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Guest The Vidiot

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Guest Jimmy McMessageboard

I just realised that the character Oliver Saxon from dexter final season must be based on Oliver Sacks. his serial killer nickname is "the brain surgeon" and oliver sacks is a neurologist.


about half way through Hallucinations it started a little dry but then we got to drug hallucinations and it picked up.

this is my first sacks book.I first heard of him through the radio, and love his voice. I think I might prefer his books on tape, but only if he reads them himself.

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Eh wow, I just finished reading God Emperor of Dune a few weeks ago. I guess you could say I felt sympathy towards God Leto, but the book in all was just really.. It had deviated so much from what I expected after finishing the trilogy. I did like a lot of the pieces from the stolen journals, though. Fun fact, I read most of the book while soaking in the bath.

I like Leto's character. My favourite parts were when it focused in on his worldview, like how exactly a 3,500 year old psychic, genderless worm monster who can remember back to the dawn of time might see reality. It started to lose me whenever Duncan Idaho came into the picture, with the text acting like he's some awesome cool dude (at one point he literally gives a woman an orgasm just from being so cool), but really he's just an unhinged homophobic maniac (in this incarnation, anyway. I liked smart Cyborg Duncan in Dune 2/3)


Apparently Frank Herbert was originally gonna write it first person, from Leto's POV, which might of been neat. But apparently Frank Herbert also had a gay son who he disowned so i dunno maybe not

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I don't think I ever mentioned it, but i read Exquisite Corpse a few months back. It was pretty great, and quite disgusting, all at once. Anyone else picked it up?

Poppy Z. Brite? Read it years ago. Was very disturbing to my young self iirc.

I'd grown up feasting on SK and Clive Barker and any other pulp gory horror books I could get my hands on, but that book is something else entirely.

Might need a reread.

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Guest Ron Manager

But apparently Frank Herbert also had a gay son who he disowned so i dunno maybe not



jesus, really? i've read Dune 1 & 2 but haven't plunged into Children of Dune yet - is it worth it? Messiah was OK, not nearly as enjoyable as the original though.

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i've read Dune 1 & 2 but haven't plunged into Children of Dune yet - is it worth it?

CoD was enjoyable - it wasn't exactly breaking new ground, but it felt more substantial than DM. The abrupt tonal shift & sudden introduction of uncomfortable themes doesn't really kick in until the fourth book (and from what I've heard, that last aspect becomes even more prevalent in 5 & 6).
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I guess so. So far, I experienced the first Dune as the most enjoyable one. I kinda dug the whole inevitable downfall that loomed in Dune Messiah. CoD.. hey wow, I can hardly remember most of it, but it was al right. God Emperor of Dune was especially cool because of the God Emperor's perspective (almost everything but him singing that one song), and the chapter introductions in italic, which gave me some great insights into governmental structures.


I can't really form an opinion of Heretics of Dune yet, because I only started reading it. However, Ghola Idaho is there again, only at a younger age. What is this man's obsession with Duncan Idaho?

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"..Beverly (Brian's mother), a talented copywriter, but admits that Herbert, an incessant nitpicker, never quite accepted "number two son" Bruce's gay lifestyle and regularly used a lie detector on both boys. Estranged for many years, Brian and his father eventually made peace, learning "how to talk story" and collaborating on Man of Two Worlds (1986) shortly before Frank's death from cancer at age 65."


I'm glad they did: life's too beautiful for grudges.

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What is this man's obsession with Duncan Idaho?

I know right? It's like, maybe he thought to himself early on "wouldn't it be cool if I took this minor character from the first book & slowly turned him into the main protagonist", but never actually develops him beyond "cool sword guy that girls love" (or, when he does explore his personality, it's to the point of making him literally an entirely different character)


I'll probably get around to reading 5 & 6 eventually but I'm all duned out at the moment. Focusing on The History of Western Philosophy for now because it's been sitting on my shelf for ages along with all those other university textbooks I snatched from a trash pile.

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Guest disparaissant

currently perusing:

sexual politics, sexual communities by john d'emilio

santa olivia by jacqueline carey


marriage, a history: from obedience to intimacy, or how love conquered marriage by stephanie coontz


and i just finished "this common secret" by susan wicklund, which was absolutely astounding. it's the memoirs of an abortion doctor.

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I don't think I ever mentioned it, but i read Exquisite Corpse a few months back. It was pretty great, and quite disgusting, all at once. Anyone else picked it up?

Poppy Z. Brite? Read it years ago. Was very disturbing to my young self iirc.

I'd grown up feasting on SK and Clive Barker and any other pulp gory horror books I could get my hands on, but that book is something else entirely.

Might need a reread.



Yeah, that's it. Pretty graphic and odd. I'm sure there's other fiction that touches on these darker areas, but the author does it with such a great writing style that I couldn't help but love it.

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I just got a call from my local comic shop that this just came in, despite me cancelling the order:




I still have to figure out if I want to go and get it: I loved the movies and stand alone complexes. Wasn't too fond of Arise, but still I'd like to delph into this.


Choices choices..

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Has anyone read The Luminaries by Eleanor Catton? I've learned to ignore the Booker Prize lately, but this actually sounds decent.




then move on to finnegan's wake!

Life is only so long, you know.

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Has anyone read The Luminaries by Eleanor Catton? I've learned to ignore the Booker Prize lately, but this actually sounds decent.

My wife is reading it presently and likes it quite a bit. From what she's said about it I'll prob check it out when she's done.

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Has anyone read The Luminaries by Eleanor Catton? I've learned to ignore the Booker Prize lately, but this actually sounds decent.

My wife is reading it presently and likes it quite a bit. From what she's said about it I'll prob check it out when she's done.


Cool, I'll add it to the list.

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Guest bitroast

Been reading cerebus. Up to book 15, Latter Days.

I've been enjoying the series on and off, there are definitely good and less good moments, but I'm finding this unreadable. *n* !!

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finally decided to read the new Pynchon, which i mention only to point out that on page 282, right after a brief discussion of preference for Nas over Jay-Z, he describes "a TB-303 clone with built-in speakers."



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