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Teabagging and Janeane Garofalo

Guest No Pomo

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Guest analogue wings
Thing is I remember reading Harry Browne's book way-back-when and he pretty much had the same stance on abortion as Ron Paul -- that, Constitutionally speaking, it's meant to be up to states to decide. Some states will allow it, some states won't, and ideally America would resemble a "patchwork quilt" of policies (not just abortion but any policy/law) due to the different cultures and values people have in different regions, rather than one where the federal government imposes its whim uniformly from coast to coast.


putting States' "rights" ahead of individuals' rights is in no way libertarian. that shit does to "libertarian" what Bush did to "freedom" and house producers did to "uplifiting"

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Thing is I remember reading Harry Browne's book way-back-when and he pretty much had the same stance on abortion as Ron Paul -- that, Constitutionally speaking, it's meant to be up to states to decide. Some states will allow it, some states won't, and ideally America would resemble a "patchwork quilt" of policies (not just abortion but any policy/law) due to the different cultures and values people have in different regions, rather than one where the federal government imposes its whim uniformly from coast to coast.


putting States' "rights" ahead of individuals' rights is in no way libertarian. that shit does to "libertarian" what Bush did to "freedom" and house producers did to "uplifiting"


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"confronted by jenkins" would be a cool track name!

maybe if it was "Confronted by Jenkinson, and was a song detailing a fans scuffle with the fucking daddy.




* true story

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"confronted by jenkins" would be a cool track name!

maybe if it was "Confronted by Jenkinson, and was a song detailing a fans scuffle with the fucking daddy.




* true story



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Guest my usernames always really suck
putting States' "rights" ahead of individuals' rights


I'd respond to this, but I don't think straw men have ears.

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Guest analogue wings
putting States' "rights" ahead of individuals' rights


I'd respond to this, but I don't think straw men have ears.



"it's meant to be up to states to decide. Some states will allow it, some states won't"


="states should have the right to deny individuals their rights"


you have another interpretation?

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Sooo.. if you feel like you are being overtaxed, you're a racist? right, I get it. :confused:


no, her point is that when bush was running up the deficit and spending they were quiet, but now when obama is spending it's all of a sudden a bad thing. thus the reason they are protesting is because of racism. not a completely out there thought considering these teaparty wingnuts who also think women suffrage is a bad thing among other thing.



I saw one of the protests in Annapolis MD and while there were questionable signs, they were only about 2 or 3 that I saw out of a thousand...you don't know what you're talking about unless you went to one....Garofalo is just as biased and nonsensical as FOX News.


I don't expect to win anyone over here, but I think its reasonable that a lot of honest but easily manipulated Americans failed to see what was coming during the Bush years because of the American pride monikers and sayings shoved down their throats...and then once they get hard taxes for it they wake up. It seems completely plausible to me.

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I'm just one of those people that in general thinks that government is too big and too intrusive, and I really don't care what color the guy in charge is... if it's a conservative or a liberal, a democrat or a republican - it's all the same to me - I'd like to see a little common sense and forethought into the decisions they make.


there's plenty of common sense and forethought into just about every major decision made.


see china?!@ say hi to china. people's republic of china, even tho china is neither a republic nor does it belong to their people.


we, as in the whole fucking world, are on the path to being a whole world of china. maybe not quite every detail like that, but as technology increases so dwindles the number of people needed to wield it to fuck over large numbers of peasants en masse, and as that ratio decreases (or increases, depending on how you look at it) things are never going to get progressively better. the big money/power establishment has everything they could ever want but more power, and really, slowly but surely barring another 9-11/type manufactured (world?) crisis to fuck everything up and put us all under emergency un/type rule to which we never recover, we'll just have to sit here and watch republicans and democrats, the cokes and pepsis that tehy are, force the soda down our throat til we're old fat bitter adn listening to other old fat and bitter white people on fox news spewing fear and hatred of anyone unlike them or who they do not understand (or secretly wish they were)


so fret not, there's a very intelligent design behind the whole... i mean go to any metropolis and stand in the middle of their most decadent architectural areas and try to imagine all teh money exchanging hands in just that one city at that one moment... it'll blow your mind. the whole stupid/inept/gridlocked/partisian thing is really a cover for the fact that we're all heading one direction and really republicans and democrats are just different factions of the same party: the globalist party.

