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Thanksgiving is a excuse for americans to eat food, drink beer and watch football. The original point of the holiday was that it celebrated a supposed feast that the pilgrims had with some Indians, but I'm fairly certain that the pilgrims were too busy giving the Indians smallpox and stealing their food and land to care about eating with them. So thanksgiving is really a celebration of the systematic ethnic cleansing of an entire race. God bless america.


Hey now...they got casinos out of the deal.


seriously. they also got a great deal on the movie casino starring joe pesci and robert dinero on sale at best buy for only 24.99

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Political correctness is really getting to me. I actually think I hate it.


Especially the feeling guilty about the past part. Everything about the past is sickening, narrow minded, barbaric, primitive, racist. Where do we begin? We are still doing it too, but if the past is anything to indicate we won't know it until we are out of it.


yeah yeah I wasn't being PC, but snarky. I don't give 2 shits if people celebrate or not.


Man I could use a thanksgiving blunt.


My ex brought me over a plate (cornish hen, stuffing, salad, rolls, cranberry, pumpkin & blackberry pie), AAAANNNNND smoked a blunt with me of 150$ a 1/4 ounce bud. I wasn't expecting that today, then out of the blue I got a call... wicked!

Edited by sneaksta303
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Guest abusivegeorge

I have to tell you something in secret sneaky.


your ex is still in love with you

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well yeah, but she's a bit too mental for me these days. Me breaking up with her was good though, because it took her down a few notches. No one had ever broken up with her before, and me not getting back with her, despite the opportunities that would present themselves (her coming into a bit of $$$), made her take a look at herself. Hooray for self-growth. She's still mental though, so I'm content just chillin and smokin every now and again.

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Guest abusivegeorge

Lol, thats kool man. Just you know, maybe she could be a future keeper. Keep a close eye on her continual self-growth.


And have a self-grope while you're at it.

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it's one of those holidays where americans act like they have an important history :sorcerer:

I'm having a hard time coming to grips with this statement of utter retardedness.


the history of this country is one of the most interesting and important ones for all of humanity. I don't see how you could possibly think otherwise.


not that thanksgiving is representative of our history in any way

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My ex brought me over a plate (cornish hen, stuffing, salad, rolls, cranberry, pumpkin & blackberry pie), AAAANNNNND smoked a blunt with me of 150$ a 1/4 ounce bud. I wasn't expecting that today, then out of the blue I got a call... wicked!


I still can't believe how much Americans pay for weed. Fucking crazy! I thought you guys were on par with us, then I talked to a couple of my friends who live in Portland and holy shit.

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What a depressing thread for an awesome holiday to eat amazing food and enjoy friends and family





amazing you might think ....but at what cost of questioning the world around us?

we shouldn't have to suppress the truth to share together :mellow:


the time has come to see the truth.


lets face the truth and come out the other side, then we can truly

enjoy food friends and family. :smile:


unbridled experience is a dangerous thing.


big bird knows that. (see example 'A')


first we form the framework (together) ...then we truly have fun (together)


at this point we don't even know what fun really means.


real eye's


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What a depressing thread for an awesome holiday to eat amazing food and enjoy friends and family





amazing you might think ....but at what cost of questioning the world around us?

we shouldn't have to suppress the truth to share together :mellow:


the time has come to see the truth.


lets face the truth and come out the other side, then we can truly

enjoy food friends and family. :smile:


unbridled experience is a dangerous thing.


big bird knows that. (see example 'A')


first we form the framework (together) ...then we truly have fun (together)


at this point we don't even know what fun really means.


real eye's



i chose the matrix


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My ex brought me over a plate (cornish hen, stuffing, salad, rolls, cranberry, pumpkin & blackberry pie), AAAANNNNND smoked a blunt with me of 150$ a 1/4 ounce bud. I wasn't expecting that today, then out of the blue I got a call... wicked!


I still can't believe how much Americans pay for weed. Fucking crazy! I thought you guys were on par with us, then I talked to a couple of my friends who live in Portland and holy shit.


oh no man, it was expensive. I've never paid more than 100$ for a 1/4, and it's extremely good, and usually an identifiable strain. I don't know why she got taxed so much, but it's not my business. Usually I smoke 30$ for a 1/4 shwag, so I wasn't bitching when she brought this by. I just emptied the roach into a bowl and got ripped again after 1 hit. FIRE.

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'i will live to fight another day!'




nice play.


....but this is not a game.



we are the ones being played

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