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The Last Airbender

Guest Mirezzi

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yeah I saw a trailer for this when I took my daughter to see Shrek Forever after and I had two palms solidly applied to face.

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The only good things to have come out of Night Shyamalan movies are the great scores by James Newton Howard :music:


And some occasionally very decent Tak Fujimoto cinematography, which people seem to confuse with Shyamalan being a good director.

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If Uwe Boll can still keep getting money for churning out shit, they sure as hell wont stop giving M Night ShaMONE!!! some



Who wants to make a bet his next film will be sequel to one of his other popular films.... unbreakable 2 no doubt

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Guest Gary C

Some people claim that Unbreakable is a good film. Don't be fooled, it's not. It's Shamalamadingdongs best film, but not a good film.

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It is the one I enjoyed the most of his, but you are right. I don't really rank it among the greats. Not even close.


Regarding that review that Squee posted: His last few movies have seemed like parodies because of how awful they were. Sometimes I have similar thoughts as the reviewers stance, but then I have a habit of giving people too much credit; so I think it's most likely that he is just a mediocre film maker.

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I figured after the Crappening he would be banned from Hollywood, hopefully this is the last nail in his career coffin....


but I hear there is a Bruce Willis Shitmalan film coming...


Willis should have the good sense to leave the set unannounced...

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Guest Coalbucket PI

I don't really want to jump out in his defense but Sixth Sense, Unbreakable, and Signs are all reasonably good films. I thought Lady In The Water was shit. I think he made more money than on any other film with The Happening even if everyone says it was awful, so I doubt he's on his way out.

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