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Everything posted by cichlisuite

  1. @squee; make sure you get good security on that shack
  2. If apple made a car it would not only have no windows, but to look outside one'd have to plug his ipad (sold separately) and pinch and swipe the camera mounted on the roof if there are more than two passengers, additional port extensions can be bought for $299 if you leave the sunroof open during rain and the seats get wet, the apple store would have to change the whole chassis. etc
  3. it's like post your bad ideas for movies and favourite yt videos at once hitting two birds with one stone, this guy is a genius
  4. lol was he like "have you ever experienced pain, young man?" looking over his glasses as he tested the drill pressure "when you bury your brave varsity son, the one who completed the man's life, then your wife, the only thing in life you have left, decides to fuck your neighbor..." as he mushes your gums your eyes glance to the left where his young hot assistant whispers, affectionately "just say you're very sorry"
  5. i have a ptsd from this one appointment at the dental emergency clinic several years ago. my regular doctor had no free time slot for another month, but the tooth pain was 15 out of 1-10 so i had to do something - this pointless suffering must end. i come to the clinic and this woman barely said a word, takes a look, and says "this will need some work", she was obviously a bit agitated, shoves the drill in my mouth, NEVER BOTHERS TO ASK ME IF I MIGHT WANT TO OPT FOR A GOD DAMN ANESTHETIC and just starts drilling, right into the eye of the pain, right into the very core of my absolute misery, ravaging at my delicate inner rot without a quantum of compassion. in a second I was paralyzed by pain, my eyes screamed horror and surprise, walls skewed, vision tunneled, i could have ripped the arm rests off the chair, i couldn't even scream, i just shook the fabric of time and space. that was more than i bore back in the Jungle. that was my most Rambo moment ever. i think the dentists gladly use such opportunities to a) vent all their accumulated hate, wallowing comfortably they only way they know - cold precision, and b) to teach you to never forget to take care of your teeth again they are actually the heroes we don't need need, but deserve.
  6. Martin Luther Korg, special edition rhythm machine for black sermons, voice samples provided by whoopy goldberg
  7. ^ what kind of a shitass hotel you must be visiting to get lousy coffee in ROME! it's blasphemy *gesticulates in italian*
  8. Well, what do you make of that... https://www.veteranstoday.com/2019/02/24/caught-us-army-transferring-50-tons-of-isils-iraqsgold-to-us/
  9. Nostromo was made by Boeing, Prometheus and Covenant were made by SpaceX (touchscreens and holograms) (it's the only way to comfort my continuity itch and have a nice day)
  10. I had an experience with entitled hipsters of my own last week. I met with my buddy who I haven't seen for almost a year, so we grab a beer, then another one, then go grab some burgers, and drink some more. So for the next pit stop, he suggests we go to this hipster bar to which I only reluctantly agree since I know what's the deal there. So there we are, an hour later, sipping the second friggin' expensive beer in that bad place, in a nice comfortable nook we were able to acquire since we got there relatively early (the place starts filling up late). Then the bartender lady comes up to us and says our table was reserved and asks us to relocate to a lesser table or sit by the bar. We were quite struck by her nonchalant manner and the fact that a bar would even have a policy of reserving tables (it's not a fancy bar). So my buddy goes "so basically you're throwing us out?" and she goes "no, I'm just saying you have about 15 minutes before they arrive, and then I'll have to ask you to move someplace else." Then I said "Don't you think it's a little rude to relocate guests and not offer them some sort of compensation, like a round on the house, to make them feel welcome when they decide to come here next time?" Then she said "Sir, that is not our policy." So I kind of retorted "Oh so you are the kind of bar that offers reservations, but don't have a policy in our case?" At that point the lady did not know what to say and just said she's sorry. But it wasn't a sincere sorry. It was that hipster sorry with blank eyes. Then she left, my buddy said it's not worth it, we payed and left. And later i felt remorse for not just leaving without paying.
  11. can we speculate who really benefits from this hubris? there must be something brewing in the back stage...
  12. internet feels like huge high school backyard weed, thanos, mr.stark, anti-vax, my crush this and that... i don't want to read about another anti-vax shit
  13. quite surprising, considering how everyone says americans are hard working people... my postman delivers mail every day on a moped even at minus two digits - he's covered like an Eskimo. The guy who delivers morning paper is on his moped at 4am, even when the roads are not cleared of snow yet (but usually they are since guys with big tractors plow snow in the middle of the night). i see people outside bars or offices freezing their ass off for a cigarette break...even i did that... the only time i remember was when the school closed sometime in the late 90s, when there was 1 meter of snow over night. but the next day, when the roads were clear, we still had to go to school. we even played outside at minus two digits...
  14. When I click View New Content it only displays threads I've posted in. I live in a bubble.
  15. I got out after 3 years, and never again. btw wasn't Gautier a watmm member?
  16. I knew someone here would post this food for soul
  17. it is. or Dr. Mabuse, or Dr. Caleghari (not from Lang) or on a lighter note, City Lights old school beats everything
  18. I just hope all this doesn't turn into another Lusitania or Pearl Harbor... we all know how that ended up... fucking 'elites' man
  19. Don't worry. The upper castes of our global society will take care of themselves with our resources. We're expendable. Bu let's not go down without a fight, shall we? Bring out your inner schwarzeneger/stallone mindset.
  20. that's... very disturbing and quite fascinating...
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