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Everything posted by Candiru

  1. He stopped whipping it out well over a decade ago. F//X even did an investigation and found no one had any problems with him. I was never a fan of Aziz Ansari, but what happened to him is similarly stupid, but not career ending
  2. I was just thinking about what bullshit it is that Louie’s career got sacked for some incredibly mild shenanigans. Several months later, I only feel more strongly about that. Dave Chappelle: “you couldn’t walk away from Louie’s freckled dick? I walked away from 50 million dollars.”
  3. DJ Tre Flip DJ Nollie Heelflip Backside Noseblunt on a Handrail DJ Wallride shove-it
  4. DJ Stroopwafel DJ Puffy Taco DJ Soy Latte
  5. I was also a bit of a troll and I still am pretty much. But before I went on Twoism, BoC was faceless electronic music that was totally open to my own interpretation. The music itself never gave me Brony vibes the way that board did. The obsession with “childhood memories” and “nostalgia” got a bit weird. They should make a black metal/dark ambient album.
  6. Naw dawg 7pm to 7am is late. I no longer do this...
  7. “You’re shaking a baby now! (Shaking a baby) Twist and shout!”
  8. Candiru


    You could tell during the roll out of this thing it was sketchy. Worse than I thought though. It seems to be a recurring theme these days.
  9. Avenatti is the best new character this season. Excellent writing and acting.
  10. I was once shamed from that forum for posting the Scanners head explosion gif because it made one member uncomfortable and there was a weird pile on where everyone said they were appalled. Edit: They’re why Trump won, tbqh I remember that. massive lols. I think a mod edited the posts so that the scanners gif was changed to a pic of Mickey Mouse or something.
  11. I was once shamed from that forum for posting the Scanners head explosion gif because it made one member uncomfortable and there was a weird pile on where everyone said they were appalled. Edit: They’re why Trump won, tbqh
  12. https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2018/may/05/trump-team-hired-spy-firm-dirty-ops-iran-nuclear-deal Trump used Isreali intel to try to dig up dirt on Obama officials so that he could smear them and use it as an excuse to scrap the Iran deal. Using foreign intel to dig up dirt on people? It's not like he's being investigated for doing that or anything...
  13. Sophie is Arca. Arca is Sophie. Finkle is Sophie. Einhorn is Arca
  14. I thought Giuliani could be a mole sent in to ruin Trump's life faster, but I think he's even more senile than Trump. It's miraculous.
  15. I don't know anything about anything anymore.
  16. And that Ronny Jackson - ex White House doctor, failed VA nominee gave Trump another physical a few months ago which had some suspicious stuff. I was actually thinking that he might have been blackmailed into giving Trump a better health report. When the dirt on him handing out prescriptions and drunkenly wrecking a government vehicle came out, I thought that might have been what the blackmail material was. But who knows... After following all of this news for so long, you recognize patterns in the chaos and start to speculate. What you're speculations are might not be totally accurate, but you can sense connections that make themselves apparent later.
  17. https://mobile.nytimes.com/2018/04/30/us/politics/robert-mueller-questions-trump.html
  18. Kim Jong-un has a swimming pool filled with Portuguese man o’ War jelly fish that he just casually tosses people into if they displease him in any way. All of his time off camera is spent in a teddy bear suit, a Capri Sun always in hand.
  19. One of the reasons I like the comparison so much.
  20. Mitch McConnell is like the prison warden in The Shawshank Redemption, if he were played by a 132 year old tortoise.
  21. To Pimp A Butterfly was Pulitzer Prize worthy, but he's not firing on all cylinders on this one. The flows can be pretty unappealing. It's Kendrick-lite with just a few reminders of his past glories. Like it's meant to be a day in the life, I just rolled out of bed and the result is this album kind of vibe. A reaction against how ambitious his last two albums were. Whenever he performs live on talk shows and award shows, he's really fucking good though.
  22. Heavens no. Me mum was a hooker. Yeah it’s gross, come on.
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