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Guest The Vidiot

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revisiting Desmond Morris' wonderful "The Soccer Tribe" as well Frederick Foer's moderately interesting "How Soccer Explains the World".

On top of that, a stack of books on violence against women. Really light-hearted stuff :trashbear:

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Guest 277: 930-933

Just finished Sagan's 'Demon Haunted World' which was mostly delightful, reading 'Manufacturing Consent' by Herman and Chomsky, 'Gravity's Rainbow' by Pynchon, first fiction after falling into a bit of a black hole when 'Infinite Jest' was finished, read 'A supposedly fun thing...' right after but don't want to go through DFW's work too quickly.

Bedside reading is 'The Oxford book of modern science writing' compiled by Richard Dawkins, he also writes a short introduction to each extract.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Gary C

Divided Soul by David Ritz


A biography on Marvin Gaye. David Ritz most famously penned the lyrics for 'Sexual Healing'.


It's really good. I've had it knocking about for years.

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Guest 277: 930-933

I'm not sure if I'd want to read the Pale King, it's new DFW but it's also unfinished DFW...

It might be torture.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest beatfanatic

Midnights Children

and this essay http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0403/is_4_47/ai_91653350/


have a presentation on it tomorrow


and one on Volpone the next day


I am a huge Salman Rushdie fan and Midnight's Children is one of my favorite books. I havent read that other essay you linked so I am going to check it out.


What did you think of the book??


good luck on the presentation.

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revisiting Desmond Morris' wonderful "The Soccer Tribe" as well Frederick Foer's moderately interesting "How Soccer Explains the World".

On top of that, a stack of books on violence against women. Really light-hearted stuff :trashbear:


morris was briefly my shrink as a kid (no, rly).

he's fucking awesome - told my folks to buy me a computer and a bunch of fighting fantasy gamebooks.


and midnight's children is awesome. a nose and some knees. knees and a nose.




immensely enjoyed this.

Edited by kaini
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just finished: michaelc1972.jpg (Charlie Chaplin's son's autobio, written at age... 20?!)

first two-thirds: growing up super rich with maids and chauffeurs and a famous daddy is harder than it sounds (whine, moan).

final couple chapters: gee, this marijuana stuff really is "quite good!"


he gets married & lays off the weed. the end.



now re-reading: Fellinis-Satyricon-at-the-Indiana-Film-Society-Indianapolis.jpg because it's ancient and raunchy and awesome

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you're reading a movie?



ha, no I just like that picture better than any actual book cover I've seen, and since the author is technically unknown I figured he/she wouldn't mind

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