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Amen Warrior

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Everything posted by Amen Warrior

  1. You've got to have a certain level of unselfawareness to accuse other people of looking like paedophiles while smoking a cigar and letting your greasy unkempt moustache grow into your own mouth and generally looking like the shiftiest baby raping cunt
  2. That track is pure aphex, the jlin confusion part I think is she must've got her hands on the track through label contacts or friendship with Richard and chopped it up as her own edit/ remix thingy. Which kind of makes me think it will turn up on this release. Hope so anyway
  3. Has anyone else noticed that aphex fans can only express feelings of joy at a new release in terms of boners, cum, balls, anal insertions, frotting, docking, spacedocking, felching, cumswapping, bumilingus etc?
  4. Yeah when I posted it I didn't in any way mean it's in a weird non 4/4 time sig or anything, there's just a bit in the main Amen loop which completely throws my brain out every single time
  5. Yes. Elon Musk is a prick but electric cars are orders of magnitude better for the environment, even when the electricity is generated by fossil fuels
  6. Conversely 20s/30s white women here (London) are the ONLY people I ever see stop and chat to homeless people like they're other human beings and not invisible pieces of shit.
  7. Yeah viva la vida is a genuinely great track imo! But in my experience literally everyone bashes coldplay, even people with the absolute whackest music taste (ie Michael Buble fans). Is it the paltrow stuff that put everyone off?
  8. Has anyone admitted to loving Coldplay yet?
  9. I think the only time I've ever heard the term alt-left was from Trumps mouth, after that alt-right guy drove a car into a crowd of innocent people...
  10. Aye apparently so, I found a pretty decent guide on how to do both vita and tv on reddit r/vitahacks.
  11. Deal, and can we go back to calling the 'alt-right' insufferable manbaby pricks? Look at my virtue every1
  12. nice have they finally stopped updating vita fw? i didn't hack my psp until they had firmly given up on it 'cause i didn't want to bother keeping up w/updates There definitely won't be anymore updates that add anything for users. They might try and patch out the vulnerability that allows this hack, if they can even be arsed doing that. Just turn off auto update - I missed out last time because this was on, frankly I'm chuffed some clever person found a new exploit, I really thought that was it now
  13. Isn't anyone using the phrase 'virtue signaling' just virtue signalling to the the type of people that use the phrase virtue signaling?
  14. Most recent ps vita firmware has been hacked, p easy to do. Well worth doing if you've got one hanging around in a drawer. Stuck on Medal Of Honor ps1 to test the emulation and was playing for ages. Nostalgia <3
  15. I don't know how anyone could spend 5k on a bike and deal with the constant fear of having it nicked
  16. Well done, how did you find the motivation stick to it? I could definitely do with eating better, but somehow that sentiment is never in my head when I'm actually buying food, or cooking it
  17. It's your telly/news/media. It's the kind of thing that I think is obvious to all outsiders.
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