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David Cross

dr lopez

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Was bored as fuck channel flipping and came across the bullshit mind-numbing-but-more-interesting-than-anything-else-on "behind the scenes" making of Kung Fu Panda and falling asleep listening to Jack Black be unfunny and Angelina Jolie talk about how much fun she had making this movie when this happened.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

His facial expressions when he was talking about being turbo excited about the possibility of drinking beer and eating lots of a chili with a fictional animated character was full indication that he was annoyed and being extremely sarcastic. Reminds me a lot of how Maynard(whom David Cross is friends with) is in most interviews

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David is funniest when he's pranking someone, like this asshole.




nice find, i remember loling at the description(s) of the movie (seems like it was filmed from 2 angles) which almost seemed written by David Cross himself


Live in Martha's Vineyard as Jim felches his dead brother's corpse by performing Blues Brothers material to the celebrity curious dopes that paid way too much to see him.


Sure, Jim lives in his dead brother's house on Martha's Vineyard, but the necrophilia doesn't end there! Here's Jim performing his Blues Brothers homage on MV while a giddy David Cross gets on stag...
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I can't really put my finger on why, but I don't think David Cross is funny and I actually kinda want to punch him in the face.



i can sorta understand where you are coming from...he's got that overly nerdy arrogance about him...but that's why i love his standup.



He always strikes me as someone I could go see for a show, but would probably hate him if I met him personally.

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he seems like a real asshole. but he has moments of brilliance. one of the more insightful looks into his personality was on adam carolla's podcast, surprisingly enough. explained a lot.

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i saw him do standup once and it was very unfunny anti christian teen angsty rants, and i actually like most of the standup i've heard from him especially his one about how everybody with kids turns into a boring person who can't socialize with people without kids. which was obviously very bitter and angry sounding as well but hilarious

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who me? go on itunes. it's on there. unfortunately it's mostly adam carolla's insufferable personality talking over his guest, but there's some stuff about david's childhood and his deadbeat dad that explains a lot about his personality. he also came off as pretty amiable, which was surprising given that adam carolla is kind of the opposite end of the spectrum comedy wise.


i think most of his stand up is pretty unfunny, but he has moments of offbeat hilarity. the squagles bit had me loling. he really comes off as holding some pretty obvious ill thought out opinions about religion/government, but sometimes he's a really biting social commentator. i can never quite decide whether i like him or not.

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David Cross is also especially brilliant in Mr. Show, the classic 90s HBO sketch comedy show.


i was going to be a dick but I see you're new. *Pats self on back*


never seen David Cross act so serious before, kind of gay actually. not in a homosexual way just lame


so gay=lame now?


Dude it's 2010, get some fucking tolerance and respect for christ's sake.


























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