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Everything posted by Candiru

  1. Maybe they'll make an album about it.
  2. I mean shit, I plan on going to Scotland at some point and I'll probably listen to the BoC bros when I am there.
  3. Most people were very nice over there and are also interested to talk to people from a far off place. I was an obnoxious American maybe once, but I was pretty drunk because people were getting me wicked drunk, it's inevitable. It sucks that the dum dums are going to make social distancing last even longer, but I wish it was only them that would die from their historic levels of stupidity. That's been the theme these last few years: being really pissed off that I have to be associated with this bullshit because I was born on a specific piece of land, even though people on that piece of land largely want nothing to do with said bullshit.
  4. No, I am not kidding you. You must be very, very young.
  5. The Simpsons, at its peak, informed basically every show you like now. Yeah, it's sucked for a while, but when it was good, it was a cultural milestone, a different show entirely. I remember being in middle school, when Nu-metal was popular, and some kid said that Led Zeppelin sucked. Even the teacher was like "you're a fucking idiot, dude."
  6. All I can say is, there was a bumper sticker from the Nixon years saying "Don't blame me, I'm from Massachusetts." What I realized when I went to Europe is that a lot of people over there have no idea where MA is, and just see America as one homogeneous wad of retardation. They also think they know what a "typical American" is, for some reason. I breathed a sigh of relief when I was assured I did not fit this description, but still... I guess what I'm saying is that Europeans somehow get this pass for being just as geographically/culturally retarded as the dumber Americans.
  7. I would have given up. Did the line look like it would have taken that long?
  8. If coronavirus could be cured by saying "catsup" instead of "ketchup", would you do it?
  9. I've been rolling a lot of quarantine spliffs. I just got an ounce of berry white delivered and it lives up to it's suave title. No one is around so you can smoke them in the most random places you normally wouldn't be able to. It adds to the surreal apocalyptic vibes imo
  10. There is enough Aphex personality in these acid techno tracks to open an Aphex personality store. ya darn tootin
  11. Some people think the BoC bros are deities or something. But they're really just two dudes who used to make music before getting their public accountant certificate and a wife.
  12. I heard some of them are very indicative of social class. For example, if some has a "brummie" accent, from Birmingham like Ozzy Osbourne, people will always assume you are a working class schlub or something like that. Since many Americans assume that anything British automatically means "classier", they get treated way better in the states.
  13. If you think about it, it's nothing to bitch about in the grand scheme of things. I did it for the experience. I did it for the rush, the adaptation, and the general backwardness of the act.
  14. I had to wait in line 30 minutes outside before grocery shopping.
  15. If they’re self genociding, what should we do about it?
  16. The bin is an incubator for the virus. I'd hose it down with kerosene first and set it ablaze in the middle of the street, while shotgunning a beer.
  17. I don't know all of the jargon there, but I have gathered enough information to satisfactorily quench my thirst for knowledge about that camera and its extravagant abilities.
  18. What are some dope things you can do with that camera? I know nothing about cameras. Could you film a surreal art-house cult masterpiece with that bad boy?
  19. I've seen some Biden coverage lately, being interviewed on TV last night. He released a plan for the virus much earlier in the primary and then everyone asked "where's Joe Biden?". I dunno, man. He's just not doing a town hall in an overrun NYC hospital. The truth is, any other modern president, including George W. Bush would have handled it much better, but there is still some bureaucratic bullshit that makes the US unable to respond as quickly as, say, South Korea. The coronavirus could wipe out our entire government if you think about it, or even if you don't think about it.
  20. This is great news. Let's pull a chew n' screw on China.
  21. We owe a ton of money to China. Fuck paying them though. I think that should be our mission, actually. Just make everything in America so everyone can get a job and then just enjoy never, ever paying China for shit.
  22. A diamond covered submarine with a jacuzzi in it. Stocked with fine wines and a hologram of Gene Wilder as Willy Wonka giving you inspirational advice/insider trading tips.
  23. Yeah, Bernie fucked up his messaging a ton. Like AOC, he's catnip for certain voters who are already converted. We're looking at an election that's won in the margins, so there are certain topics to be avoided. One of them is intersectionality related stuff.
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