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Fight Club - 10th Anniversary

Rubin Farr

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Watching this on blu-ray this week, which looks and sounds fucking amazing, I'm struck by how well it's held up. The trademark Fincher visual style was in full swing, use of CG was innovative and original, and the Dust Brothers soundtrack was definitive in introducing electronic music into mainstream films (I'm talking 90s electronic, not the classic Vangelis, Tangerine Dream stuff from the 70s and 80s). What are your opinions on this film? Do you prefer the book? Looking back it was probably the definitive film of the 90s, at least for the youth based counter culture, and being in my 30s now, I find a lot of new things in it I can relate to I never saw before. Opinions welcome.

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I pre-ordered this from amazon so I should be getting it shortly... it's not the greatest film out there but I hold it high for it was the film that opened my eyes to what cinema can actually be.

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Fincher is one of the best directors currently working... definitely will check this out


He seems like an asshole though. I read somewhere that when his contract with Paramount was finally over and one of the executives from Paramount was relieved to finally get rid of him.



Oh, here's the quote:


We've all heard the problems Paramount Pictures has been having with director David Fincher. How he refuses to shorten his films or use tape instead of digital storage. Fans are more than happy to back Fincher, since all he wants is to keep his vision and not have it be destroyed by talentless executives. But it's those executives' jobs to make sure the film makes money.


Now, NY Post has been contacted by a few Paramount insiders to complain about Fincher, who has the entire studio shaking in fear. "We are working our asses off trying to get Oscar nominations [for "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button"], and he is so abusive that it's crushing," said an insider. "Whatever we do, it's not enough."


After an LA screening, Fincher was rude to John Goldwyn, who was running Paramount in the early '90s, when the movie was first in development. After Goldwyn congratulated Fincher, "he hit Goldwyn in the chest with his hand and hurt him and said, 'That's for you, for not greenlighting the movie when you had a chance.'"


Read more: http://worstpreviews.com/headline.php?id=11059#ixzz0Y8uIjWQ9

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1) NY Post


2) I could really give a shit whether he is an asshole or not... and I don't like judging people based on second hand accounts i.e. gossip. Artists usually are hard to deal with anyway, its just the nature of the system fighting against the vision. Some know how to deal with it, some don't. Doesn't mean they are fucked up or wrong.

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Amazing movie, everything fits together so well, no scene is weaker than other. One of my favorites. Much better than book IMHO. If someone is overrated than it`s Chuck Palaniuk.

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i think its a bit overrated.

I agree. It's a stylish and clever film. However, it kinda stops there for me.

I know lots of people hold this movie in a very high regard, but I just don't see it.


Also... The I believe the film is single-handedly responsible for re-igniting the Pixies career.



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Guest Mirezzi

Fight Club...pile of shit.


Benjamin Button...proof that he can make more than one pile of shit, this one even stinkier and gooier.

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Fight Club...pile of shit.


Benjamin Button...proof that he can make more than one pile of shit, this one even stinkier and gooier.


agreed. Fincher has the unique ability, like Tim Burton and Terry Gilliam, to bore me in the space of a few minutes. I don't know if it's the way he uses the camera, the editing, the lighting, his choice of film stock, or some combination, but it's snoozeville for me. Seven is a strong film and the only one of his that I rate highly (though I haven't seen Aliens 3 since it came out). The Game and Zodiac had some good elements, but somehow fall short of classic for me. As far as Fight Club goes, I don't see how you can separate the theme from the film - if the idea resonates with you, you'll probably like it. It didn't do much for me - the way it presents mental illness is too cartoonish - so I'm not a huge fan.

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excellent film - i could relate to it so much (being an office worker) and getting tired of a mundane, repetitive job in an office environment. Both Norton and Pitt worked well together in the film and it's message, although subjective, is very relevant today in society.

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Guest beatfanatic

the matrix > fight club


You cant really compare those two or evaluate them on the same scale.


Matrix 2 and 3 were horrible though.

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the matrix > fight club


I agree, but why would you even compare these films? Ones dark comedy/drama and the other is sci fi action...


Different genres, for sure, but similar themes (one guy brings down the system), release dates (1999), and generally popular with the same audiences (teenagers at the time).

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the matrix > fight club


I agree, but why would you even compare these films? Ones dark comedy/drama and the other is sci fi action...


Different genres, for sure, but similar themes (one guy brings down the system), release dates (1999), and generally popular with the same audiences (teenagers at the time).


I just think their dramatically different, so you can't really compare them regardless of the subject matter. Its like comparing Shawn of the Dead to Night of the living Dead or something

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