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lol at republicans being globalists


i'm trying to picture my dad as a globalist right now


well not the individual people... i mean the actual fo-real conservatives, like miss garofalo pointed out, prolly had some issues with the way things have gone from 1981-present day.


i mean republicans as in the people in the government and all of the big money big influence big power people. or something... whatever the case there's gotta be something like that, cuz really, watching american politics i'm just sitting there like "man this can't mean anything... who cares about this shit!?@"


for example: i love when the daily show will sync up obama terror speech clips with bush ones and it's the exact same phrase.


i think the year 2000 was when they said "fuckall, let's get this done" cuz now republicans along with conservatives wanna disown the bush people, but that's when they got bold almost let the world know that our elections are meaningless and rah rah rah.


incidentally, would anyone ever trust an all-computerized election!@?

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i mean republicans as in the people in the government and all of the big money big influence big power people. or something...

...because it's only the republicans that are big money, big influence, big power people. :confused:



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sini is right as far as i can see - the state of the world now is being designed to increase the wealth and power of the relatively new strata of "globally wealthy." Neither Demos or Republicans really oppose this - I expect Obama's ideals about curtailing outsourcing/offshoring to do an about face as quickly as with the torture photos, when reality comes and slaps him on the face.

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Sooo.. if you feel like you are being overtaxed, you're a racist? right, I get it. :confused:


no, her point is that when bush was running up the deficit and spending they were quiet, but now when obama is spending it's all of a sudden a bad thing. thus the reason they are protesting is because of racism. not a completely out there thought considering these teaparty wingnuts who also think women suffrage is a bad thing among other thing.

Did you watch that HBO special by pelosi's daughter too? :wink:


Well, someone contact Janeane for me, and let her know that some of us (although I didn't attend a tea party, personally, I'd rather have the tea bags and make iced tea tyvm) aren't racists, we're just fed up with taxation in the country, mismanagement of government funds, and wasteful spending (whether it was the black asshole OR the white asshole). I'm just one of those people that in general thinks that government is too big and too intrusive, and I really don't care what color the guy in charge is... if it's a conservative or a liberal, a democrat or a republican - it's all the same to me - I'd like to see a little common sense and forethought into the decisions they make. quick FYI though - I live in the 2nd highest taxed county in the country - so I have a reason to complain, I'd like to see some of these idiots at the tea parties, who don't even pay 1/10th of what I pay in property taxes, tell ME they're overburdened with taxes. Some of these tea parties took place in some of the lowest taxed areas of the country, I mean people that pay less than $1000 a year in property taxes, and they're complaining... I pay almost $9000 a year in school/county property taxes.. then I have to add in town taxes, and then village taxes... I'm forced by the government to maintain certain insurances (which I agree to my benefit), however FEMA decides what these insurances are to be rated at, and forces me to carry a minimum policy, this pressures me into spending (according to my latest escrow withholding) over $15,000 a year in state, county, town, village taxes and mandatory insurances...


So, yeh, that was a longwinded tangent, my point is, some of us that disagree with government action and taxation have ligitimate, valid concerns and complaints.. and it doesnt have anything to do with the color of anyones skin.



So why is everyone doing tea parties now and not during that last eight years of wasteful spending and big government?




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God damnit, fuck, shitbitch, cuntmcfaggot I can't even watch the news these days without throwing my axe at the television screen. There is no need to even elaborate. Everything one could possibly see or hear on American media is a big fucking heap of useless trash. There won't even be conservative or liberal or environmentalist parties in the future. There will be nothing, none of this shit matters, it is just tiny points in the eventual tiding over of this whole fucking global civilization brfihsghslglgslgsl baaaaaaageghhhh

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I'm just one of those people that in general thinks that government is too big and too intrusive, and I really don't care what color the guy in charge is... if it's a conservative or a liberal, a democrat or a republican - it's all the same to me - I'd like to see a little common sense and forethought into the decisions they make.


there's plenty of common sense and forethought into just about every major decision made.


see china?!@ say hi to china. people's republic of china, even tho china is neither a republic nor does it belong to their people.


