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What Did You Do For New Years?


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Guest Drahken

Cleaned up blood...lots and lots of blood. House looked like a damn Manson family crime scene. On the plus side I'll never be dog sitting again, on the down side my cat got its tail nicked pretty good and had to spend an evening in the hospital. Oh, and tragically my Aphex painting is now splattered with blood, which is kinda cool in some respects.

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I sit in a terminal lot exactly all the way across the country from home with Jack Shit to do or eat (owing to the fact that nothing in Jonestown, PA is open on New Year's, apparently), the nearby drone of idling diesel drifting in through the cracked window of the cab, smelling the faint traces of the cigarette that my trainer smoked perhaps fifteen minutes ago, and wishing I had picked a local route job.

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Guest ms-dos

it isn't midnight yet, but i'm screwed up on edibles and klonopin, and listening to elitist smoketime and a sip sip


couldn't be bothered with going out this year. eh, hopefully i'll still be around for NYE 2010 so i can try this again

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Guest GrandPopPoplock

1 . Messed around with music


2 . Masturbated to BBW porn


3 . Watched Howard The Duck


4 . Masturbated to BBW porn


5 . Now posting on WATMM






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I went to some silly dnb party. Got drunk before arriving because of whiskey and stayed drunk all night. Kinda fun! Now I'm eating croque-monsieurs and am worried I left the iron on. Fuck it I'm going to sleep. Happy new year everfyoone!

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Guest margaret thatcher

got drunk at a cheese and wine night. got bored and went to an irish bar for new years. it was shit.

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Guest Calx Sherbet

i read this atrocity




So I'm sitting here at 1 in the morning drinking coffee because I simply dont give a fuck and got to thinking 'Hey, I havent bitched enough about America yet today so imma go type up a long fuck for all my buddies to read.'This isn't just america. most of this could apply to canada as well.


This whole "LOL ECONOMY" thing has really made me more aware, and depressed, about american society and american government. I see things like these rich assholes spending tens of thousands of dollars on expensive meals or hunting retreats and calling them "business meetings" so they can write them off their taxes as "business expenses." and then I see the actual tax dollars go towards bailing these fucks out because they sold the populace into taking out toxic loans and so they could come back and take their houses that were so stupidly put up as collateral. Or I see these tax dollars go towards an oversized military to develop more efficient ways of killing people en masse and destroying third world countries so the friends of congressmen and lobbyists can get government contracts for things like "rebuilding efforts." Or building and buying more bombers and guns.


And then I see american people in similar financial situations like mine getting sucked into jobs for the military and shipped overseas to "serve their country." at one point I used to believe it, but now I can simply see it as nothing more than the lower class getting used as tools to do the dirty work for america's military-industrial complex. if "serving the country" means serving the wealthy business interests that effectively are running the show now, then I guess it's an accurate term. Yes, I realize this statement is probably going to piss off a lot of the crowd that buys into this crap, but it's about time it gets said. I'm tired of holding my fucking tongue when somebody starts going on and on about how people are "dying for our freedoms!!1!" it makes me want to puke in my fucking soup. yes, I support the troops, as far as rescuing them from the grips of the military... at least the reluctant lower-class that enlisted because they had no other options. I've dealt with a lot of men and women who joined up because they felt it was their "patriotic duty" to "SERVE AMERICA" and they hold it over your head like a moral high horse. frankly, I cant say I feel sorry for those types when they get blown up by a suicide bomber or roadside bomb and its all over the fucking news.


In fact, the most depressing part of my life isnt my life. In fact, if it werent for the society im confronted with on a day-to-day basis, I'd be quite content with my life. I dont require much. I can read. internet access is pretty cool. I have a family that takes pretty good care of me. I'm fine. If I feel depressed, I can dick around with my friends in real life or MSN. I'm at peace enough with myself that I dont feel the need to resort to medication to have to cope with depression.


No, the most depressing part of my life is the society I'm a part of that buys into such an unbelievable amount of bullshit, who also seem to have an upsetting sense of priorities: BUYING STUPID SHIT AND GETTING TRASHED AT BOB'S HOUSE PARTY. Awhile ago some kid came into an IRC room talking about how his parents bought him a new imac and TWO ipods. TWO FUCKING IPODS. what the hell is the purpose of that, to hold one in each hand as you jog? one to shove up your ass as you jerk off on the second one? and it struck me that this is the average person in western society: spoiled rotten with fancy toys. do you know what I just saw online for sale today? a gps for GOLF CARTS. you know, in case you get lost on a fcuking golf course and need satellite navigation to get back to the lodge.


our cultures are just as vapid. If we aren't out buying crap we dont need, we're sitting at home glued to the television, watching people richer than us tell us what to like and what to hate so we can be more like them. And because our own lives are so boring, we live vicariously through scripted television passed off as "reality TV." Artists dont even have to work their way up anymore. All you need is the right contacts in the appropriate publishing industry, and they push out crap like "hannah montana" all over the place so people think its hot and popular, and jump on board. The video game industry has since been taken over by corperate interests, so games you SPEND MONEY ON are pumped full of advertisements, or just are outright advertising vehicles altogether. Even books, one of the last outposts of the intellectual due to the relatively low overhead in publishing, has been taken over by drivel like Twilight and Dan Brown, which is written on a low enough level for the average populace to grab up and pretend they are smart because they are "avid readers."


