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Nice to have a bit of an epiphany on Sublimit, I only just heard the beautiful ambient melody in the last part of this track! I always liked the track but always felt it went on for too long doing nothing terribly interesting (kinda like Lentic Catachresis). But somehow I had never noticed the subtle melodies until I listened to it on earphones the other day. Classic Autechre, always new layers to peel back.


As for the rest of the album, to be honest I've never been to hot on this album, sounds too brittle after the organic Draft and Confield, and a lot of the melodies I find uninteresting. But I'll give it another go this week.

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i'd just like to remind everyone that this is the tour that they really started wtfpwning livesets.


also the live version(s) of LCC is really nice.

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As for the rest of the album, to be honest I've never been to hot on this album, sounds too brittle after the organic Draft and Confield, and a lot of the melodies I find uninteresting. But I'll give it another go this week.

my thoughts exactly. the melodies on this album are really weak in comparison to the previous albums. quaristice was better in the melodic department but the beats/production are still a bit too 'rigid' imo. of course that's probably what they were aiming for but i just don't like it! haha

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My faves here are The Trees, Ipacial Section and Iera but all of the tracks are almost tied with those three


Also The Sun to comment again on our earlier discussion, The Trees has a good chunk of it that is predominantly in 6/4 timing starting at about 2:17 to 4:17 and then it switches to 4/3


Not tryin to prove you wrong here just to enlighten those who can't quite figure out the timing

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Guest Balance

This is the most happy and fun album ae have done imo.

Loads of bits have me smiling and nodding especially the guy saying "break" in Pro Radii (boxing match?) and the first half of sublimit.

There's loads of the usual ae haunting beauty too of course, the piano melody in Augmatic Disport and that great bit in Ipacial Section.

I don't think I've listened to an album as much as this one, maybe only Lifeforms by FSOL.

I disagree with the guy who said the last half of Sublimit wasn't great, I love it and find it hugely relaxing and when those weird noises abruptly start I find them strangely emotional and of course that melody comes in at the end is just right :)


I wish they'd done an EP around the same time like they usually do/did :(

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Guest ataraxy2

Yes. The brittle, monophonic sound is a little bit disappointing. It's good that this is the only album where they went that route, as it would grow tedious and annoying. But for these 8 tracks - it works.

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I wish they'd done an EP around the same time like they usually do/did :(

yeah, they need to release another brutally awesome EP, imo. just 3-4 tracks of big weird beats and awesome minimal melodies.

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I gotta ask what all of you think about Autechre eras at this point. I know every album is a new exploration but do you ever see things as easier to bunch together than others? I feel like Untilted and Quaristice might have more in common than, say, Untilted and Draft.

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Untilted is probably the bounciest album with the greatest inclination to bobbing your head. The beats are generally pretty followable, but hard hitting and they tend to repeat enough times to make sense of whats going on for the most part instead of just being a barrage of noises. It's definitely my fav to blast really loudly in the car, good bass makes this album sooo sooo awesome.


Really intelligent beat structures for the most part, lots of trickery and hidden layers/patterns, tons and tons and tons of replay value, not a single rough spot in my opinion.


edit: Also it does take alot of time with albums like this. Don't expect to fall in love with the whole thing if this is one of the first times you are listening, the tracks will probably click with you one at a time and it takes a good couple of serious listens (no distractions of any sort, no talking, etc etc). Also I tend to highly advocate a nice spliff before your listen because weed just gives you that artistic appreciation that helps your mind really form to the music and transfer the atmosphere right into you.

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I gotta ask what all of you think about Autechre eras at this point. I know every album is a new exploration but do you ever see things as easier to bunch together than others? I feel like Untilted and Quaristice might have more in common than, say, Untilted and Draft.

yeah, my autechre eras go something like this:

incunabula + basscadet

anti ep + amber + garbage

tri repetae + peel session 1

anvil vapre + chiastic slide + envane

cichlisuite + lp5 + ep7

peel session 2 + confield + draft + gantz graf

untilted + quaristice

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Guest bitroast

Cichlisuite with LP7 you don't say!

i'm pretty much same as your list but cichlisuite with chiastic slide stuff. throw in some of gescom's key nell with that era as well, some ISS:SA with draft7.30 :D

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I gotta ask what all of you think about Autechre eras at this point. I know every album is a new exploration but do you ever see things as easier to bunch together than others? I feel like Untilted and Quaristice might have more in common than, say, Untilted and Draft.


