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Everything posted by Candiru

  1. He’s not a hillbilly. He’s probably middle management for a company that sells farm equipment.
  2. They have to change their messaging on a national level, and really sell these policy ideas as a way to rebuild the middle class, and give the working class more opportunities. Without saying socialism or previously supporting socialist juntas. Both Trump and Bernie supporters both agree on elites rigging the system against them, they just have different branding. Use that in your favor. Run on Trump's plans to cut social security. Also, they need to stay away from intersectionality/identity politics, because sooner or later, everyone gets involved(impoverished rural white people living in opiate hellholes hearing about White Privilege = voting for Trump, can't say I blame them), and quite a few people realize it's a tool of the managerial class designed to keep people from getting on the same page. The idea of open borders is similar, a goal shared by the campus kids (who somehow also think we can have medicare for all if we do this) and the Libertarian Right who just wants to take advantage of cheap labor.
  3. Let's put it this way, taking back the House in the 2018 midterms by gaining 40 seats was not done by going further to the left. As discouraging as that may be, it was really important to just win. It was done by running candidates that were most likely to win their local elections. If Bernie is polling lower than a moderate Dem candidate in swing states Hillary lost in 2016, why would you want him to be the nominee if he's already set up to lose? Because The DNC was unfair to him? I can see why the DNC doesn't like him now.
  4. Bernie really fucked us by running in 2016, and especially by running again in 2020. While I agree with a lot of his rhetoric, he’s an old fogie with no accomplishments, no allies in the senate, and no realistic path for his agenda. Like Trump, he’s a populist telling people what they want to hear, and no way to deliver. Unfortunately, right wing populism beats left wing populism every time, so he was only ever a spoiler candidate. As much as people love him, all he ever did was help Trump get elected twice and ensure we get nothing close to his agenda.
  5. When that cartoon shoe was obliterated in the "dip" I felt strong emotion.
  6. Ok, that can be his 13th Rule For Life.
  7. He’s claiming his addiction was physical and not psychological. Weird flex but ok. He knows this is false but he has to look infallible to his cult.
  8. His Russian medical trip makes absolutely no sense, and if it isn’t a cover story for something worse, then he’s just a fucking idiot. His daughter was interviewed on RT saying “The West” is so nefarious with the well established method of tapering people off benzos. So basically they’ve been pressured into participating in propaganda. They’re most likely useful idiots.
  9. Stuff you can buy at a tobacco shop that sells by the ounce, stored in big glass jars with labels that say stuff like "gold shag" or "Dutch Blend" or whatever are craft tobacco. Been a thing since forever. Good for spliffs.
  10. That trade war with China seemed a bit silly, didn’t it? Also, we probably won’t have to get in a real war with them now.
  11. Tony Hawk Pro Skater? True. Yep, dispensaries are cool. The one I go to is actually in an old bank and looks awesome. But I can also get it delivered like pizza, it just takes longer than pizza.
  12. If Wall-E was remade as a violent R rated hardboiled hard sci-fi, the Artificial Brain album cover would be the movie poster.
  13. Picking up a pizza just feels right like it’s a part of who I am and always will be. I was raised to respect my elders and they taught me to stand on my own two feet with my pizza held high. Love your neighbors and rattle your sabers, but flip that pizza dough towards a blazing sky.
  14. Thin pizza: you pick it up and fold it vertically. Deep dish pizza: you eat the whole thing and trip balls. Sicilian pizza: you eat one piece and you are really full calzones: “fly into the danger zone”
  15. Not beating him would be such a disaster, that it's better to just win, and then stay politically engaged with a much more cooperative environment.
  16. Squarepusher has always been known for his gender non-binary polyamorous pansexual melodies. But I think it fully took over with Just A Souvenir. Something a little hokey got into him around then.
  17. Remember the Spanish Flu in 1918? I 'member
  18. I drank a tamarind flavored Jarritos soda and can't describe the flavor and I'm considered persona non grata in many influential circles because of my unscrupulous business empire.
  19. I'll worry about that if and when Democrats win the next election. Until then, the rest is noise.
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