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Amen Warrior

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Everything posted by Amen Warrior

  1. It's pretty much all 4/4 though except venetian snares, which no one dances to because despite superficially sounding cool and a bit like jungle it's all just shite
  2. Robins seem to be bold little birds, there's one that lives in my folks garden that will come hang out near you if you're outside and has no problem landing in an outstretched hand, or even the top of your head. Beautiful little thing, so much personality.
  3. Absolutely! Wtf this is brilliant
  4. Assad was apparently an ophthalmologist at the western eye hospital in london before his older brother died and he became heir. I find that kind of stuff completely mental. There will be british peeps out there who got their eyes fixed by him in the 80s.
  5. Difficult 9th album
  6. Is he ever going to shut the fuq up about Hillary? He reminds me a bit of my dad in that he gets absolutely fixated on a subject and won't stop talking about it even long after it ceases to be relevant. They're the same age, I think it's an old man thing
  7. It's outstanding. I feel like if you can handle rez you can do wipeout. Additionally there are a ton of comfort level settings that allow you to customize the experience. By default I doubt you would feel as sick as you did with Dirt. What about RE7? have you played that yet? Also, I think the demo discs are available for free download in the playstation store if you haven't downloaded those yet. Yeah no sickness at all with Rez. I'll pick up Wipeout, thanks for the recommendation :) I've got the demo discs and re7 but not had the time to check em out yet. Loved the shark dive and east end gangster stuff on VR worlds, both need to be full games. Really is remarkable tech, my very first impression was that the resolution was a bit pants but the sense of immersion totally mitigates that. Sony are brilliant for bringing this to market this generation
  8. Yeah it seems like a no brainer, but the BBC is full of daft cunts that make silly decisions. I say that as an employee. Fingers crossed though, I think it's pretty likely.
  9. No, any good? Driving games are the only thing that seems to give me motion sickness...I could only manage about 5 mins of dirt rally vr before I had to lie down for half an hour trying not to puke. I can imagine wipeout being worse. I only recently bought a psvr, Superhot VR and Rez alone have been worth the price of admission. Mindblowing stuff. Rez especially was a borderline religious experience for me :D
  10. Niiiice. Felt to me like he's hit on the best formula with that episode (sort of hybrid between the old limmy's show and the vine stuff).
  11. The techno nursery rhyme sessions are pure gold. Gutted that's it's apparently a one off, thought it was the start of a new series
  12. Sorry if it's already been discussed, but anyone else played Rez Infinite in VR? I finally got round to it...ended up doing the whole thing in one sitting fucking fucking FUCKING amazing. Transcendental. The absolute pinnacle of art and technology...man's greatest achievement...
  13. Hotter take: if any cunt can walk around with military style weapons concealed in their trousers, expect military style police responses to everything. You brought it all on yourselves you bunch of mentalists. And you still don't get IDM either.
  14. I enjoyed fury road, but I watched it on a long haul flight back to back with Spy (shit) the ben stiller secret life of walter mitty (completely fucking shit) so it might have only been deece in comparison to those two shockers
  15. Yeah? Well I onced wanked myself silly to bridging the gap by roger troutman
  16. No wait i was implying you'd have to be autistic to like it. We can't BOTH have the 'tism
  17. Yeah it was, if youre the type of person that fucks an anime pillowcase every night and thinks anything autechre did after tri repetae is good
  18. Remember the scene where the pointless hologram housewife overlays herself with the futureslut and gozzling gets to bang them simultaneously? Lol.
  19. The landing reminded me of the rocket in the Tintin book where they go to the moon. Not read that since I was a nipper, so got a decent nostalgia hit there :)
  20. Yeah, definitely, but it's more abut psychological stability and baseline competence than about policy. On policy they're not all that different, and where they ARE different it's more a matter of degree than intent. Isnt Trump preferable to dubya? In as much as the depth of his ineptitude is so great that less evil republican shit will get done.
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