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The Last Airbender

Guest Mirezzi

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The movie actually made 57 million dollars over the weekend :huh:


But then again, watch Transformers 2 and then start to wonder how on earth that cluster fuck of a movie made 836,297,228 dollars worldwide.


Yeah, wrap your mind around that.

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My question is, is this bad enough to watch? The happening was pretty amazing for what it was and there's nothing more enjoyable than when Mark Whalberg completely phones in a performance. This just looks boring-bad.

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from the comments on that review


M. Night has us all fooled. He doesn't want us to watch movies. He wants us to watch his career. The setup is all there: brilliant director creates a name for himself and subsequently destroys it. His career IS the movie, and we're living the twist. He is a true visionary and performance artist willing to live through shame and dishonor to bring us the most authentic biopic of all time.



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The movie actually made 57 million dollars over the weekend :huh:


But then again, watch Transformers 2 and then start to wonder how on earth that cluster fuck of a movie made 836,297,228 dollars worldwide.


Yeah, wrap your mind around that.


Because, as shitty as TF2 was of a movie, it had a popular, world-wide franchise attached to it - so regardless of how bad it was, it will ALWAYS appeal to the Transformers fan/little kid who likes Transformers.


Avatar: The Last Airbender was a mediocre cartoon, turned into a shitty live-action movie. What was more pathetic was they dropped the "Avatar:" part for fear of being confused with the other blockbuster movie with a similar title.


Should have left the Avatar: bit just to loop in unsuspecting fools who don't bother to pay attention to the marquees and ticket stubs. Probably would have made twice as much as it has already on that basis alone :cisfor:

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The movie actually made 57 million dollars over the weekend :huh:


But then again, watch Transformers 2 and then start to wonder how on earth that cluster fuck of a movie made 836,297,228 dollars worldwide.


Yeah, wrap your mind around that.


Because, as shitty as TF2 was of a movie, it had a popular, world-wide franchise attached to it - so regardless of how bad it was, it will ALWAYS appeal to the Transformers fan/little kid who likes Transformers.


Avatar: The Last Airbender was a mediocre cartoon, turned into a shitty live-action movie. What was more pathetic was they dropped the "Avatar:" part for fear of being confused with the other blockbuster movie with a similar title.


Should have left the Avatar: bit just to loop in unsuspecting fools who don't bother to pay attention to the marquees and ticket stubs. Probably would have made twice as much as it has already on that basis alone :cisfor:


Yeah, but they were probably afraid of James Cameron just like every other reasonable person on Earth is. I'm telling you, the man is insane.

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The movie actually made 57 million dollars over the weekend :huh:


But then again, watch Transformers 2 and then start to wonder how on earth that cluster fuck of a movie made 836,297,228 dollars worldwide.


Yeah, wrap your mind around that.


Because, as shitty as TF2 was of a movie, it had a popular, world-wide franchise attached to it - so regardless of how bad it was, it will ALWAYS appeal to the Transformers fan/little kid who likes Transformers.


Avatar: The Last Airbender was a mediocre cartoon, turned into a shitty live-action movie. What was more pathetic was they dropped the "Avatar:" part for fear of being confused with the other blockbuster movie with a similar title.


Should have left the Avatar: bit just to loop in unsuspecting fools who don't bother to pay attention to the marquees and ticket stubs. Probably would have made twice as much as it has already on that basis alone :cisfor:


Yeah, but they were probably afraid of James Cameron just like every other reasonable person on Earth is. I'm telling you, the man is insane.


Well, to be fair, the Avatar cartoon (2005-2008) was out long before Cameron's box-office onanism was even announced (screenplay writing was undertaken in 2006)...


Holy shit, the Wiki page for the cartoon says this is the first movie in a planned trilogy - I would be shocked if they a) made a sequel and b) Shamalamadingdong was allowed to direct/produce it.

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The movie actually made 57 million dollars over the weekend :huh:


But then again, watch Transformers 2 and then start to wonder how on earth that cluster fuck of a movie made 836,297,228 dollars worldwide.


Yeah, wrap your mind around that.


Because, as shitty as TF2 was of a movie, it had a popular, world-wide franchise attached to it - so regardless of how bad it was, it will ALWAYS appeal to the Transformers fan/little kid who likes Transformers.


Avatar: The Last Airbender was a mediocre cartoon, turned into a shitty live-action movie. What was more pathetic was they dropped the "Avatar:" part for fear of being confused with the other blockbuster movie with a similar title.


Should have left the Avatar: bit just to loop in unsuspecting fools who don't bother to pay attention to the marquees and ticket stubs. Probably would have made twice as much as it has already on that basis alone :cisfor:


Yeah, but they were probably afraid of James Cameron just like every other reasonable person on Earth is. I'm telling you, the man is insane.


Well, to be fair, the Avatar cartoon (2005-2008) was out long before Cameron's box-office onanism was even announced (screenplay writing was undertaken in 2006)...


Holy shit, the Wiki page for the cartoon says this is the first movie in a planned trilogy - I would be shocked if they a) made a sequel and b) Shamalamadingdong was allowed to direct/produce it.


But one could argue that Avatar was written draft version in 1997 after titanic, and Mr Cameron had to wait for the technology to be made

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it all depends on the next weekend drop. it'll probably be around 60% minimum because of all the bad word-of-mouth, so don't expect it to break 100 million at the box-office.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

I watched the new cam for shits and giggles.. the acting is every bit as bad as people are saying... cant believe I'm saying this but the acting is worse than the happening... the fucking happening?? that was really the title of that movie dear god.. anyway yeah this movie will still be really fun for kids... buut this much money spent on a movie with acting and writing below disney/syfy movie standards?..


I don't think we can just say oh its a kids movie its okay that it lacks quality, I think we have all learned that they can make movies that appeal just as much to kids while retaining a level of writing/acting quality that doesn't make the parents face fucking palm.


Besides really after all of m night shamallallammninoon's criticism for his recent movies its very fucking obvious he was not just trying to phone in a kids movie... this was really him trying to make a comeback critically acclaimed epic, dark adaptation of a celebrated anime series... its unbelievable how bad the acting and writing is considering all of this.


not to say I was amazed with the cinematography or CGI or anything... but the acting and writing in this film make everything else look a lot better

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  • 3 weeks later...

I like how he passes off what has been written about his movies as "something you read on google" like a machine just generated it.



Yes, it is quite amusing that he is delusional and so deep in denial.

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I like how he passes off what has been written about his movies as "something you read on google" like a machine just generated it.



Yes, it is quite amusing that he is delusional and so deep in denial.


Hey, he's getting paid - I'm sure that softens the blow quite a bit for him. Artist. Pffft.

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I took this pick in the NYC subway walkway between the 7 train and the A train platforms at 42nd st.

I've seen these posters arranges in this way in other subway stations, too.

Seems like the not-so-subliminal advertising didn't really work to well...

















































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