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salvia (again)


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i think doing salvia in a room full of people or at a bro party when tripping that hard on it is pretty unpleasant. it drastically effects the experience. its almost a totally different drug when done mostly alone in a darkened room or blindfolded. I love though that a lot of stupid hillbillies think that Salvia is 'gerna fuck me up!' but it just throws them into another dimension that terrifies the shit out of the hillbilly mind

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Yeah, like I said, I only know what I've seen on the 'net so these thrashing trips are new to me. What a stupid fucking drug. "I can't wait to smoke this and then do karate chops on intergalactic beings." That last video is a perfect example--fucking white trash muffin topped tramp stamp with the tiger striped hair and Steelers jersey. Any grown man (this goes for you too Chris Moss) who wears jerseys in non-sporting event situations are just douchebags through and through. Why test to see if you have a predilection to psychosis? Life's shitty enough.


with that kind of attitude why do anything. Why drink or smoke? Why be curious about anything. "Just do your job and go to sleep, lifes shit m8".


Dont hate the game, hate the player.

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shit, that was the first salvia vid i've seen where their friends weren't pointing and laughing at the space cadet. he was actually trying to be helpful and be a good 'guide'. i've done salvia several times and have a wide range of experiences. lol @ people who underestimate that shit though. anybody ever read any carlos castaneda/don juan shite? i've always wondered if salvia was that ultimate drug they'd smoke together. never mentioned the name....

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I liked salvia WAY better than pot. It was more intense, but didn't affect me for more than an hour, and the effect was better than just cotton mouth and feeling like my entire body was constantly twitching, and laughing at stupid shit.


First time I smoked it, I put Geogaddi in my headphones, inhaled, and blew out my bedroom window right as Music is Math drops that first beat, and all the shadows looked like yellow, orange and blue pinwheels that were rotating around whatever object I could see. Looked a little like this (with orange instead of black):




Then when the rest of the song kicked in, I laid down and closed my eyes and started watching this Yellow Submarine-esque cartoon with a guy walking down a yellow brick road, and the little voices at the end of the track were a bunch of noodles at the side of the road with little beads for eyes and little mouths.


It was weird, but I liked it.

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anybody ever read any carlos castaneda/don juan shite? i've always wondered if salvia was that ultimate drug they'd smoke together. never mentioned the name....


the first book? that was a mixture of herbs/flowers and a mushroom i think

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i still don't get what's so great(/crazy) about it. i disconnected for a couple of minutes then my clothes felt like they were made out of wet sand. rubbish!


also, lol xxx :emotawesomepm9:

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I love though that a lot of stupid hillbillies think that Salvia is 'gerna fuck me up!' but it just throws them into another dimension that terrifies the shit out of the hillbilly mind.



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Guest Rightsidedrive

Suck a fucking crazy trip. One time I took a hit in order to demonstrate to my roommate. It was over quick (60x) but interestingly the rapper in the song playing started flowing, but his lyrics were actually describing the different phases of my trip and how I was reacting to each phase.

My first powerful experience with salvia, again 60x, I actually experienced a union with everyone it seemed. We all had the same clothes, red pants and white shirts, and we were all being rolled into giant masses. There was much fearful chatter. Eventually I saw what seemed like alien space ships approaching these giant writhing masses of human beings. Seems like they were reaping us. I find this interesting because was salvia not used in Mazatec times as a divining tool?

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I think I was more freaked out by all the flab on show.


Had some Salvia the other week after a night out, laughed my ass off.


A local newspaper had a go at a local head shop saying 'THIS IS WHAT YOUR KIDS CAN LEGALLY BY IN YOUR TOWN' with a big picture of a bag salvia in front of said shop,


sales went up fifty fold :-D

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drug has a bad rap. anybody who has experienced the true salvia experience will tell you that it's one of the greatest things in existence.


let me say that this drug is by far the most powerful (besides perhaps datura and dmt). the effects it produces if smoked during an intelligent, soulful, loving, positive, universally in tune state of mind can be beyond text, music, art, movies, or anything the mind can possibly imagine without it. it is a holy drug in a way - a drug that takes you somewhere very real - somewhere that exists, right in front of us - but somewhere that we cannot see without it. it is a tool for the expansion of the human consciousness.


these videos should be proof to some of us that the human species is reaching its end. start exploring positivity today if you want to move on peacefully. step outside of your mindset to the best of your ability and evaluate yourself. we all "sin" or produce negative energy. we can work to reduce this. even if the end is not near (which it has to be - none of us could live for more than 100 more years - .0000000000000000001% of .00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001% of .000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001% of infinity times known existence of the infinite expanse of infinite existence) it would be a good idea to start doing good and try to stop doing bad in order to make our universe a better place, and in addition you will possibly have a better after-death existence, whatever that may be.


enough of my ranting. i've had a rather eye opening experience recently and as i understand, it is very important that i spread the word. when you see the light, spread the word yourself. the universe loves you, and if you listen to the universe and hold a dialog with it, you will be rewarded. as soon as you open your mind, things will fall into place. i guarantee that with time, you will become the positive force of love that you have the potential to be.


and i may be a hypocrite - i confess that i do wrong every day - but such is the nature of man. we must move forwards. maybe we can save ourselves by spreading the positive energy. we need to bring love and light back where they have gone away. i figure this thread is a good place to plant a seed of thought.

