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Everything posted by Stock

  1. In my hands now. CDs aren't bowed.Lol :'(
  2. Ffs I changed my delivery address because I knew I wouldn't be home, so I asked for the parcel to be dropped in a supermarket for me to pick it up later. Got a mail today saying they tried but couldn't find me at that supermarket. Idiots.
  3. The circle is complete ! lol all those high-res digital formats and then vinyl says it all really Hi Richard
  4. There's a MPC1000 for sale where I live, cheaper than what I paid for my MPC500 6-7 years ago. I love the 500 but it's gathering dust right now. I think stepping up to the 1000 could mean more comfort of use and thus help me use the MPC all over again. 2nd prices for the MPC Renaissance are also very low but this one looks quite bad imo.
  5. If one of you is attempting the Paris concert hit me up ! I won't stay long after the gig because I'll have to take a plane very early in the morning but anyway it can be cool!
  6. Top notch interview, thanks for sharing! It's great to read him talk about other things than Rabelais and the glass house. Makes me want to go see the Paris Myriad show even more!
  7. What a beast of a track seriously. Syro-style synth noodling, Drukqs-like drum programming (reminds me a lot of Taking Control !), old-school melody and chord progression. Some time magic on top of all that and there you go. I can hear why people might be complaining about lack of "innovation" in his sound palette but tbh it's just what Autechre seem to be doing at the moment, improvement over a sound design they took years to develop and finally enjoy.
  8. I've not been trying too hard because I don't want to ruin the track but I don't hear the similarities between Toys 2 and My Heart Will Go On :/ Anyway, I spent the holidays among medieval cities, castles, ruins etc and couldn't get Age Of (the track, not the album) out of my head. 60mn of harpischord is what I want
  9. The piano bridge in Blow By Blow totally sounds like the background music of some secret place in Zelda Breath of the Wild.
  10. Yes. Unless there's differences between physical and digital versions of the tracks like he did with Toys 2 on the album! wait what Yeah the vinyl version has some extra bits at the end of the track!
  11. Yes. Unless there's differences between physical and digital versions of the tracks like he did with Toys 2 on the album! Envoyé de mon EML-L29 en utilisant Tapatalk
  12. The EP is awesome. Monody especially is a banger. Blow by Blow needs some time imho. The release is really really tight overall, and I guess the We'll Take It version will be even darker! Envoyé de mon EML-L29 en utilisant Tapatalk
  13. Family Galaxy is one of the most impressive piece of electronic music I can think of. Still blowing my brain 8 years after first hearing it. Reverb VSTs are less impressive of course but I respect that. Hope his Endlesss project will be a little bit more engaging, whatever it is! Envoyé de mon EML-L29 en utilisant Tapatalk
  14. Age Of gets better with each listen imo. Tracks that I thought were weak at first are starting to unravel - yeah, even Babylon!! Still think Same is his best track ever. It's hard for the remaining tracks of the album to exist after such a beast.
  15. We need the full version of that remix!! It feeds my obsession for Same pleasantly
  16. Can't remember who mentioned it in the first place but James Ferraro's latest album does indeed sound like Age Of's sibling in some parallel universe. In a very good way though
  17. A SERIES of forthcoming EPs???? Awesome! Had a laugh yesterday when I asked my record dealer if he had Age Of in stock. His answer : "Oh yeah thats a world music album isn't it?" just before his colleague jumped in and said "no no I put it in the metal section". In a weird way that was so right lol
  18. I love how he is still sharing some hindsight about Age Of. He looks very proud of it that's great A We'll Take It accompanying EP with alternate versions of some tunes would be killer!! July 6th isn't that far we will most likely have news from OPN or warp in a week or so!
  19. I put Ikaruga between my naive hands and wow. I wasn't ready for this but I just want to play it more and more !!!
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