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Everything posted by Alcofribas

  1. when i was a teen i had this 2 vhs collection of wax trax videos and i was obsessed with the lead into gold song "faster than light and harder." kinda wore out that particular part of the tape playing it over and over. that one and coil's windowpane were really powerful to 12-13 year old Alco i remember seeing that cd as a youth and being like...is this 666 somehow?
  2. i love good band stories. these guys have always been in the periphery for me. back in like 94 i had one of their cds bc i was really into nin and they were one of the bands that seemed to pop up in magazines and stuff when i was reading about nin. i did not understand their music at the time. but, i was 12 also: post the essay, m9
  3. i'm a little more familiar with ministry, having worked with chris connelly. but i know nothing about skinny puppy. they seem like an interesting band.
  4. it's like every "experimental" artist must sacrifice themselves on the professional soundtrack composer altar sounds fine, like every other thing that sounds like this playing in the background of a european crime drama (limited series)
  5. the Eoin brothers are now the proud owners of the exclusive "Orange" NFT
  6. time to hunker down and focus on memes brother
  7. this guy returns from a 2 week vacation today and i swear to god i will do a murder
  8. if i might offer a suggestion: be proactive sooner than later. reach out with some suggestions you think might make the situation more tolerable to you, figure out a good compromise. the longer you let it go, the more angry you will be, and possibly the more your neighbor will be unlikely to play ball. i'm coming out of a really bad spell with a neighbor who is finally moving next month. honestly makes my blood pressure explode just thinking about it.
  9. great post. i see this album as an attempt to do a "real" studio album that harkens back to the late 70s/early 80s when this kind of album-making achieved a certain peak. i love records from that time and i think studio art really was achieving some incredible stuff. however, that time is gone. it's not enough to just try to recreate this, that's artistically empty. imo les freres simply did not cook their ideas enough to reach some new territory; instead they fell back on the conventions of a bygone era which is an artistic dead end. i think it's quite hard to attempt to revisit the past without just doing inane pastiche. when i listen to the record i just hear them making decisions that were made decades ago, about how records should sound and what makes them good - so in a way they just never really went to that place where artists have to grapple with their work, toil in the studio to solve problems and break out into new horizons for themselves. i just seems like they went to an established professional studio, hired appropriate professionals, and threw money into a project where they just did what other people used to do. it has a very steely dan kind of quality where it just sounds like musicians in a studio, nothing more. bloodless, easy, empty. to some extent i think artists usually can't really escape their limits and when they try too hard to get outside of themselves they end up making something that clearly could have and has been done way better by people who actually do that thing. i think a counter example to this is BOC. after listening to the societas x tape, i think so much of what they do became a little more clear to us. they're not just doing nostalgia, they are re-creating music of the past (like literally doing this, not sampling) and then destroying it, taking it on a psychedelic adventure, drawing things out of it that would never have been done when it was first made. i very much see a record like TCH as a kind of late 70s/early 80s record, but one that could never have existed in that time. cultural, aesthetic, and technological changes have taken place and the brothers understand that you can't just go back to the way things used to be. there's always something distorted when you journey into the past and they don't ignore this, they dig deep right into this conflict. this, obviously, is a touchstone in all of their work imo: from the lost childhood of MHTRTC to the post-apocalyptic TH. just doing your album in the style of fleetwood mac rumors is saccharine and soulless. as an artist you have to confront the inherent conflicts of this situation, otherwise you really do just produce a kind of cover-band record. like d-lo said, they became another LA band...
  10. Brother, he isn’t even a sommelier lmao this might ruffle some feathers, maybe it’s my most controversial take that will alienate me from watmm, but fuck sommeliers Just gonna do watmm jokes at him
  11. Just the thought of someone specifically carrying a Marx book to signal that he’s smart and cool, then turning around and pretending to be a manager bc he covets the prestige. Stunning buffoonery!