I think George Carlin put it perfectly when he said, "You know those people on the Jerry Springer show? Those are the average Americans. Oh yeah, believe me, below average can't get on the show. Below average, you're at home watching that shit on TV." Only that can apply to Canada as well.


Or some of the bullshit I see I cant even write about without the help of weed because I get too wound up with RAGE to get anything meaningful written down. yesterday I tried to put together an essay in response to new policies for airline security, to touch upon the topics of public relations and instilling a false sense of trust. (For those unaware: the TSA unleashed a bunch of draconian policies telling passengers they have to stay seated last hour of flights with no bathroom access, hands in lap, no blankets, not allowed to hold anything until the flight landed. and people put up with it saying "well if it makes us safer than its worth going through." when the guy who tried to bring down a plane in detroit failed, everybody hailed it as a success for airline security. NO. NO IT WASNT. the guy failed because he fucked up trying to light his bomb in time. just like that shoe bomber guy from a few years back. he got on a plane, paying in cash, checking in no luggage, which raised NO FLAGS at the airport for somebody to check the terrorist watch list (that it just so happened to be that he was on) which allowed him to get on the plane in the first place. But dont worry, America is secure again! you know its secure because POLICIES ARE STRONGER, which people accept at face value which makes them say stupid shit like "Well its worth going through if it makes us safer." thats the kind of shit that should be making most people say "Fuck you i'm taking a bus because its less inconvenient than being strip searched at an airport." even if the measures are completely useless if bombers get onto the planes in the first place, just having these measures makes it look like the TSA gives a fuck, which causes people to feel more relaxed and trusting. Great for PR, and great for mental health (as long as you dont question things). I got as far as "DEATH TO AMERICA DEATH TO AMERICA DEATH TO AMERICA" before giving up. I used to be coherent when bitching about something, but as I grow further aware to stupid bullshit in western society, I reach ever closer to the "why even bother explaining it" barrier.


The "counter culture" is just another cog in this horrifying machine. Coffee-shop socialists who wouldn't survive a day outside of the rich white suburbs they came from, anti-social youth who "fight the norm" by all shopping at hot topic and listening to the same shitty pop-punk-emo-nu metal bands, and the hippies of old who sold the last remnants of their movement to car commercials back in the 80s. Chris cornell, who once was screaming body counts "cop killer" at lollapalooza 92, even sold out and is now living the life of rich guido to the admiration of the same people who watch "jersey shore" on mtv. Burning man now carries an admission fee of over three hundred dollars a ticket. Those 13 year olds that spraypaint anarchist symbols on street signs and buildings wouldn't know how to handle themselves if they couldnt go back home to their fully stocked houses so they can call other people faggots on xbox live.


And to make things worse, those that care that are capable of doing anything either get lured into the military, or they spend their lives as "activists" and push for people to become active in a system of politics that gives the illusion that you can really make a change in it. People that could actually do some good end up playing right into how the system works. See, in america, "politics" has dwindled down to 2 main parties that control everything, where the only way you can enter the big arena is by being accepted into these parties. coincidentially enough, you only have a chance of making it into federal office (except in rare circumstances) if you are a member of one of these two parties. in essence, the two major political parties are the gatekeepers that decide who is allowed to be in office. they've already decided for you who is allowed to be in office. you are then presented with a choice among these candidates. all of them have been preselected for approval by the party leaders and business owners that run the gatekeeping business. they've already decided for you who is allowed to be in office. And so the public is swindled into thinking they have a choice. the "choice" in the first place was a representative of the elite ruling class. Thus, the entire system of politics is a dirty lie. a sham.


