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E3 2010


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im getting so sick of these modern warfare games with all this fancy equipment and what not.


i miss the days when every new fps was based on ww2. also, more ww1 games please.

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Damn - I am really excited about the new Ghost Recon. Always been a fan of the series but this one looks fucking amazing! :emotawesomepm9:


The helicopter crash was insane!

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I'm excited for new Zelda news!


You can (supposedly) stream Nintendo's E3 presentation tomorrow starting at 9 am PST here: http://e3.nintendo.com/


I'm gonna see if I can get it to play in the background whilst @ work ...



Zelda's Adventure: Zelda? Zelda?! Do not roam unprotected, look nearby for something to aid you ...


AVGN: Shut the fuck up!

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Guest GrandPopPoplock

THAT'S IT!?!?!?




best thing about the ubisoft showing was the Eddie Van Halen solo in beat-it.



Yes , that and Ghost Recon lol



Hopefully...tomorrow will be different .

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It's all about "Dead Space 2" & "Ninja Gear Giaden: Rising of Espionage Hack & Slash"

I can care less for all the FPS BS...

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I've been a closet xbox 360 fanboy since forever, but this press conference was just full of :trashbear::facepalm:

I am filled with shame.

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After having some time to think of Microsoft's press conference I have to say that Kinect looks pretty impressing and I don't think there were any smokes and mirrors going on on stage. I am actually more excited about Kinect than I was before, but I what made me cringe was the over the top and super excited presenters and their colleagues who were having OH-so-much-fun with Kinect. It was so terribly staged. E3 is a press conference for nerds so putting an adrenaline pumped gym coach out on stage who is completely PSYCHED and super EXCITED about their new gym game is the wrong way to present it - at least that's what I think. It was on the other hand pretty fun to watch mr. average joe going nuts to the dance game.


But all in all, the things they presented were pretty good, but I was just hoping for more unannounced games and more hardcore stuff for Kinect. I racing game where you could look around the cockpit just by turning your head was really impressive.

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I thought they were going to reveal that the developer that had signed to work with might be Itagaki.


Though, on that note, his new game looks fucking wicked.



New Itagaki? Tell me more!


I'd keep an eye on E3 but nerd conferences make me die a little inside.

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I thought they were going to reveal that the developer that had signed to work with might be Itagaki.


Though, on that note, his new game looks fucking wicked.



New Itagaki? Tell me more!







Also a good article from Kotaku herewith some interview bits.


Looks like a crazy, badass, hyper-violent third person shooter/ninja gaiden/lots of body parts flying kind of awesome that only Itagaki can provide.

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"We at Valhalla Games are martial arts, fighting and melee combat professionals," Itagaki boasted



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Innit, fucking hell.


I could never see me enjoying that shit. Impressive as a tech demo, as a new age tamagotchi? Fuck that, the appeal would run out so quick.

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The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword; looks like a more polished Twilight Princess. not sure i want that wiimote on the side of my screen the whole game, maybe the new advanced difficulty setting will get rid of it. not the total redesign i was expecting, and 2011 seems like a long ways away to play it, bit i'm sure it will be perfect.

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The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword; looks like a more polished Twilight Princess. not sure i want that wiimote on the side of my screen the whole game, maybe the new advanced difficulty setting will get rid of it. not the total redesign i was expecting, and 2011 seems like a long ways away to play it, bit i'm sure it will be perfect.


Yeah, the GUI looked horrible!

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