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Everything posted by Candiru

  1. Furvana Alice 2 Chainz Poundharden Scone Nipple Pilates
  2. Kings of Pee On The Black Cheese The White Gripes Skeevy Gay Ron Eric Fapton
  3. Ok I see some sandwich talk above. The idea is to make an already good sandwich and then put chips in there(kettle cooked ftw) for some xtra kraaannnccccgghhheee
  4. No. I go to a building and use weird manufacturing equipment to make drugs. I make stuff for society, so I gotta keep makin that stuff amirite? Even if there's a big supply of a drug, we make it. Relentlessly. (help me) But hey it's a job that's always there and working in a hospital would drive me insane. They are the true warriors of our time.
  5. Do you think the DNC should have rigged the primary for Bernie? For him to win, they would have had to do some serious rigging, because he didn't have nearly enough voters. We can only play the cards that we are actually dealt, here. Bernie never had a chance, and not because of the DNC.
  6. Squid ticklin’ ragamuffins triflin’ all up in my shit. Heated. Dead-ass
  7. I panic purchased a handle of: and also got a 750 of: and still have a little bit of:
  8. This root beer + whiskey talk sounds college as fuck. I remember the ingenuity we had to have.
  9. There's a chain of organic burger/sandwich/salad stuff called B. Good in the US, and their soda machines have a brand of soda called Stubborn. Pineapple cream soda is instant tastebudgasm forreal and I don't even drink soda.
  10. I was thinking about that exact thing recently. Ha!
  11. Maybe it didn't actually start in China. Maybe the DNC created it to kill Bernie and it got out of hand.
  12. It's definitely not nonsense, and how China behaves does indeed have a lot to do with it, since their behavior involves spreading misinformation about a global pandemic after fucking it all up Chernobyl style. When Trump does something shitty, it's shitty. When China does something shitty, it's also shitty. Also, lol at the Chinese government calling people racist.
  13. Well, a Chinese diplomat tried blaming the virus on the US military bringing it over there. And then people end up believing that. Just like they're getting the virus under control, right? They want people to sympathize with them over the US. Apparently, China uses accusations of racism to stall investigations into a PLA, CCP whatever person getting caught committing crimes in the US by getting the attention of journalists, lawyers, etc and it can be quite effective. Pure crocodile tears from a much crueler country. Something to keep in mind when everyone is talking about how offended they are by the "Chinese Virus". I mean, yeah, we all hate Trump, but there are other ways of looking at this that the public doesn't usually see.
  14. Well, they work on crowds if and when they get unruly. It's also a good way to black interstate travel or whatever. Scary sights indeed. Page break edit: Tanks. We were talking about the goddamn tanks.
  15. I'm pretty lucky to be in an industry that keeps working through the shutdowns. I even have to print out a form to carry on me in case I get stopped by police. I just got texted by my supervisor about this.
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