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for people who haven't experienced the mind shattering events that they may have heard about, and those who have been let down by salvia, let me provide for you a description of what happens when it is smoked properly, with a butane lighter, through a bong, at a high extract level (even though both my experiences happened through a bowl with 20X):

see this as a lesson, a metaphor for the mind:

i hit the bowl. i fall into my chair.







(at this point there is no "i" "me" "he" "she." there is no room. there is no past, no future. only present. only existence. there is no mind to think these thoughts (though there must be). cascading portals and vortexes all around. cactus lady dancing in front of me. angelic singing. (everything after this is a bit more psychological and personal to me). in the middle of a baseball field. angelic laughter. forever, singing, laughing. cascading water bottle canyons cartoons. kangaroo portals to my left.


me, i, laughter. i did a drug. i am max. i am here. that was the past, me on the drug, the next moment is the future. the laughter. end of trip.


i have to say, i've always been a smart, gifted person. i know there are many like myself on this forum. the people in those youtubes are not aware. they are not self conscious at all. the right person experiencing this drug will be one more person with higher knowledge in them.


i don't want it to read like preaching - i just want to pass on some knowledge that i'm quite sure of and i want to touch at least one person, even if 20, 100, etc, people read what i've written. it will stay in the others' subconsciousnesses, dormant and ready to support whatever findings those people have later on in life.

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ive experienced heavy trips on ket.


also with speed/E/alcohol combo's


i think salvia would work incredibly well on me although i would need to ensure a safe environment for sure.

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The older I get the more I'm attracted to the mundane things in life, not the cosmic.

If you can elaborate on that at all please do. Having just this year moved to college, I feel like I've moved on from a part of life, leaving friends I love and miss and whom I've known since childhood. And I've been having insane nostalgia/life reflection lately. How have you felt your perspective changes as you get older? Are drugs not exciting as you get older?


Next stop: having kids, I guess.

I hear that's supposed to be quite the trip. Being only 18 I feel like I can't comprehend it, but that would be a life changing/defining event, bringing another life (an extension of you nonetheless) into existence.

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Yeah, like I said, I only know what I've seen on the 'net so these thrashing trips are new to me. What a stupid fucking drug. "I can't wait to smoke this and then do karate chops on intergalactic beings." That last video is a perfect example--fucking white trash muffin topped tramp stamp with the tiger striped hair and Steelers jersey. Any grown man (this goes for you too Chris Moss) who wears jerseys in non-sporting event situations are just douchebags through and through. Why test to see if you have a predilection to psychosis? Life's shitty enough.


with that kind of attitude why do anything. Why drink or smoke? Why be curious about anything. "Just do your job and go to sleep, lifes shit m8".


Dont hate the game, hate the player.


No, no--that's not what I was getting at. Here are two scenarios:


Make a nice meal, smoke a spliff the size of your cock, put on some great music, fuck the orifice of your choice, slip off into a warm sleep only a little kid should be so lucky to have.


Do some some dissociative shit like salvia, PCP, ketamine, methamphetamine, etc. and "think" you're having the best time ever but all the people around you see is your lips cracked from talking too much and never resting, coming up with dumbshit ideas about the universe that make no sense, and everybody wishing they had some thorazine or haldol IM to jam in your ass so you'd shut the fuck up. You wake up 17 hours later as if nothing happened. *Bogdan Raczynski* Alright!


That just seems like a gross overstatement of what the drug does especially when you liken them to meth, pcp and ketamine (which are in themselves unique experiences, with differing health complications). You could argue that sex, sleep drugs and alcohol also make you "think" youre having a great time and end up ultimately "fruitless" the next day.

Salvia is its own animal and very very little is known about its physical and mental effects. So i dont really see how anyone can say with confidence that salvia is some obscene plant that puts your mind and body on the line anymore than other recreational drug use. People tempt mental and physical health damage every time they toke up, drink booze, drop pills, snort powder, or eat hallucinogens, and as far as i know, many more people have found it easier to go too far on those options than on salvia. yeah salvia is more "powerful" (most things are when you conentrate them 80x :rolleyes: ) but its also a lot, lot lot harder to do with frequency or get addicted to, which is where most of the damage is done.

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Guest Glass Plate

Coincidentally, yellow babies is what my friends and I used to call salvia smoking.

ex: Let's yellow babies tonight in your mazda outside the old factory.

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