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Everything posted by xyrofen

  1. lux 106 mod is my favorite
  2. Timestamp, this is the part I'm most amped to blast.
  3. It's pretty nice to read a small retrospective that doesn't just completely gush over Confield for 3 paragraphs, even if it deserves it. I do agree that them skipping so much is bizarre though. @Hugh Mughnus Think of it like people having only bandcamp instead of most of us that have a Bleep or autechre.ws account going on. Bandcamp is super easy to use and can get a fair bit of exposure out for those that don't yet know there's something else they could love.
  4. Yo when can I post this on my Youtube and receive my sick ad sense revenue of $0 because I realized it would be super unethical to make money off the music of others as a teenager? Anyway, super looking forward to hearing it.
  5. Fold4,wrap5 Casual(counterdronal)
  6. Massive, thanks! Massive thanks. m4 sSiv tkS2e
  7. This is actually a really great playlist to give a nice cross-section of their discography. My only real complaint is that there are only two Quaristice (huge shoutouts to rale though, great tune) tracks and one EP7 track, which are two of my favorite releases. That's such a minor gripe though, I'm super happy with every track they did choose.
  8. I'm supposed to be in a meeting during the stream. I'm going to be in that meeting, but am I really going to be paying attention?
  9. Ah yes, the Ridley method for teasing new music.
  10. The only album I ever find myself not really wanting to sit down and listen through is Untilted. By no means do I dislike it, but I get pretty uninterested after Pro Radii.
  11. The two samples on Bandcamp are really solid sounding.
  12. Looking forward to seeing the artwork! Even if it's as simple as most of his releases. Love the vibe.
  13. As a cohesive package the art is fantastic. There's a different one for each track, the record sleeves are beautiful, the typeface and format utilized is unique. Everything about the art captures the space the album encompasses.
  14. There isn't much that I feel I needA solid soul and the blood I bleedBut with a little girl, and by my spouseI only want a proper house I really just want a house that I actually want to live in instead of settling on something that is shit, but I can reasonably afford. Also I really like hockey goalie gear, but it's incredibly expensive. Just my leg pads cost $1500.
  15. Is this the most IDM thing 2020? Or maybe VHS Head's streams?!
  16. I think this would be a really appropriate thread for posting the default passwords adhered to modems cleverprairie376 bananaceiling431
  17. This song slaps, dude. The ABBA sample is great and it's built around really well.
  18. I hope one of them at least glances at this thread and grins, then has a good chuckle at how much this subset of people nerds out over their stuff. Wore my AELIVENA shirt to work today without knowing about this album's announcement, what a nice coincidence.
  19. Lol, I've got friends that still call it "Roversteps" because of what I showed them from the Oversteps thread. Also, Flepper.
  20. Reporting in to confirm that I do still use/have Youtube, even if I don't upload stuff actively anymore (I was afraid of losing my account like BATldsr and AugZF did). Let me know what I can do to help, I'm easy to find on here.
  21. Thanks. Everything You Do is a Balloon is what got me into them. It's so evocative.
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