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What Did You Do For New Years?


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Guest placidburp

stayed in the pub after work and had a few. went home and watched jules holland with my dad and we slagged off all the music on it. I was asleep by 1230.

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prepared special new years card for girl

went and had a meal at a pub down the way (salad)

played 9 ball billiards for the first time since i played professionally 10 years ago. (i've got a taste for it again)

walked along and watched the blue moon peaking through the clouds

stayed up until new years and celebrated together with a few friends eating mint chocolate chip ice cream (vegan)

lighting firecrackers and sparklers and generally causing a ruckus

made new years resolutions




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spent a beautiful evening at home with my girl. we prepared a delicious dinner - i managed to make a totally kickass perfect grilled beef tenderloin steaks! and we watched Bullit and Matchpoint. and drank two bottles of champagne. it was our first new year's eve alone - first one out of 11!

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I enjoyed a house party with two of my friends playing billiard, NFS:Most Wanted, listening to hip hop records, drinking alcohol and giving food to the village cats that came to the front of the house occasionally.





edit: Oh, yes, and chips too...

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prepared special new years card for girl

went and had a meal at a pub down the way (salad)

played 9 ball billiards for the first time since i played professionally 10 years ago. (i've got a taste for it again)

walked along and watched the blue moon peaking through the clouds

stayed up until new years and celebrated together with a few friends eating mint chocolate chip ice cream (vegan)

lighting firecrackers and sparklers and generally causing a ruckus

made new years resolutions






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Guest ms-dos

got too messed up to leave the apartment so i just wanked my way into the new year. i didn't fall asleep with my dick in my hand for my roommates to discover, so 2010 is already looking a little better than 2009

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went to Panna II in the lower east side. started tripping balls without any aid of drugs (though i did bring a sixpack of magic hat with me)


this is why i tripped balls:


hanging down from the already-low ceilings at least three or four feet were THOUSANDS of obnoxious christmas/chili pepper/heart lights; some flashing, some not. reflective wallpaper. wtf.


what's great about the place is that there is a neighboring indian restaurant, and two more restaurants under the aforementioned two, ALL hassling you to eat at their restaurant instead of their competitors'. i walked up, and immediately a man from each restaurant came out and tried to usher me in. this all happened with my girlfriend and her friends.


after that, we went back to brooklyn, to a house party. the apartment belonged to jake and amir, oddly enough. (http://www.jakeandamir.com) my girlfriend is a year younger than jake, and they apparently went to the same highschool in connecticut. cool? continued to drink, ended up leaving somewhere around two. got back to my place, passed out.


next morning: hangover/wake up sex! now she's going back to connecticut for the weekend and i'm dicking around here. 2010 is pretty well so far.

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Had a party at my house, went smashingly. Drinks and bp for those who wanted it, and a friend brought his vape and we had a wonderful pow-wow round the herb. Then we listened to records and watched the Moderat DVD.. most fucking epic video ever

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I didn't get into SF until 12am, January 1st. Then I had to take a $40 cab ride home, and by the time I got there everyone was already shitfaced and ready for bed.


On the up side, I did wake up the next morning, fully clothed, halfway on my bed with no recollection of how I got there. I checked my phone, and apparently I had a conversation with my mom at 6am.

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I had such a fucked up night, was at a house party to predrink And then went to the collisum which was fucked, I ended up getting punched and elbowed in the face when a fight broke out in front of the line I was standing in front of how more booze....which believe it or not THEY R AN OUT OF Vodka wtffff. They also stopped all the music and videos on the projection screens to watch the world jr hockey final against the USA. It went into overtime and then a shootout, Canada won and everyone went insane haha hockey is serious business...


Loving this new iPhone interface by the way, it's perfect

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Had a low key night.

My gf and I flew back into NYC from the CHI and were too beat to go out so we ordered Mexican food and watched "Top Secret!" on DVD. The funny thing was that I gave the VHS of the same movie to her dad a few years prior and we called her parents up, synced our videos up and watched the movie together with them on speakerphone.

It was pretty cool.

For midnight, we turned on hulu and watched the ball drop.

I've been in NYC ten years and have yet to go to times square for nye. It just seems like too much of a clusterfuck.

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

i fukign hate new years. its that feelign of not wantign to do anythin but the feelign that you have to do somthing. we went on a local bar crawl and it was fun. no hangover (for me) too!! i admire those who can just stay home and ignore it without feeling sad

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i stopped a guy from causing some serious trouble with a knife. dude busts out the door of the show i'm at, with 3 other people trailing behind him, trying to hold him down. i rush over once i see there's a knife in his hand, and my associate and i take it from him. as this is happening, another dude comes out yelling from the venue; "you fucking asshole, you almost killed me" lifts his shirt to reveal a cut on his chest. it's not too bad, but he definitely got cut. the other guy breaks free and tries to fight the one he cut, instead of that happening, i lock his arm with mine, grab his neck with my other arm, place my knee in his back and take him down. i hold him there until he finally calms down and eventually leaves.


also, i got a new knife. :)




other than that, i got piss drunk with some old friends and had a lot of fun.

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