And then there's the moralists. they piss me off the most. they come in all shapes and sizes, and you've seen them. the businesses that donate to charities and make a gigantic stir about it in the press so you know how caring they are. you know, self-interest. I follow the "don't tell" rule when it comes to helping out the unfortunate. the minute you tell somebody, it's no longer charitable, and you can't convince me otherwise... especially when you've got a giant press release detailing just how "caring" of a business/individual you are. at that point it just becomes a PR stunt to make you look good in the public's eyes, so people trust your business. Or the people who profess to be religious, who profess to be moral because of their religion, when theyve never read a page of their bible (or other holy book) in their life. the people that think america is God's "chosen country" and pray to him to destroy and torture america's enemies. Or use him as an excuse for whatever agenda they have that benefits them. Furthermore these people are an insult to those of us that have found a moral code within books like the bible: Helping out your neighbor, not bailing on your friends for your own personal gain, or even just actively listening to people who have nobody to talk to. but no, all the self professed "followers of god" either dont give a fuck, use it as a tool to get support from people, or simply are just too busy praying to god to help them win the lottery so they can buy an imac and two ipods.


You want to know why so many people need to be on medication to make it through the day? Why people smoke and drink themselves to death? Why teenagers and young adults snap and gun down dozens of people in malls and schools? It's not because shit is wrong with them. It's because society is getting too goddamn confusing, depressing and downright unbearable to live in. but we make the problem out to be theirs. "oh they just have mental issues, they need to see a therapist, they need medication, they need help. also, we should make as much money off of them as possible with doctors visits and prescription costs if they want to get help from us." and god forbid you self medicate with things like marijuana, because thats an EVIL CRIME and you go to prison for decades meanwhile jimmy the child rapist is getting his parole after 2 or 3 years.


And believe me, we have plenty of EVIL CRIMINALS in this country. people who are just too outside the norms of society that it is our psychotic patriotic duty to ensure they are punished, imprisoned, or socially ostracized. First thing I am going to hear is "but what about rapists and murderers? surely, gaz, you aren't defending them!" (this is a common reaction because it allows people to pick out a single point and ignore the entire argument.) First off, fuck you and the horse you rode in on. second off, no I'm not. the second you get arrested, you might as well just cash in your chips (unless you're a cop, are rich, or know somebody who is rich.) because the system is not going to let you out, thanks to a fervent news media looking for stories, people in law enforcement who join up for the sole purpose of fulfilling their fetish of exerting control on others, and corrupt people in government who distract the public from their own shady dealings by the public witch burnings of alleged criminals like you. and dont expect your so-called "rights" to come help you if you're poor. you know that whole "you are guaranteed a lawyer if you cannot afford one" bullfuck? the sole purpose of many of these "public defenders" is to get the defendent to admit guilt and strike plea deals with the prosecution in order to keep things short and sweet. after all, they are employees of the state, which is what is pressing charges against you in the first place. and these people are forced to go along with it because if they dont, well, they'll end up serving even LONGER jail terms and heftier fines than if they struck a deal. or you end up with people like Joe Arpaio who run jails, places where you go if you are still awaiting trial and havent been convicted yet, and abuse the inmates (sometimes fatally) and can justify it because they are "criminal scum." and people eat all of this complete shit up. not to mention these aburd sentences that get handed out at the end. possession of some drugs? 30 years! (and be lucky you don't live in china, they kill you over there.) caught doing shady dealings in wall street cheating people out of millions of dollars and their retirement funds? eh, couple years, TOPS. excited cop with a trigger finger who shoots a black kid to death? You get let off completely. there's absolutely no sense to be made of the justice system or these "punishments" that get handed out. even for people who are committing actual crimes, they just get let out down the road and they do the same exact shit all over again. theres no attempt at rehabilitation, just "punishment." we have an obsession with "punishing people." its unhealthy. it's sick. it fucking disgusts me to the point of nausea.


It just keeps going on and on and on. but im going to draw this to a close because my desk is filled with water bottles and i should probably start cleaning it up and get back to work. seriously it's a mess in here.


in summary: death to america. and the west in general.


now i know why hunter s. thompson blew his brains out.






i think that if it ended with ".....as the prince of bel air", i would've laughed myself into a coma

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went and drank beers and my friends house just me n him booze and wine and some nice barbershop quartet needles t0 say fingers started wandering and we wnet to some dumb hipster party where we worked through masses of hipsters to stand in teh rain and smoke clove cigarette and then work our way throught thea heaving masses for a 10 minute dance party then we went and walked in the rain smoked a joint BOOM NEW YEARS go home sit and talk about how crazy shit's been and no2 co4 no4 Fe


(iron three)

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I had an extremely intellectual new year's eve and stayed in with my girlfriend playing scrabble and chess. we also spent loads on far too much chinese food and drank a few bottles of wine. all in all I had a good night.

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Guest bitroast

spent it at uelogy's girlfriend's familys place out in the country. big storm came overhead with lots of rain and lightning around us in every direction. no thunder tho.

back in city today and there's another storm RIGHT NOW. lots of bass and flashing lights. clouds are ravin:)

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