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Everything posted by usagi

  1. are you saying "Sean pls" in German or "Sean penis" in French?
  2. "hearing the European Commission, the government of the United States, the governments of the European Union* ... effectively endorse in advance a major assault on Gaza by the Israeli forces that have been terrorising the people of Gaza for ...40 years now brings us to the brink of despair. what is the endgame? if their endgame is to exterminate the people of Palestine, there is a logic to it. a cruel, Final Solution logic. but if the endgame is to end apartheid, that cannot happen by projecting the flag of Israel on the buildings of our governments." (*and Australia, of course. all our leading politicians and major papers have immediately aligned themselves with the Israeli establishment and are pumping out non-stop one-sided sympathy.)
  3. respectfully - taking opinions from a streamer, regardless of their political stripe, is a step down from taking reddit opinions, even. I wish for your sake you'd be more discriminating. America's had a far more lopsided view of this problem since the start, what with the deep-seated political entanglement and the goofy love affair your bible-bashers have with zionists.
  4. post Hasan again. post Hasan again, I dare you, I double dare you muthafucka, post his goofy clickbaiting mug one mo' gotdamn time. for someone who is not Palestinian observing this mess from the sidelines, it is easy enough to answer the banal black/white question of "do you condemn Hamas' actions". if I had to answer with one word I would say "yes", but that doesn't mean anything by itself. I agree with the ambassador's basic point that asking this of Palestinians in the face of everything they've had to deal with for decades now is meaningless and self-defeating.
  5. ^ the music was indeed choice. as was almost everything else about it aesthetically. also recently saw The Banshees of Inisherin and thought it was great.
  6. you'll be pleased to know there are already two sequels planned. I watched Luz, a weird short experimental/arthouse German horror flick about possession. I liked it.
  7. yes, the parallels are obvious, especially with the 637th instalment of the Odyssey titled "Odysseus and the Wookie X-Wing Boba Fett Lightsaber Death Fart", written by Homer Blockbusterus Moviedirectorii and released worldwide on classical poetry streaming services.
  8. I have this hazy pre-teen memory of watching a Japanese (or may not have been? could have been a different East Asian joint) scifi/cyberpunk/horror movie on grimy VHS which featured a machine woman put together by scientists. she had rocket feet and could fly. in fact, the scene I always remember from it was one where she malfunctions and goes berserk against her creator(s) in a kind of slapstick runaround and they just manage to switch her off before she flies into someone and nearly kills him. like, she stops midair and just falls to the ground. I've always tried to dig up whatever that movie might have been. I thought for a sec it was this but I checked it and it isn't.
  9. ^ the basic idea of horror benefiting from emotional grounding is now something beaten over audiences' heads relentlessly. Smile was the same deal. in other horror-related news, I read the other day that the guy who made that mess of an adaptation of Silent Hill is doing Silent Hill 2 as well
  10. ^ more like Jim'll Finger It
  11. WATMM Will Need 20 ETBOYS to Sustain Itself For A Few Days I also vote for this.
  12. this is up shortly in my queue. you should play Signalis btw, I think you'll dig it.
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