we, as in the whole fucking world, are on the path to being a whole world of china. maybe not quite every detail like that, but as technology increases so dwindles the number of people needed to wield it to fuck over large numbers of peasants en masse, and as that ratio decreases (or increases, depending on how you look at it) things are never going to get progressively better. the big money/power establishment has everything they could ever want but more power, and really, slowly but surely barring another 9-11/type manufactured (world?) crisis to fuck everything up and put us all under emergency un/type rule to which we never recover, we'll just have to sit here and watch republicans and democrats, the cokes and pepsis that tehy are, force the soda down our throat til we're old fat bitter adn listening to other old fat and bitter white people on fox news spewing fear and hatred of anyone unlike them or who they do not understand (or secretly wish they were)


so fret not, there's a very intelligent design behind the whole... i mean go to any metropolis and stand in the middle of their most decadent architectural areas and try to imagine all teh money exchanging hands in just that one city at that one moment... it'll blow your mind. the whole stupid/inept/gridlocked/partisian thing is really a cover for the fact that we're all heading one direction and really republicans and democrats are just different factions of the same party: the globalist party.



oh yes, there is a design, a hideous, absolutely disfigured design behind the whole process, one that can accurately be traced back to the 50s, the influx of total consumerism partnered with sneakily installing social warping (the counter-culture movement of the 60s allowed to thrive based on the predictions of its eventual cultural effects, "individualism' which is actually a wonderful boon towards a materialistic society), this socio-economic engineering making its way across the globe and putting the über-class in power of the world. Now what I fail to understand yet is the apparent lack of the concept of CONSEQUENCES in the eyes of governments. The complete and total disregard for the flaw in the global socio-econo-infrastructural system (petroleum usage), and the complete destruction of our whole civilization it will bring....brings two points to mind: 1. (the obvious) nobody really knew what the fuck they were doing as they precariously set up the world we live in now or 2. there is a hidden motive behind unifying the world---- (under a strange consumer hive-mind???); it may be a synchronistic step toward the ascending of the human species



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Sooo.. if you feel like you are being overtaxed, you're a racist? right, I get it. :confused:


no, her point is that when bush was running up the deficit and spending they were quiet, but now when obama is spending it's all of a sudden a bad thing. thus the reason they are protesting is because of racism. not a completely out there thought considering these teaparty wingnuts who also think women suffrage is a bad thing among other thing.

Did you watch that HBO special by pelosi's daughter too? :wink:


Well, someone contact Janeane for me, and let her know that some of us (although I didn't attend a tea party, personally, I'd rather have the tea bags and make iced tea tyvm) aren't racists, we're just fed up with taxation in the country, mismanagement of government funds, and wasteful spending (whether it was the black asshole OR the white asshole). I'm just one of those people that in general thinks that government is too big and too intrusive, and I really don't care what color the guy in charge is... if it's a conservative or a liberal, a democrat or a republican - it's all the same to me - I'd like to see a little common sense and forethought into the decisions they make. quick FYI though - I live in the 2nd highest taxed county in the country - so I have a reason to complain, I'd like to see some of these idiots at the tea parties, who don't even pay 1/10th of what I pay in property taxes, tell ME they're overburdened with taxes. Some of these tea parties took place in some of the lowest taxed areas of the country, I mean people that pay less than $1000 a year in property taxes, and they're complaining... I pay almost $9000 a year in school/county property taxes.. then I have to add in town taxes, and then village taxes... I'm forced by the government to maintain certain insurances (which I agree to my benefit), however FEMA decides what these insurances are to be rated at, and forces me to carry a minimum policy, this pressures me into spending (according to my latest escrow withholding) over $15,000 a year in state, county, town, village taxes and mandatory insurances...


So, yeh, that was a longwinded tangent, my point is, some of us that disagree with government action and taxation have ligitimate, valid concerns and complaints.. and it doesnt have anything to do with the color of anyones skin.



So why is everyone doing tea parties now and not during that last eight years of wasteful spending and big government?

Bush 'nickle and dime'd us, Obama went straight for the jugular.


It's like getting hit with a surcharge on your amex for $1 a month, you quietly bitch and moan, but when they hit you with $100 late charge, *that's* when you pick up the phone and yell at them.

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Bush 'nickle and dime'd us, Obama went straight for the jugular.


It's like getting hit with a surcharge on your amex for $1 a month, you quietly bitch and moan, but when they hit you with $100 late charge, *that's* when you pick up the phone and yell at them.




Bush spent 11.5 trillion dollars c started the idea of a corporate 'bail out' and started two costly wars

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