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Scientists in the United Arab Emirates are making it rain — artificially — using electrical charges from drones to manipulate the weather and force rainfall across the desert nation.

what could possibly go wrong here? shooting electricity at clouds to make it rain seems like a, um, great idea. I'm sure those UAE scientists have thought this all through and have the planet's best interests in mind, instead of the gazillionaire oil sheiks. I wonder what counter-effect this is going to have in some other corner of the planet. like they shoot electricity at clouds in Dubai, and all the birds start devouring people in Madagascar. well actually, that would be a win for nature. so yeah, blast away duders!

and this totally gave me Animatrix vibes...the segments when mankind takes drastic measures to block out the sun in order to prevent all the killer AI robots from getting their solar power. this is probably how it all starts. shooting clouds to make it rain. then they come up with a way to make clouds darker in order to block the sun in to reduce those scorching desert temps. then comes robots sticking us in ooze filled tubes, and we have to rely on fucking Keanu to save us. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

Rain falls on peak of Greenland ice cap for first time on record

Precipitation was so unexpected, scientists had no gauges to measure it, and is stark sign of climate crisis


Rain has fallen on the summit of Greenland’s huge ice cap for the first time on record. Temperatures are normally well below freezing on the 3,216-metre (10,551ft) peak, and the precipitation is a stark sign of the climate crisis.

Scientists at the US National Science Foundation’s summit station saw rain falling throughout 14 August but had no gauges to measure the fall because the precipitation was so unexpected. Across Greenland, an estimated 7bn tonnes of water was released from the clouds.


The rain fell during an exceptionally hot three days in Greenland when temperatures were 18C higher than average in places. As a result, melting was seen in most of Greenland, across an area about four times the size of the UK.

The recent report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change concluded it was “unequivocal” that carbon emissions from human activities were heating the planet and causing impacts such as melting ice and rising sea level.

In May, researchers reported that a significant part of the Greenland ice sheet was nearing a tipping point, after which accelerated melting would become inevitable even if global heating was halted.

Ted Scambos, a scientist at the National Snow and Ice Data Center at the University of Colorado, which reported the summit rain, told CNN: “What is going on is not simply a warm decade or two in a wandering climate pattern. This is unprecedented. We are crossing thresholds not seen in millennia, and frankly this is not going to change until we adjust what we’re doing to the air.”

Greenland also had a large-scale melting episode in July, making 2021 one of just four years in the past century to see such widespread melting. The other years were 2019, 2012 and 1995. The rain and melt on 14-16 August came at the latest point in the year a major event has been recorded.

The cause of the July and August melting was the same – warm air being pushed up over Greenland and held there. These “blocking” events are not uncommon but seem to be becoming more severe, according to scientists.

Global sea level would rise by about 6 metres if all of Greenland’s ice melted, although this would take centuries or millennia to occur. But the trillions of tonnes lost from Greenland since 1994 is pushing up sea levels and endangering the world’s coastal cities.

Sea level has already risen by 20cm, and the IPCC said the likely range by the end of the century was a further 28-100cm, though it could be 200cm.

Greenland’s ice is melting faster than any time in the past 12,000 years, scientists have estimated, with the ice loss running at a rate of about 1m tonnes a minute in 2019.


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Artists should plot tours with emissions in mind from the outset: “Super low carbon needs to be baked into every decision,” including “routing, venues, transport modes, set, audio and visual design, staffing, and promotion,” the report notes. Across the industry, carbon offsetting should be a last resort, employed only when further reductions are impossible.

maybe just don't fucking tour the world every year you rich fucks (but then how would we get Banksys 'randomly' popping up everywhere?!?!?!?!?!11?1?!?)


When the study was announced, del Naja wrote an op-ed for The Guardian on the need for urgent action, adding that the band nearly decided to stop touring altogether. In 2019, Coldplay followed through on not touring around their album Everyday Life. In April the same year, del Naja appeared at the Extinction Rebellion climate protest in London for a surprise DJ set.

oh so they thought about not touring but then goddamned Coldplay actually didn't (i mean who cares it's Coldplay but still, good on them if that's really why they didn't tour)

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  • 2 weeks later...

anyone read this? it's a guy talking about how he thinks climate scientists themselves are in denial about how bad things are, downplaying data due to conservative norms within their communities, and this false academic tone of not alarming people.  he says we're all in denial about climate change because even climate scientists aren't taking the drastic measures the science says is necessary, unless youre a prepper essentially


the paper has really shook me and the goal of it is to make people rethink their entire lives, i feel i want to go down that path a lot more than i did before reading it

i highly suggest bringing it to the top of your reading TODO list and taking it seriously, im trying to at least to the best of my pathetic abilities in the short term and then plan for longterm

Edited by ilqx hermolia xpli
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1 hour ago, ilqx hermolia xpli said:

anyone read this? it's a guy talking about how he thinks climate scientists themselves are in denial about how bad things are, downplaying data due to conservative norms within their communities, and this false academic tone of not alarming people.  he says we're all in denial about climate change because even climate scientists aren't taking the drastic measures the science says is necessary, unless youre a prepper essentially


the paper has really shook me and the goal of it is to make people rethink their entire lives, i feel i want to go down that path a lot more than i did before reading it

i highly suggest bringing it to the top of your reading TODO list and taking it seriously, im trying to at least to the best of my pathetic abilities in the short term and then plan for longterm

Shit’s scary.

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On 9/23/2021 at 6:12 PM, ilqx hermolia xpli said:

anyone read this? it's a guy talking about how he thinks climate scientists themselves are in denial about how bad things are, downplaying data due to conservative norms within their communities, and this false academic tone of not alarming people.  he says we're all in denial about climate change because even climate scientists aren't taking the drastic measures the science says is necessary, unless youre a prepper essentially


the paper has really shook me and the goal of it is to make people rethink their entire lives, i feel i want to go down that path a lot more than i did before reading it

i highly suggest bringing it to the top of your reading TODO list and taking it seriously, im trying to at least to the best of my pathetic abilities in the short term and then plan for longterm

if the scientists are underselling the climate collapse then we're really fucked because there's a pretty deep trench of bad news that's being filled with shit news for years now. anyone paying attention sees the writing on the wall. i've not had any optimism for a long time so if it's actually worse.. idk.. wtf.  i try not to get into 'doom scrolling' and self defeatism but we're headed for a cliff.. the only questions is will the car be on fire before we get there or will there be a parachute or 007 type hang glider car to carry us over to some landing zone for some small amount of people. 

right now john kerry, who's the climate liaison for biden administration is on tv talking about how this decade is what we have to work with and he doesn't look or sound optimistic. can see it on his face. 

this was posted in the youtube videos thread by @MaartenVC  -

it seems reasonable but incomplete or something. it's more mainstream anyways... but makes sense... it's more gentle or cute. 

edit: just finished reading that pdf.  crazy stuff. i wish that message was relayed to more people. thanks for sharing. interesting reading. 


Edited by ignatius
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