  12. interestingly, i have a casiotone from Coil that was auctioned off after johnn died. it was like the only thing i could afford from the auction.
  13. i work in a restaurant. it's a japanese restaurant, owned by a japanese guy, and most of my coworkers are from japan. it's a good gig, good pay and bc it is a traditional japanese fine dining spot in the midwest, it's kind of cut off from industry bullshit. it's a hidden gem, it's got it's own thing going on. but we have this guy who works there, this clownish white boy, who has become the "beverage director" and he just brings so much of the corny, status quo industry bullshit to the job: he's exceedingly vain, cartoonishly pretentious, he acts like he's the boss and talks down to people and behaves in a way that is very cliche annoying boss type behavior. i mean, he has been telling people he is "the manager" of the bar, although...he simply is not the manager (lmao). he tells people this to look superior to the staff (he refers to his coworkers as "his staff") bc he thinks being "the manager" makes him look cool and powerful. he's the kind of guy who will bring a literal armful of books to work, just so people will see them and think he's really smart. one time he was even just carrying a Marx book around jfc. just a total wanker, a poseur, totally inauthentic. this is a new style of a very typical guy - he pretends to be sensitive and not like the other guys, but the second he gets a title at a job he's acting like a little tyrant and saying he "runs" the joint, totally taking credit for all the hard work everyone else does, and generally be an all around little bitch. the actual manager of the place is also a smug, pretentious white boy. an upper west side "i'm from new york" guy who relaxes by watching criterion channel new wave films while wearing $300 selvedge jeans. let me be clear, these guys are super lame. totally unimpressive. the beverage director is basically a bimbo, and the manager is just a low hanging bougie guy who doesn't realize he's basically a breathing statistic from a pierre bourdieu study. anyway, i rarely encounter the manager bc he's neglectful and unimportant to the service which is run by us workers along side the owner. but the beverage director is always around, saying embarrassing shit, talking down to the staff, telling 21 year old women he's the manager, using big words he mispronounces bc he's a jackass (he recently described himself as an "incorrigible rastabout [sic!]", etc. and since he's so self-obsessed, he's naturally not doing his share of the job. and wouldn't you know, the "i'm from new york" manager constantly makes excuses for him and refuses to ever lift a finger to help us out with this guy. so the experience is like our mom married a guy with a kid and he's like the terrible step son who the father refuses to ever chastise and who instead blames us for not being nice enough to his beautiful boy. and goddamn this is some pathetic shit. we're all an older crew for the most part (most of us are in our 40s) and these two numbskulls are 29-30 and every time i encounter them it's just full danny glover i'm too old for this shit mode. like, being a pretentious guy who is into wine is so corny and plaid out, why must i be around some kid who thinks this makes him special and important? dude is literally just using adjectives and comparing alcohol to other drinks and food items. he thinks he's some kind of genius for this. just absolute smallest dick energy possible - cosplaying as a manager in 2023 my god man this is sad. then he's all #ally on his social media and shit. i feel like i'm working with richy rich or frances from pee-wee's big adventure or smth. so yeah man, i'm just trying to come into work, crush my shift, be chill and vibe with my japanese crew. eliminate these psuedo PMC dipshits please!
  14. ok so it looks like skrillex has a new two fingers gun move
  15. haha i'm the same way. a few years ago i was riding my bike in the left lane approaching an intersection to make a left turn. some guy was riding me super hard and honking. we get to the intersection and the light is red so he pulls up beside me already yelling so i slapped his side mirror which unexpected exploded into a million pieces, like the whole plastic enclosure and everything. he tried to chase me driving insanely but i easily escaped since i was on a bike but goddamn did i feel really bad about that for a while. just felt like he pushed me and instead of keeping my cool i lost it. admittedly, as a round the year cyclist, i pride myself on not doing this on a nigh daily basis despite the incessant little bitch drivers pestering me.
  16. wrong. no pinky rings in sight
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