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Acknowledging Autechre


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Hey everyone, the past couple of times that I've been listening to AE in altered states, I always come to the conclusion that one of my life goals is to let autechre know how much I appreceate their work. I know this sounds like a rediculous brown nose attempt, and be that as it may I still think it is important to me to convey to them how much their music moves me and has affected my life.


What I want to know is is there any way besides showing up at a show to talk to AE in some way and let them know? I know musicians probably absolutely hate people like me bothering them all the time but maybe with electronic music being the underdog that it is, they would be more apt to accept that sort of thing.


Is there like an email or mail address I can send something to? I dont even want to ask them anything I just want to convey that message to them personally, and have some way of knowing that they have recieved my message.



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I think it's a shame that they might look at things like this with cynicism (as would people on forums.)


I mean, isn't good music powerful? Isn't music supposed to move us in a deep way? Haven't composers traditionally (with exceptions here and there) been thankful for the sort of response we see in the O.P, and the music community around them understanding of it, too? So what's with the whole "we're just havin' a laugh" thing Autechre and Aphex Twin have going on in interviews and in terms of how they sometimes release stuff? They make beautiful music a lot of the time. It'd be nice if musicians of that sort were a bit less jaded and cynical and a bit more appreciative of the fact their music moves others... I know some musicians get a bit newagey and cheesy about this stuff, but a bit more vulnerability would be welcome.


Sorry, I'm probably making no sense. Does anyone get what I mean?

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I agree, I think that if I was one of the most famous electronic artists, I would have my own forum, I might be too busy to go on it every day but I would certainly go on it from time to time at least.


Of course, I'm saying this from the perspective of someone who is not a famous electronic artist so I guess I have no right to judge

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Guest adorno1982
I agree, I think that if I was one of the most famous electronic artists, I would have my own forum, I might be too busy to go on it every day but I would certainly go on it from time to time at least.


Of course, I'm saying this from the perspective of someone who is not a famous electronic artist so I guess I have no right to judge


Hello, i know they read their myspace mail, if that helps

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listening to autechre i've been called names (everything from a drug abuser, schizophrenic maniac, sick bastard, arty-farty pretentious moron, etc), been given awkward looks, been laughed at, been severely questioned my common-sense, drove 480km to hear them live for the first time but they canceled the show, two years later went to another country to hear them live again, they canceled that show too. BUT! in Berlin, when i bought their record and played it really loudly, a girl came down from the above floor, complaining she couldn't study because of the loud music.. later that evening we were dancing together in Club Maria. finally hearing them live a few years later with a girl i love, and having the time of my life ever since... they are my life companion in good and bad, in euphoric and depressing times, in love and hate... they were blasting out my headphones and annoying my colleagues at work, drove my mom to the edge of nerves, i nearly shouted my throat inside out once because the set at hemsby is soooo fucking good... well... this is my acknowledge of ae... sean and rob doesn't need to know everything about it.

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