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Everything posted by Candiru

  1. What's irresponsible is not realizing that getting Trump out of office is infinitely more important than just Bernie being president, and people should have realized that a long time ago.
  2. I like Amy Klobuchar, tbqh. Feels good to say it out loud. "Bernie or bust" people are out of their fucking minds. I saw one smarmy youtube pundit guy, Michael Brooks say if Bernie doesn't win the primary, he's not voting. LOL, so you're progressive, but Trump is your second favorite candidate? WTF?
  3. If this came out in 2004 the band would be called The Perennials or The Lingonberries or something
  4. I found a vintage Master Of Puppets Tee in Copenhagen for about 30 usd. And amazingly, it was mixed in with a bunch of obvious replicas. I see the same things online for like 150+. But since you have an original tour shirt, you probably struck major gold $$$$$$
  5. There were a lot of profound Christopher things, like when he sees that married couple with their kid at the gas station and the look of terror on his face. I saw him at Kelley O'Neil's, a pub near Waikiki beach and said hey, shook his hand. The bartenders said they wished they could have done that but because of work policy, they couldn't. Oahu is pretty dope in general. Otherworldly vibes.
  6. About 5 years ago, I watched the whole thing expecting it to be dated. But I realized those writers were on fucking fire and there are a ton of things no show has done better since. Then I went to Hawaii and met Christopher randomly.
  7. Yeah there was Evan McMullin, who ran for president in 2016 as an independent. He's a Mormon from Utah and even got 21.5% of the vote in that state.
  8. I think it was some kind of chaotic chain reaction set off by the prank-guy-on-the-plane featured in the videos posted above. You know, like a butterfly effect kind of thing. It should only add to his guilt and remorse.
  9. This is a good idea. I started watching movies again and it is so great. Slow burn movies like Unforgiven are nice.
  10. My baroque chamber pop band, Karate Tampon Waterslide is releasing an ep next week.
  11. Iowa probably won't be the first state to get results anymore, since it's not a good state to paint an accurate picture of what will happen. They also fucked everything up so people be like "lol ok Iowa wtf."
  12. This is the desired result of people who want to sow distrust in the democratic process, so that you think they are rigging it against Bernie, increasing resentment among his base, making it more likely for Trump to get re-elected. Stay frosty.
  13. I can’t tell what country an Asian person is from, usually. I was flattered when I was in Europe and people started speaking to me in Dutch, Danish, German, etc because it means they think I’m Mexican. Culture. Try it on.
  14. Yeah, I really do think a lot of people voted for him based on the “lol fuck it” factor and thought that when someone becomes president, they get reigned in by the decorum and formality of the job(as well as congress, lol!). But then they saw the reality of it and thought “tha fuck did we do?” It’s all so delicate. The rest of the world has had enough sketchy shit in their recent history to know better, for the most part. Everyone took boring stability for granted.
  15. Here comes Bernie again to spoil another election. Maybe he can name a couple more post offices before then.
  16. Racism as a topic has become so boring. But cremation? That’s the shit right there. Sincerely, non-racist cremation enthusiast
  17. Separator is the one track I really love from TKOL, but it would definitely be better with a less brittle arrangement. A lot of that album is dry, plain toast.
  18. I always liked Modelovirus better tbqh imo
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