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Guest brianellis

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sick mouse and monitor daio


srsly tho nice shit


Thank you sir! I actually have a VGA adapter for the 1040ST, and the monitor has a little switch on the front for 2 inputs. So I have both my PC and the Atari plugged into it, and just switch back and forth with a little button :happy:


I had a 17" CRT before this 21" one, and I only managed to get my Hymen and History of the Future stickers transfered to this one. :cry:

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Good questions EKT, *golf clap*


I ask what's important.


Is that cigar box looking box for your weed?




Yeah, I thought I saw a pack of wraps. The picture where there is ash on the patch cable really endeared yourself to me, because of the fact that there was ash on your patch cable.


Although I will say, light gray sweatshirts are ugly.

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that's just how i'm living man. i don't give a fuck.


edit: the guy in the sweatshirt is not me.


I'm the same way, except I don't have any gear. My midi keyboard is filthy though lol. There will be less ash around my work area now though cuz I quit smoking cigs.

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lol it's disgraceful really... i need to dust that shit! pics were taken last night when lots of beer had been drunk and weed had been smoked and it was all getting a bit messy...

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they come up on ebay quite a lot. the programmer is available separately, but they also appear on ebay quite often. the MKS-70 is essentially 2 JX-10 synthesisers in one box - ie a very versatile analogue polysynth (using DCOs), great for pads, bass and leads...has a distinct, bright, crisp tone, but is still great for fat bass sounds etc - just the tone is perhaps more sharp/harsh than you would find on an older polysynth such as a Juno or JX-3P/MKS-30.

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Guest ryanmcallister







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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

Nice clutter free no stressing setup Ryan. I'm pretty sure there is a law that says you can't listen to Meshuggah inspired metal with a Strat on your wall. (haah I really dig Telecasters but think Jimi is the only cat to ever make a Stratocaster look super bad ass) *facepalm* @ the Kiss branded lava lamp (and the excessive lava lamping in general) haha


You ever think about getting the cork pads inserts for your MPD to increase sensitivity from the sensor to pad? I'm thinking about it but I kinda like how you have to beat the shit out of them.

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You ever think about getting the cork pads inserts for your MPD to increase sensitivity from the sensor to pad? I'm thinking about it but I kinda like how you have to beat the shit out of them.


hm? tell me more...

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