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Everything posted by chenGOD

  1. lol exactly the same response. Electro-soma III? what is this madness? Alas alack, poor dcom, I knew him...
  2. https://underworldlive.com/ If you haven't already signed up to their mailing list (which you should - it's not very spammy at all and you find out about all sorts of things) they're enticing you with a free download of a great performance of Two Months Off. Pretty Music for Me
  3. Why babies? Guns how protect? Jesus whats constitution? Porpoise
  4. First listen today. It's nice. Kind of inoffensive. Some saccharin moments. Lot of power balladish guitars creeping in.
  5. My school in Edmonton had about 1800 students when I was there, looks like they’re up to about 2100 now. Biggest incident was when some of the football jocks fought a gang of neo-nazi skinheads (not from the school) in the mall parking lot across the street. Kids fight but cops/guards in schools is largely (afaik) an American thing because...guns, I think?
  6. In the major metropolitan areas, municipal governments definitely have the capacity to coordinate the supply of housing. The legislative change obviously has to come at the state level. In more rural areas or less populous urban areas where housing insecurity is an issue, intervention from the state may be necessary. The state has little in the way of information at the local level, and the higher up the chain you go, the less informed and thus less effective regulation becomes at the local level. It also takes longer, and the state is less able to respond to local needs. Two decent opinion pieces on Vancouver's issues highlight many of the challenges, but also highlight the need for solutions to come from both the provincial (state) and municipal level. I don't know how this ties in with Israel-Palestine anymore, sorry everyone. I've Gordoed it up!
  7. I'm really hoping someone with more ability than me makes a megamix of the MS series (besides the one already posted in this thread). So many fookin bangers.
  8. A fair point, although given China's huge population, that's not surprising. Urban surveillance, China is comfortably in the lead in "serving their citizens", at least in the number of cities in the top 10. Chinese people also apparently trust their police very much. (This article also talks about CHinese use of drones to patrol some wildlife reserves, using 5G technology - which show the true purpose of the 5G chip in the vaccine (sarcasm, please take note)) I'd say in the end, all cities will have CCTV, and depending on how they're used, will have minimal impact on people's privacy that they don't already willingly give away to telco companies. The reality is that law enforcement in most countries (including the big bad Five Eyes countries) do not have the capacity to monitor these 24/7 and the footage will be used for evidentiary purposes.
  9. That would actually be China. Got my first Pfizer jab today. About 13 minutes ago. Can definitely feel the nanobots assembling the chip in my arm. I expect my Soros rebate soon.
  10. It is also instructive to note former Israeli PM Yitzhak Rabin's words on settlers and Israel as an apartheid state. (if you can find the documentary "Rabin: In His Own Words, I highly recommend it). This timeline of the use of the word "apartheid state" in an Israeli context is quite interesting as well: https://forward.com/news/468379/timeline-term-apartheid-israel/ And you know things are bad when even Bloomberg is kind of coming out against the Israeli state: https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:3xyvLyy8RBgJ:https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2021-05-01/hrw-s-israel-apartheid-label-gives-palestinians-a-path-to-normalcy+&cd=3&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=ca&client=firefox-b-e Finally: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2018/sep/13/palestinians-still-face-apartheid-israel-25-years-after-oslo-accord
  11. I agree with most of this except I would have municipal level governments manage the apartment complexes as opposed to state-level bureaucracy.
  12. Doesn’t the us have like, a bunch of rivers there? They’re just gonna gang up on the Chinese rover.
  13. Should have been tossed in the bowels of Mordor.
  14. The article caze linked is total bullshit. Of course law enforcement will enforce the law - that is their function. They like to do it in the middle of the night, as this article in The Jerusalem Post (from 2010) illustrates. Then you get this wonderful piece of blather: Of course, the 1948 war led to the exodus of 700,000 or so Palestinians. Which completely contradicts the first claim that "... no Israeli government is involved in anything connected to Sheikh Jarrah or the legal battles over who owns which real estate." Additionally: During the Six-Day War of 1967, Israel captured East Jerusalem, including Sheikh Jarrah. So it's pretty fucking obvious that the Israeli government has had a large role in things connected to Sheikh Jarrah and the legal battles. The fact that the Supreme Court of Israel supported the Sephardic Community Committee and the Knesset Yisrael Committee in their legal battles is hardly surprising.
  15. I'm not claiming there's some supernatural spirit. The spirit/consciousness what have you is an intrinsic part of a person but is separate from the corporeal body. This was the thrust (as I understand it) of Descartes mind-body dualism. I agree further with Karl Popper that there are three worlds, not just physical and mental, but a third world of objective thought. This third world arises out of the interaction between physical processes and mental process (worlds 1 and 2, respectively) to create objective knowledge (that is, knowledge that exists independent of the subject who knows that piece of knowledge). The spirit or consciousness resides in world 2 as a mental process. His physical existence to be sure....
  16. You seem really wound up. May I suggest meditation? Given that one of the main tenets of all the major religions is belief in some supernatural deity (or deities), along with a series of prescriptions, me saying that our consciousness may be separate from the physical self (the idea of which predates all major western religions by 200 years or so - not Hinduism though) is hardly an endorsement of organized religion. Im not sure what proof your last paragraph is supposed to indicate? Is it that physical pain will cause him to lose concentration? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thích_Quảng_Đức
  17. That’s not what I’m claiming though. I’m not describing a religion. I’d have to see some proof of this.
  18. I'm not annoyed with the thread - as always it has produced some good conversation (and I've probably pissed off more people, furthering my goal of becoming a total shut-in). I think the article is, as mentioned above, making a mountain out of a molehill.
  19. Wow - that is some truly bonkers shit. When flat earthers ar ethe most normal people at a gathering, you know there's some shit going down.
  20. Perhaps I'm not doing a good job of explaining, but I believe that humans do have an inner spirit (consciousness/mental processes, whatever you want to call it) that is not manifested physically, but interacts with the physical. I would note this is not Cartesian dualism, as this belief is based in non-essentialism, hence the idea that meditation and other spiritual practices (such as making music) can change both the "spirit" and the "physical body". These two components are impacted further by the results that arise out of the interactions. Karl Popper of course does a better job of explaining it than I can. I suppose on target I feel that if more people on both sides of the conflict we're discussing practiced this sort of growth, it would be easier to resolve the conflict. Organized religion (especially fundamentalist type) precludes this because alternative perspectives are irreconcilable with the core tenets of whatever organized religion is being promoted by the state.
  21. Note that when I refer to spirituality, I'm not referring to belief in some deity. Spirit is more the inner self that is not manifested in any physical form. Spiritually healing practices like meditation (which is what "prayer" is really supposed to be) and reflection/learning on ones actions with respect to communication, empathy/sympathy, kindness, charity and so on are important (in my opinion) parts of growing as a person.
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