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Everything posted by Zephyr_Nova

  1. That "like" is for the quality FWP, not for your subsequent suffering. Hope it passes.
  2. I had to know if there was a rapper named Lil Peepee yet, so I looked and found this:
  3. A client recently mentioned a musician friend of his, first name Adolf. My immediate response was "that's an unfortunate first name." Does that name remain fairly common place in Germany? Seems like one that would have been phased out by now.
  4. I did have the best bowl of Ramen of my life just last week, which is a bit Blade Runner-esque.
  5. The remix made me think of Venus right away. Listening to the original now, and I've definitely lost the one. 3:40 in, and I have no idea where the groove lies. Oh, it's finally emerging to my brain... kind of. Nope. This will be one that reveals itself several listens in. My brain definitely did not interpret that beat correctly.
  6. An old biker guy in Montreal took me aside in a cafe and told me it was an excellent leather jacket, and that I should rub olive oil into it to keep it healthy. I haven't done that, but I believe him. He seemed like a leather jacket master.
  7. Aha - so it is! I'd heard that word before too, must have forgotten. Let's go with antisonder for the antithesis then.
  8. . Or the red and blue are both huge balls, with a tiny green peen.
  9. That feeling where you're in (or observing) a densely populated area and struck by the fact that each person you see is also experiencing that moment through their own lens, which contains a lifetime of memories, dreams, anxieties, love, loss etc. That profound "we're in this together" universal empathy feeling. Is there a word for that? I experienced it while delirious at the airport/flying over city lights. Conversely, there should be a word for that profound sense of alienation when you're in a densely populated area and get the sense that your own experience couldn't be further removed from the people around you. I experienced that one today while doing everything I could to avoid shopping cart collisions at Costco. I nominate emphory (also emphorial state) for the first, and antiphory (antiphorial state) for the second. Also, that weird ticklish sensation your guts experience when swooshing through the air on a swing/rollercoaster. I'm calling it swingasm.
  10. Kind of where my brain went too. Wop-bamma-loo-bop, more specifically. This album will be Tom's Wop-bamma-loo-bop.
  11. That midlife crisis thread sure is a rollercoaster. Still have the second half to go. Am I really too old to be wearing a leather jacket? It wasn't even my idea! Other FWPs today include hot dog burps, discontinued bulk evaporated milk, and women from other cities trying to app me up when I'm no longer in their areas. Why don't they ever queue up where I actually live?
  12. Birdman is indeed one of the best films this side of the century. Actually won best picture too (one of the rare times I could relate with the choice).
  13. Is it the eye of Elliott Smith that baby is trying to wipe (foolishly I might add, since he is clearly inside a TV)?
  14. And for some reason the grade 4s are reading 1984 out loud, even though it's science class and there's a film playing. Not only that, but there are 1984 children in the class for some reason, or perhaps no reason at all.
  15. Did everything from the Enya video onward get deleted or something? Was that too much for watmm?
  16. If I ran a pizza joint I'd have a "Krueger Style" pizza that would resemble the bottom right chunk of that one throughout. Have made a few just like it already.
  17. How have I remained uncultured to the work of Éliane Radigue all these years? *currently one half hour through Kyema and loving it. Also made a correction to her wiki page, as it had a blurb about this being her first recording, but then contradicted itself in the discog section... which is also missing a couple releases prior to Kyema. Shit...
  18. Woke up 5:30am with some basic existential dread clogging up my arteries. Watmm had a small feature in my dream, but it was quite incoherent (posting was not done on a computer, the internet was setup all differently, I was posting artwok on behalf of someone else, which was in french, in meme form, and somehow dedicated to/about another user who would either appreciate it or be offended... classic dream logic).
  19. I was going to add a word for that thing where you enter a room to retrieve/do something, but upon entering the room completely forget what that thing was. This is a daily occurrence for me and a lot of people I'm sure. But I looked it up, and apparently it's referred to as both "location updating effect" and "doorway effect", both extremely awkward phrases for it imo. Someone suggested "destinesia" which I think is far more elegant.
  20. I believe this was the url you intended: https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/marlboro-man-bob-norris-dies-at-90-having-never-been-a-smoker-032039858.html
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