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Myers-Briggs / Jung

Guest iamabe

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well i quit smoking weed like 9 months ago but i'm probably still residually high so...


Don't worry, you're not.

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Introverted Intuitive Feeling Perceiving

78 38 25 11


Those second two figures are also my birthday.


Most of those questions were difficult because they can be interpreted so many ways and the answer varies so much depending on the situation. Like "You avoid being bound by obligations" -well sure, I've done that before in 27 years of existence, so I answered yes, but more often than not I simply accept an "obligation" and get it over with.


Or then there's "You know how to put every minute of your time to good purpose" --sure I do. I certainly don't do it on a regular basis, but I know how just as well as the next slacker.


Or my favorite: "As a rule, current preoccupations worry you more than your future plans" --well they do most of the time, but it's not a fucking rule I follow. It's just an extension of my temperament that rings true a lot of the time. If it makes more sense for me to worry about a future plan then I'll worry about it, should it occur to me.


Pretty much every other question was like that for me, and I'm not sure that's what whoever wrote the test had in mind. It did end up however being pretty accurate on the assessment I thought. Almost every bit rang true to me except this bit: "They conceive of the world as an ethical, honorable place" --that couldn't be further from the truth. The world is a chaotic madhouse where people seldom get what they deserve. Yeah, if you go around acting like a prick people are going to treat you like a prick, but you can also be a genuinely good person born into slavery. An "ethical, honorable" place is what I'd like the world to be, but it's so far from the terrible reality of it. Aside from that, I'd say the test was pretty apt. They could phrase the questions a lot better, but the effort put into making it does show.

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Guest underscore

Your Type is


Introverted Intuitive Feeling Judging

Strength of the preferences %

100 25 12 11

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there's some good selection bias going on in this thread.

it's not a comparative study though? so it's not like all the narcissists participating in there are swaying the results or something



Bunch of idm fags see test. take said test. selection bias seems pretty clear-cut. amongst the watmm population anyways.


ps: i mean idm fags in the most loving way possible.

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  • 1 year later...

You should've called this something more interesting. In my opinion, cognitive functions work better for defining type than the letter tests.






I'm ESFP y0! Close enough tho :emotawesomepm9:

Like to party and have fun? Do what you feel in the moment?



yeah, it's a necro, but I was going to make a new thread, so COUNT YOUR LUCKY STARS MOTHERFUCKER

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Sorry, lots of posts, but this test might work better. It has to do with something called cognitive functions, which I think work better than the letters for defining type.




Here's an INTJ's cognitive functions:



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