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Guest underscore



self portrait, of an eyeball and eye socket really, on super apartment cleaning drug


edit: :emotawesomepm9:

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Guest AcrossCanyons

I really hate taking shots of myself but I have never been so psyched to receive a record in the mail so naturally I needed to capture the moment :wub: . Plus every picture of me of facebook is outdated.




edit: do I spy a :emotawesomepm9: in the reflection of your eye?

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Guest underscore

yeah you do, its easier to see in the original which is mega large. im shit with my camera but it was fun to try to get that.





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pretending to do science



you're not fooling anyone, you're training to be Sous Chef, aren't you?

When was the last time you cooked in μl's?

the guy on the left looks like he's wearing one of those cooks things...you know, those things the wear.

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Guest Coalbucket PI

pretending to do science



you're not fooling anyone, you're training to be Sous Chef, aren't you?

When was the last time you cooked in μl's?

the guy on the left looks like he's wearing one of those cooks things...you know, those things the wear.


I actually remember seeing Heston Blumenthal using a micropipette for something once. But yeah I'm actually wearing an old style lab coat because I don't really do much lab work and thats all I could find on the day. His one is what you're supposed to wear now, elasticated arm bands and no flappy collar, some health and safety thing.

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Yeah, what's with that. Boba Fett didn't catch a motha fuckin thang.


My shirt is tits, though.


Braintree, where are the chicks you hooked up with that weekend?


There was a girl that stuck her hand down my pants, but I didn't get laid. FUCKING TEASE.

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Braintree, where are the chicks you hooked up with that weekend?


There was a girl that stuck her hand down my pants, but I didn't get laid. FUCKING TEASE.


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