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Everything posted by sidewinder

  1. COOL. Dig the shirts too, but it's tough spending $10 more on a shirt than the actual record. Hmm.
  2. sidewinder

    elseq 1-5

    Isn't Aleksi Perälä doing that already? I haven't bothered with any of the Colundi Sequence releases because their frequency has diminished the value of his work for me. I don't have time to listen to that much material from one artist. Omar Rodriguez Sanchez and Guided by Voices also come to mind. So yeah, let's hope that's not the case with Autechre.
  3. sidewinder

    elseq 1-5

    I wouldn't worry about that if these consist of reworked live material. They probably view this stuff as interim material for the diehards, not warranting physical release.
  4. I just sold a piece of kidney for Tri Repetae on vinyl. I am excite.
  5. Yes, I would love a best of. I haven't listened to any since Mental Union 3 - completely overwhelmed.
  6. Hmm, I was at the show as well and thought it was quite good. I was on the balcony and the should was great. The strobes and TV graphics didn't bother me much as I only had a partial view of them. I did notice some repetition in the graphics and wasn't generally a fan of the style, but I had a pretty good view of the performers and focused on that most of the time. The setup was cool but the graphics could have been cooler. Maybe it's because I've only heard his last two albums and I'm not that super familiar with the material, but I was impressed with the quality of the show.
  7. I listened to this for the first time yesterday, once on my morning commute and again on my evening commute. It's pretty good, I think. It's more approachable than R Plus 7, which I didn't love as much as everyone else seems to. I don't know, I feel like the hype surrounding this guy's work outweighs what he brings to the table. Maybe my mind will change with more listens. Also my friend's trying to get me to see him live next week, so we'll see. I wonder if I'd like any of his older work.
  8. Good news but yeah, it's way the fuck out there in future world.
  9. What if Maynard fronted The Mars Volta? That would be cool as shit. In a way The Mars Volta filled in for Tool and were the 2000's answer. I don't dislike Cedric's voice, but would just love to hear Maynard's with the energy of TMV. Not to mention their prolificacy.
  10. I just mean that they seem to agonize over making the perfect album.
  11. this, for sure. There are so many bands these days that are Tool-inspired and doing something different with the sound. Not to mention the rise of post-metal and decent prog metal (cf. Mastodon), I think it's gonna have to be something pretty special for me to be interested. Yeah as I've said previously, their meticulousness is detrimental to their sound and relevance. I'd love to hear what they can come up with if they didn't take themselves so damn seriously.
  12. What kind of a strategy is that in 2014, to release 10 tracks for free and then sell them with only 5 new ones?
  13. I just realized that the full-length, which had been delayed and recently came out, contains all 10 of the tracks released on the two EPs, with only 5 new ones. WTF? They might as well have just released a 3rd EP. Has anyone listened to this as a whole?
  14. I've been thinking lately. Tool doesn't evolve. They're like the current retro-prog bands making 70s prog that sounds like 70s prog, but not innovating. Their albums sound different, but every time one is released, the first song is immediately recognizable as Tool and sounds like some other Tool song. Stinkfist went right along with Undertow, Schism sounded like it could have been on Aenima, and Vicarious sounded like it could have come from Lateralus. The albums have definitely taken on their own identity, but what I'm getting at is that they're not innovating. They spend years on these albums, being as anal as possible and trying to come up with complex shit, losing site of making something actually unique. Maybe that's not their goal, and it's just something I personally would like. Tool were trend-setters in the 90s but now they're really just one of the bunch. Better than the bunch, but they're so much less relevant. I want Tool to do something they might do if they were putting out their first album in 2014. Don't get me wrong I will continue to look forward to new material from these guys, and will most likely spend lots of time listening to it when it comes, but sometimes I wish they'd just relax their bungholes and just bang out a spontaneous album. I'm curious what they could do. The results could be more satisfying than something pretentious and familiar that took 6 years to make.
  15. I agree this is the best one on the EP.
  16. I'm actually shocked he doesn't get more respect around here. Maybe lots of young faces? I don't know. To me he's a Warp OG, even if he peaked early.
  17. I agree with this but I also agree about a decline in quality. I liked Ampexian more than most maybe, it's a similar format to OWE, strange how people rag on the few releases in between for not being like OWE and then don't appreciate Ampexian. We'll never have another OWE, I'm ok with that as long as I enjoy what he puts out and generally, I do. Only She Chapters was shit though and for an artist with so many aliases, this out of everything he's ever done should have had a different alias. Curious to revisit it some day though, maybe. That Diamond whatever project was also awful.
  18. I just noticed downloads are available for purchase on Bleep (US) now. They weren't available earlier today. I suspect the ones not able to get their downloads are the ones that ordered physical formats, Bleep just hasn't updated their accounts with access to the files. Another slap in the face, it sounds like. Hmmm should I buy downloads, or wait till Tuesday to buy vinyl at a local shop? Seems like there's no download codes in the vinyl people have been receiving. I sure as hell don't want to pay for digital files after buying the vinyl.
  19. I never cared much for The Perfect Drug. Vocally I think that was the start of his decline.
  20. One day I will hear this album. I too suspect that the US will get downloads Monday the 10th. If it's the 11th, I'll likely pick up the vinyl at a local shop. Otherwise maybe I'll just get the downloads. My turntable doesn't work right now anyway.
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