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Amen Warrior

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Everything posted by Amen Warrior

  1. Yeah I know, I just didn't want anyone to run out and buy a £1k vacuum turntable or whatever just cos daddy1 says cleaning it will fix it. For the record I never clean new records, just dusty shit I've picked up in markets or whatever. Never even thought about cleaning new ones.
  2. Btw if anyone's interested I have this kit for cleaning records and can vouch for its effectiveness, although I never used the cleaning solution that comes with it - cunts buy it for like £20 which halves the cost of the kit...so really you're paying for a basin with bristles and a spindle..but it works! https://www.juno.co.uk/products/knosti-disco-antistat-record-cleaning-unit/544047-01/?currency=GBP&flt=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI6PyZ0sHH3gIVS7vtCh2jhg14EAQYASABEgJwnfD_BwE You can make your own solution out of distilled water, isopropyl and a tiny bit of dishwasher rinse aid, I can't remember the exact quantities
  3. Nice work ghosty. My gf (future wife) just landed a fucking great new job at bt, over 10k more than her previous job, great pension, company car, free broadband (lol) the works. I'm so proud of her, I'm so glad I asked her to marry me last year, and I look forward to retiring in 6 months time to focus on my important IDM
  4. 4 was shite in a way that I can't quite put my finger on, and I REALLY loved 3
  6. Genuinely can't watch for more than a few seconds. Too cringey
  7. Did anyone call Monolith a stoner at any point in the history of watmm? This could be revenge
  8. Maybe it's different in the UK but I did jury service last year and the judges seemed safe as fuck. Fair and even handed despite one of the defendants being a mouthy cunt (we found him innocent in the end but he really didn't do himself any favours)
  9. I'm sure Joyrex can fix any issues with it before it inevitably becomes the dominant global currency
  10. That has to be the most bizarre facial tic. Reminds me of this episode of peep show
  11. This would be perfect for a drinking game: Every time he touches his face/rubs his "beard" - drink. Super-smashed in 30 seconds version: Add every time he says "like" or "sort of" Cunt's so autistic he cant make eye contact with a fucking camera lens
  12. I think it's fairly likely this will be a pstv in a different case. I really wish Sony would just add backwards compat to ps4 rather than sell us more plastic shite to go under the telly. I had a go on a mini snes at my mates...I thought it was shit. Shit idea, shit execution, pure trading off nostalgia..these things are destined for the landfill in like 5 years
  13. Oh it's an interactive thing, you can control how much the projected image 'collapses if you stick your hand over a sensor'. The don't have the audio going right tho. Quiet and total lp filtered Edit- the motion sensor controls the filter. Still too quiet Edit edit. I'm bailing this is too boring. Sorry
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