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Boy, 22, Denied Liver Transplant


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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

george best got one. and he never really quit. guess money helps.


this seems pretty fucked up. i mean of course he can't prove anything. for one thing hes an alcoholic, thats the point right?

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I worry about my liver sometimes.....I don't drink that much in comparision to a hardcore alcohol fiend, but I do drink quite a lot.....I'd say I was drunk twice a week (Friday and Saturday nights) and I usually have a couple of drinks (but not get drunk) about three nights of the working week....am I going to keel over soon?

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4 of my mates died in a car crash this week, and ive decided that because im always in cars and alcohol is fun im just going to fuck it and drink whenever i want. which is alot of alcohol, like 3 times a week.

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Guest abusivegeorge

This is my next stage, after being given 6 months to live, alcohol dependency is a cruel thing, and the addiction is nigh on impossible to kick, coz it's a mental illness guys not a physical one. I have a liver that is 80% damaged beyond repair, but I have sought help as I know I will not be given a liver transplant. Not much to say on this really though, although you'll get it if you've got the money so it just goes to show really.


Fuck you retards with the negative replies btw lol.

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4 of my mates died in a car crash this week, and ive decided that because im always in cars and alcohol is fun im just going to fuck it and drink whenever i want. which is alot of alcohol, like 3 times a week.


that sucks man. sorry.


I quit drinking recently due to the hemroids on my anus. after stopping, I realized I never really liked drinking in the first place. Funny how stuff like that works out.

Cheers to my defective bumhole.

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch


This kid just highlights the same issue with health care around the world: you can get as much as you can afford. England did it's socialist best with the NHS but it's still subject to the influence of capitalism.


actually if you have money you don't go with the NHS you can go private which is what george best did i'm imagining. although how do they divide up transplant donated organs? NHS gets 1, Bupa gets the next 1? maybe its the same list but you get better surgeons and hospitals.

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Guest abracadabra

I'm going to quit drinking. Just got back from a house party, and honestly, it would've been the same if I had stayed sober. I'm also tired of these fucking headaches.

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Guest inteeliguntdesign

This kid just highlights the same issue with health care around the world: you can get as much as you can afford. England did it's socialist best with the NHS but it's still subject to the influence of capitalism. Anymore, I don't know where I stand because universal health care only works in freaky-deeky Scandinavian countries with populations of 112, educational levels of Ph.D's by 12, and a pure diet of fish and fish derivatives. America and now England are a big-assed diabetes ridden population with only about 2-5% able to actually pay for all of the care they would need across a lifetime.



All universal health care systems are subject to limits. They're universal not infinite. The same is true for Scandanavian systems. I know a Norweigian who's chronoically ill brother was having some of his treatment stopped because it was causing a strain on the system. Well not just him alone, but all those who were receiving the same kind of treatment. Nevertheless, the fact universal healthcare is not unlimited healthcare is hardly an argument (if that was your argument) against universal healthcare. It's merely stating something that it is not.


And it's not just Scandanavia and their few superintelligent blue-eyed, blond-haired girls and boys. All European countries have universal healthcare (which, as you would expect, vary in quality depending on how enthusiastically each system is managed). The one country that lagged behind, and still would have if it were not for some particularly hard-line political fighting (against the health-care profession) post-WWII by one of its most radical politicians, was the UK.


This politician, Nye Bevan, came up against 1950s healthcare industry. They clearly wanted to keep the status-quo in tact, because they were making quite a lot of money out of it, and that money in turn created power--and it was only Bevan's dogged fighting and appeals to the public that won through. He even launched the system while this group were refusing to play along--refused to let their doctors get involved. They only acquiesced after they saw the huge number of people signing up for the system.


This seems like the US example, except no politician has the balls to tell the health-care industry to shut up and fuck off. It would take a radical to do that, especially in the current US climate of "oooaaaahhh ssoocciiaaalliissmm nnoooooo" and the (useful) idea that it's impossible to implement. This is backed up by various powerful lobbies funded by the companies that have benefited the most from this privatisation and backed up by the newspapers and tv stations they influence.


Anyway, the idea that universal healthcare only works in countries with a small, educated population is contradicted with plenty of evidence. Germany's fairly big, over 80 million, for example. Here's a map: http://www.blogcdn.com/www.gadling.com/media/2007/07/healthcareworldbig.jpg that may also help (I quite like the fact the US appears to be giving universal healthcare to Iraqi and Afghan citizens but not its own--hardly a fair return for the Iraqis and Afghans, but a start).

at least).


*breathes out*

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Guest theSun

americans are way too fucking dumb to understand that. also, it's longer than 3 sentences and most would just stop after trying to pronounce "Scandinavian"

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Guest abusivegeorge

Fuck you retards with the negative replies btw lol.


no shit :wub:


lol wub you too darling.

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Guest ezkerraldean
Hanshaw, who works as a kitchen assistant, says she worked full-time when her son was growing up and was initially unaware of the extent of his drinking. This is the first time he has been hospitalised for alcohol damage.
did his mum not notice that he was bright yellow?




this guy should drink gasoline to give him "super strength" so he can fight like a "valiant warrior" against his alcoholism.

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Guest abusivegeorge
Hanshaw, who works as a kitchen assistant, says she worked full-time when her son was growing up and was initially unaware of the extent of his drinking. This is the first time he has been hospitalised for alcohol damage.
did his mum not notice that he was bright yellow?




this guy should drink gasoline to give him "super strength" so he can fight like a "valiant warrior" against his alcoholism.


Often there is no sign at all of liver damage, and sometimes it doesn't become apparent untill the liver completely fails on you, so he may well have not been jaundiced untill the day/night before hospitalisation. I have 80% liver damage has as already been said, but not once appearred jaundice apart from a slight discolouration of the eyes.

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