapse by throwing money at the problem that caused it? While I don't wish to imply Obama should head the reform of the financial markets (but what was his Change slogan all about then?), his signature at the dotted line was all that was needed. I certainly regard Obama as one of the better US presidents, and I did not use the Nobel prize as an argument. I was merely using it to point at the larger problem: The Nobel Committee might be independent, however, they have their share of dubious nominations -- I'm looking at Henry Kissinger. I think the circumstances of Kissinger receiving the prize are suspiciously similar to the Obama's, whereas, Kissinger was actually part of the problem (and so even more WTF). Your rationale for Obama's nomination is not holding up for me though. Why give the prize in advance? It all seemed rushed, or if I dare saying, a PR stunt for the USA. There was no de-escalation of hostilities, but that's a whole another problem, because what was started by Bush could not be finished (resolved worthy of a peace prize) by Obama even if he received a third mandate. I see. That's swell.
  21. What's with all this Obama appreciation surging all over the internets these days? He might have the swag, but he still received an unwarranted Peace Nobel Prize in my book. Can a former president run for the office again?
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