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Guest Alfred E. Neuman

I like when you mince garlic and you get some on your fingers and then for days your fingers smell like garlic.


Garlic is also really excellent for your heart and circulatory system. If you don't eat some every day you should take garlic pills.

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Guest umop_apisdn

<3 garlic


i was all excited when someone pointed out to me that all those balls of purple flowers in the field behind my house were garlic plants. i wasn't so excited when i dug a bunch up, dried it, and used it only to find out it tastes like shit.


still, garlic on everything (except the smell on my fingertips) ftw.

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Fuck this culinary elitist bullshit! Garlic is an affordable, beneficial, savory addition to cooking that adds flavor and interest, even if you don't have a fucking four-thousand dollar spice rack above your stove.

i wasn't being elistist. i was just saying that i know people on watmm like food. chill the fuck out.


roast a whole bulb for like an hour and eat that shit

hell yeah. get it nice and soft and you can use that shit like garlic spread.

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i wasn't being elistist. i was just saying that i know people on watmm like food. chill the fuck out.


I didn't mean you, I specifically meant lion and Armour Park.  Then I found out I read AP's post wrong, and then I apologized, and . . . did you read any of the rest of the thread?


Whatever, I like garlic in my food.

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Guest Helper ET

one good thing to do is throw in a few cloves of garlic into a pan with some olive oil on low temperature ish, then just cook up the cloves in the garlic until its a golden brown colour. then munch. its pretty good, try it out


i would like to eat garlic more but im always afraid people will smell it on me when im at work/school, cause i hear garlic stanks bigtime but i mean cmon ive never smelt it anyone ever but then again im not making out with every dude i see

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  • 2 weeks later...
Given that there are many food afficiandos on watmm i thought i'd drum up some respect for garlic. shit is unreal. if you don't like garlic you fail at life. i put it in everything and i love it. went through like 5 bunches of garlic in like 3 weeks



i'll eat garlic ice cream or garlic vagina i don't care, garlic cannot be beat.


it is essential.




god damn.


edit - i sit down when i pee


makes you live longer

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The other day I ate three full cloves of garlic with fried mushrooms and olive oil, for two days my sweat smelled like garlic, the palm of my hands smelled like garlic, yet my breath was fresh, I never understood the bad breath remarks associated with garlic.

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shit is unreal. if you don't like garlic you fail at life.


i'll eat garlic ice cream or garlic vagina i don't care, garlic cannot be beat.


it is essential.


god damn.


edit - i sit down when i pee

best post for me today, lolololol


it just saves so much time, you pull down your pants, squat, piss, pull em up and leave. come back in an hour, dip your toe in teh toilet, cure your fungus toenails, flush, wash your toe.





ps i like garlic, eat it almost every day

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  • 1 month later...
Guest Great Maker ShaiHulud

Fucking A!


I posted about this a few years ago it seems like. Urinals are fine, but it's so fucking far to the toilet.

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