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Everything posted by Candiru

  1. Nah, Tulsi got outed and doesn’t want Jill Stein’s reputation would be my guess.
  2. This may be an unusual opinion, but I like Fargo better in a lot of ways. The story moves along more quickly and the twists, turns, and action hit harder.
  3. Everything that band Serpent Column does is face meltingly frantic.
  4. I think younger generations are developing a bit slower in some ways because of the narcissism that social media enables so well. Self absorbed little whipper snappers ain't even going to get off their bee-hinds and vote. My grandpappy was picking shrapnel outta his bee-hind in Pearl Harbor and you little bastards can't even drive to a fuckin high school and color in a few circles *smashes beer bottle*
  5. There will be military presence in Seattle soon, I think.
  6. Small intestine tats are the future
  7. Those degenerative capitalist shills have, over the years, put more progressive policies in place than Bernie has. Warren was a far more effective version of Bernie. And you don’t like her, right? What does getting the majority in the senate have to do with this? You may have heard of this guy named Mitch McConnell. Judging by Bernie’s performance in the primary, if he barely gets enough young people to make him win, he faces a steeper climb in the general election, where the electoral college plows Bernie. This is not a good situation for down ballot races. Hello lame duck Bernie, in the slim chance he wins, but it’s over anyway. If he can’t win the primary, he obviously not getting enough people to vote out the GOP senate, so the point is kinda moot. Have you dropped him yet? You are like a child trying to explain to their parents that Santa Claus is real. You are either going to get some of what you want or nothing at all, that’s voting.
  8. One time I was shopping in a home improvement store and a guy pushing a stroller rolled up near me after I let a gust of swampy ass smog escape from betwixt my cheeks. It made him lean down and check if his baby shit his diaper, and the confused expression on his face when he emerged without solid evidence has been ingrained in my memory, because I knew this was the mark I wanted to leave on this Earth.
  9. This “Bernie wins or we all shall perish” thing got you pretty good, didn’t it? It’s a cult of personality. A populist who told you what you wanted to hear, details be damned. How about having a Dem majority in the House, Senate, and a Dem in the Oval Office? As a progressive, you won’t get a better scenario than that. Bernie getting the nomination makes this much less likely, which is pretty ironic. You are really just repeating a bunch of Facebook memes like they are your actual thoughts, with no bearing on the reality of elections.
  10. Well well well. I just hijacked a tractor trailer truck that was hauling about 150 kilos of these bad boys. That should sort this out real quick.
  11. It’s not the DNC that conspiring against Bernie. It’s clearly the voters. I still don’t understand this myth that Bernie is more electable in November than Biden. Is it just constant memes and reinforcement from social media? Bernie is set to get stomped in the primary in Florida by Biden. Why would you feel more comfortable with Bernie winning Florida in November, when actual Dem voters are the ones preventing that from happening... right now?
  12. Not pizza: I just tried that super-Kosher bagel thing with lox(cured salmon), tomato, red onions, capers, dill cream cheese on an everything bagel. I can see what the hype is about and now I feel like trying every variation of this super-Kosher bagel. Pizza: I came home and a housemate made a frozen pizza embellished with mushrooms, onions, and chicken sausage and gave me half of it to eat. It was an unexpected pizza lottery win.
  13. Bernie’s the one that had a heart attack, he fell in the shower and had that bandage on his head, etc. Fucking establishment. But this “my grandpa can beat up your grandpa” thing is pretty bad lol
  14. Yeah with Midsommar, it seemed like they could’ve done some more believable world-building with that runtime. When I was watching it I was like “LOL it’s a different culture! SOOO different!!” I just liked the idea of it. I need more pagan horror movies.
  15. Idiots on the internet aren’t as bad as idiots running the country, though, and what you perceive of left wing politics ceases to exist once you log off. Most voters at this point are just rational people who aren’t SJWs and realize Trump is a retard that shouldn’t be behind the wheel.
  16. If Bernie did anything right, it’s that he paved the way for a younger, more capable, more politically savvy candidate somewhere down the line that checks the same boxes for people but doesn’t talk about socialism when there was absolutely no reason to.
  17. It's been known for a while. I'd been watching fiendish Bernie supporters nervously, knowing they were being strung along by their emotions with empty promises straight to an electoral bloodbath that would've been the finishing blow to the USA, but hey whatevs.
  18. He had plans to take out Biden before he even announced he was running. Strategists know Bernie would lose the swing states, younger supporters still can't be counted on to vote, as we can see. Biden's polling way ahead of him in Florida. People voting for Biden just want to hit the reset button.
  19. Weird. The RNC actually wanted their voters to register as Dems and vote for Bernie for that exact reason. Trump wanted to run against Bernie. Ask yourself why.
  20. That’s one way to frame it. A way that would lose to Trump. The ultra-woke Bernista portion of the electorate is 9% overall.
  21. A lot more on his sympathies for commie/socialist political figures who were at odds with US foreign policy. Timed and curated deliciously for the Florida primary. Actual Cubans that came to Miami wouldn’t be too keen on it. Also a clever counterpoint to Trump’s Russia problems to create confusion. It would work and it’s why Trump wants to run against him.
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