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Everything posted by Stock

  1. Ffs I just had to stop listening to the stream and you people immediately went even more superlative than we've been for the past hour :(
  2. Ordered a PO speak as soon as Teenage Engineering unveiled it (so like 4 months ago ?) UPS fucked up with the shipment so I had to wait until restock to have another unit sent. Received it today, had to battle with the guy to get my package... ...only to notice AAA batteries weren't included. FML.
  3. That snare alone is better than the entirety of Elseq
  4. Each show being another addition to the Elseq saga would be logical, however I'd really like them to put "the next thing" out (a.k.a. Twelb or whatever that is). New Elseq just wouldn't be that new imo.
  5. They've really been bringing their skills to a whole new level. Track currently streaming also reminds me of a segment from Ae Live. Can't put my finger on it tho
  6. Well sounds like Sam and Bob are still quite relevant if you ask me
  7. For me, that statement is also true regarding Autechre stuff haha
  8. Now that's a banger. It's probably just me being hyped to the max but everything until now sounds waaaaaaay more focused than Elseq or even the Ae Live material
  9. Hell yeah Rob bring those sexy chords on!!!!
  10. Those pads tho. If that track is what Twelb-era Autechre sounds like I'm a happy man
  11. Finally a track that doesn't sound like elseq vol. X lol
  12. Wondering if they'll upload these sets as lossless audio on their store later on. I don't know if it's just me but the stream doesn't sound very good :/
  13. Totally sounds like that imo. They have been working on their custom software for live stuff for so long, I'm pretty sure playing live on a radio is as simple for them as blasting elseq outtakes mp3s
  14. The main problem here is having a shirt with the word BONDAGE written on your back in big bold letters
  15. Agree with you. That + I expected some deluxe packaging or whatever coming from Warp, at least a 2 x LP pressing. I don't know if that's relevant but when asked on Twitter if a single was to be released he answered : 2016-2018s worth of things to get as we near release date, and beyond. (https://t.co/pllwtVbW8Q)
  16. What ? Can't find it...Too bad, I was very looking forward to some more Pond Material :(
  17. Tempted to go and see the Myriad show at the Barbican. Is the place as awesome as it looks ? I never managed to attempt an OPN gig despite being a huge fan of his work so I guess that would like catch up on all the shows I missed so far
  18. Really can't wait to hear their 2 hours "Enlightenment" Christian house mix!
  19. Just received that mail, looks like 2h radio sessions every Thursdays of April. Looks like another variation of their radio show format... Hopefully this will mean new material coming soon :D!!!
  20. Just gave that album a listen today and well it had been a while since I didn't enjoy a braindance album that much. You nailed it ! Thank you for the music
  21. Seems like there's a Nintendo Direct coming tomorrow https://www.nintendo.com/nintendo-direct/03-08-2018/
  22. And don't forget the Dark Souls remaster when it comes out in may
  23. Yeah saw that early this morning. Modular prices are so crazy that it didn't even surprised me. Not to mention last time I saw a modular coming from Moog it was the Emerson one sold at 150000$ lol
  24. Speaking of which, since DS3 is really cheap if I suscribe to Humble Monthly I was wondering if it would be cool getting it now KNOWING THAT I'll buy the remastered version for Switch on day one ? I mean, would it ruin my experience of DS1 if I play the third episode first ?
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