I'd imagine that Untilted + Quaristice have more in common as opposed to Untilted + Draft, due to the fact that after Draft, they made a conscious decision to going back to using hardware for producing their music, lending it a more immediate air. Im surprised to see people naming Untilted as their favorite, as it seemed to get a rather negative reaction on here at the time(doesnt everything). I initially, like many, thought the Untilted leak was a fake after hearing the opening of LCC with its pared back simplistic drum programming and seeming lack of depth after the glitchy maelstrom of draft, but I think you need to listen to it as an agressive techno record as opposed to an old style bifta and armchair ae record.

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Guest ataraxy2

this is the worst album i ever herd


wtf is with all these random sounds? wtf is this its not even music its just noises


At least put some effort into your negative response. You don't actually know the definition of music do you?

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music |ˈmyoōzik|


1 the art or science of combining vocal or instrumental sounds (or both) to produce beauty of form, harmony, and expression of emotion : he devoted his life to music.

• the vocal or instrumental sound produced in this way : couples were dancing to the music | baroque music.

• a sound perceived as pleasingly harmonious : the background music of softly lapping water.

2 the written or printed signs representing such sound : Tony learned to read music.

• the score or scores of a musical composition or compositions : the music was open on a stand.

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Guest Calx Sherbet

I gotta ask what all of you think about Autechre eras at this point. I know every album is a new exploration but do you ever see things as easier to bunch together than others? I feel like Untilted and Quaristice might have more in common than, say, Untilted and Draft.


I'd imagine that Untilted + Quaristice have more in common as opposed to Untilted + Draft, due to the fact that after Draft, they made a conscious decision to going back to using hardware for producing their music, lending it a more immediate air. Im surprised to see people naming Untilted as their favorite, as it seemed to get a rather negative reaction on here at the time(doesnt everything). I initially, like many, thought the Untilted leak was a fake after hearing the opening of LCC with its pared back simplistic drum programming and seeming lack of depth after the glitchy maelstrom of draft, but I think you need to listen to it as an agressive techno record as opposed to an old style bifta and armchair ae record.


untilted seems less aquatic than draft, like the liquid state of the music froze

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this is the worst album i ever herd


wtf is with all these random sounds? wtf is this its not even music its just noises


At least put some effort into your negative response. You don't actually know the definition of music do you?


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EDIT: as modey kindly pointed out later on in this thread, I am thoroughly mistaken in my assumption that follows, but I'll leave the post here for context


I would not say its techno in any way shape or form.


I would say IDM/Leftfield/Glitch/Experimental but not techno, god no



Also I think I figured out the reason behind Sublimit's name. For those of you who don't know much about music synthesis, a limiter or cutoff is how you create distortion, like normally a sound wave has lots of sharp peaks and if you make a cutoff or limit, you are esentially flattening the peaks at a certain level resorting in crunchy distortion. The best example of this is any standard distortion on an electric guitar, works exactly that way. Also you probably noticed that if you play music too loudly through speakers they get all distorted, this is via the same mechanism of cutting off the frequencies that go too high on the scale.


I think Sublimit is named because they put a limit on the sub. If you listen carefully, instead of the bubbly slick bass sounds that Ae normally uses, we have a really overdriven, muffled and distorted bassline. My thoughts are that Sublimit = Sub(bass) Limit

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hmm alright well I'll give your claim a little plausibility but I'll need some other input before I completely believe it.


That being said I'm not really that great at categories of electronic music. I've always thought straight techno is shit like Crazy Frog and Benny Benassi.


Generally speaking I really hate mainstream electronica. More so than rap, and almost as much as R&B with Autotune. Generally I limit my electronic music to IDM, Glitch, Ambience, Downtempo, experimental stuff, and a little dabbling of Dubstep and D&B and certain Goa. Because of this I've always been reluctant to label an Ae music with words like Techno, House, Dance, that sort of stuff.


In all seriousness though if there is a comprehensive guide to electronic music genres somewhere out there (with samples!!!) then that would be a really interesting and enlightening thing for me to read. Anybody know of something like this? Too many genres and sub-genres to keep track of it all...but stupidly enough IDM has still not really been divided into sub-genres which it needs more than any other parent genre

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