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dr lopez

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dr lopez

  1. if you go to elizabeth warren's website and look under "issues" nowhere does it medicare for all. or even healthcare. i would say that is THE biggest issue of this election and in our country. I'm frankly surprised / but then not surprised that she hasn't figured out "where she stands" on the issue. Esp. as a politician who has taken loads of money from big pharma (problematic) To me, that's all I need to say no. It is fucking INSANE that we dont have a public healthcare system like everywhere else in the developed world. Anyone who ISN'T automatically campaigning for MCA or nationalized healthcare is a fucking disgusting part of the problem. End of.
  2. tulsi is a total wackadoodle and has a disturbing personal history but she is fine af
  3. in this campaign she's trying to be bernie lite or at least cater to the lib voters who agree with bernie's general beliefs and ethics but for some reason or another they don't want to vote for him (He's old / a man / doesnt fulfill the checklist of personal characteristics they care about for some reason)
  4. hey guys, just coming in this thread once and saying if ur not 100% for bernie, you're totally mad and probably have large amounts of capital investments you need to protect. the rest of them suck so fuckin bad, with a possible exception for warren but she's just reinvented herself as bernie-lite for woke white women libs
  5. i ended up kinda enjoying this on a sleepy sunday morning
  6. chatmm on this site is sick

  7. dr lopez

    Brexit :(

    im glad us americans have someone else to laugh at from time to time. it's depressing being self-reflexively disgusted 24/7
  8. yeah that sounds like a bunch of other MBM tracks lol. how did you like that one and not the others
  9. one of the most underrated electronic acts. I'll come in here late when im drunk and post why. the utterer is one of the best IDM tracks ever
  10. lol. this happens every night now~!!!
  11. that looks the fucking ticket i must say
  12. that sucks. poor guy. now that we have something.. anything.. i'm much more able to be empathetic. now when he addresses the tapes snafu he'll be totally cleared. keep going dave
  13. that festival sounds like my personal, private nightmare edit: also found this gem from a hit or miss round-up: lol
  14. thanks - Things I will agree with: Opening of the album is not great. Or rather, the end of the album is stronger. I would say the three or so tracks in the middle are very weak and hitting them after the so-so start was a real nail in the coffin on initial listens. Also agree on the mixing and general production. It's excellent, as is expected. I have just now listened to the FLACs on my sennheisers with my decent-to-good sound card. Then I did the vinyl on the hifi. They both sound good. I've never been worried that MoM would fuck up the balance of acoustic and electronic instrumentation. Idiology proved that almost 20 years ago. One pithy thought would be that this is not an album to go into blind, even as a MoM fan. It is my understanding that this album grew out of an musical installation project for an experimental art/music festival in Eau Claire, WI. The numerous collaborations were part of that. Imagining the slower parts of this album and the annoying vocal "ahh" samples as a spatial musical exhibit allow it a little more leeway with me. BUT- that is also a bit of a drawback to the album's perception generally, for casual MoM fans or to anyone who just presses play on Spotify. The featured artists are another corollary to that issue. I do not want to minimize the creative energy and joy that collaborations with different artists can bring. It's fairly obvious from the music, and watching that EB video confirms that they all had a grand old time feeding off each other. They kept the sessions loose and improvisational. I think this style of music-making and mutual back-scratching is totally natural for MoM at this stage in their career. They're less interested in the hyper controlled, obsessive, no element out-of-place style of electronic music production that was exemplary in their earlier albums. Of course, my personal preference is on the Autoditacker approach, but that doesn't mean that I'm can't be swayed in the other direction, and there are a few (!) moments on this album where i think the parts coalesce into something more. Generous lopez time is over. I take major issue with whom they chose to collaborate. Looking at the track listings I didn't recognize any of the collab names, save swam dogg (although I wasn't that familiar with his music) So in a sense, I actually went into this album blind, without the knowledge of these musicians' other work. I didn't find any of the obvious contributions from the non-MoM people to be worth it, in any way. The lazy lyrics and 21st century hip-hop singing style of the amanda blank and spank rock verses, the I WASS I WAS I WAS on parliament of aliens part I, (lol so cringey) and swam dogg just sort of mumbling into a mic about this and that... it all seriously detracts from the music. Looking up some of these names and realizing that they are, as you said, middle-aged indie-MOR types makes me even less inclined to enjoy it. I'm left wondering why Jan and Andi wanted to work with these people. One possibly explanation could be the electronic bubble of Berlin. A city CRAMMED with electronic music talent could leave open-minded artists like MoM wanting a change of musical scenery and the earnest, midwestern indie types certainly provide that. A lot of my native berliner friends love Bright Eyes and Beirut - to them, techno and electronic music is for clubbing. As an american who grew up in the town where secretly canadian, plan-it-x and jagjaguwar are all based, I have open resentment for this shit and my love of european electronic music is an obvious rebellion against what was status quo in high school and beyond. Enough about me, I'm rambling, but these are all factors in explaining why I was disappointed by this album. TL;DR - Collaboration albums are difficult to pull off, and when your assembled team make, in my opinion, boring and uninteresting music, the result is going to be a mess. Rhythmically this album is very poor, which is something MoM are usually so great at, even when they're not making their more "dancey" music. It's all just a fail, even with some decent moments in the last 3 tracks. We can all agree that Idiology is better than this by a country mile. I give this album a C-. Does anyone want to buy my vinyl lol
  15. hey for the few people who claim to "love this" or even like it, can you maybe go in depth on why you feel this way? I'm trying to hold back a 3,000 word post on why this record is really disappointing and a bit shit, and i'd like to hear a different take so I can then respond to it with said 3,000 word post.
  16. apocalypse now the final edit was great. had actually never seen the film before and really enjoyed it.
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