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having a baby!


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little girls are adorable. Not a sports guy so dont care about that typical Dad stuff with boys. Tossin the ball around. Fishin'.. Dont really want kids anyway. Unless Im absolutely in love.

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What if you have a son and he's gay???


i would care as much if i have a daughter and she is gay. i could care less. whatever will make them happy is what will make me happy.



you couldn't care less, Jules.


It's only a family name. If your daughter has a kid, the bit that actually matters is passed on....


well said rambo

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Guest abusivegeorge

Thank You for further overcrowding this planet and advancing it towards eventual destruction. People need to stop multiplying. Adopting children from under privileged countries would be the eco-friendliest way to continue ones family and it would also be a start to breaking down the artificial construct of race.


suicide is always an option for those who really want to help the planet with that :whistling:


That's actually true. If you have any decency you should all off yourself. Unfortunately those who won't do it are even bigger cunts and would make the others self-sacrifice pointless.


i wouldnt want to have a girl bc id be worried about all you scumsuckers getting to her.


You know you'd be high fiving me in 16 years time if I, at the age of 39, really were to scum suck (lick out) your 16 year old daughter


yes...then pressing charges


Not every country has as puritanical laws regarding age of consent as the US. In some countries it's OK for dirty old men to caress perky and supple willing 16 year old tits while ravaging the untouched and slightly fuzzy pubed pink pussy with their worn and leathered cock. :pedobear:


Well I was under the illusion I'd have flown her into the UK before doing this, but that was an lol.

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My girlfriend will be taking her 2nd pregnancy test in a few minutes. The 1st one pissed her off cause it said she was kinda pregnant.


I told her to abort if we find out it's a girl. She gave me a face that made me say "Did I just fart?"

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When my girlfriend's test came back positive we were shocked too. Until we learned it was just aids.


dude you are on fire on this thread. lol

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When my girlfriend's test came back positive we were shocked too. Until we learned it was just aids.



In one of the gangland flicks, Bamboo takes on three very large members. When they start DPing her, the guy goes "feel like you're having a baby?" a couple of times...it's fucking hilarious.

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When my girlfriend's test came back positive we were shocked too. Until we learned it was just aids.



In one of the gangland flicks, Bamboo takes on three very large members. When they start DPing her, the guy goes "feel like you're having a baby?" a couple of times...it's fucking hilarious.


woah... i saw a little of that one today... weird! i missed the "having a baby" line though.

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Jules was born in an endangered tribe isolated on a small island in Oceania. He has to bestow his pure blood to his future (hopefully male) kid who will marry the chief's recently born daughter. You gotta confer your last name at all cost or your tribe's survival will be at stake!

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Guest happycase

so the wife and i are having a baby. wow. its super exciting and totally nerve wracking but im really worried. i really think i need to have a boy but i know deep down we are goimg to have a girl. is it wrong to feel like im going to be disappointed when i find out its a girl?


of course when the baby comes i doubt its going to matter but the thoughts of playing soccer and baseball and teaching him to golf will be replaced with ballet classes, dolls and easy bake ovens.


i feel really bad about this at the moment and it sometimes seems to be consuming the joy of knowing we are starting a family.




edit: this came out all wrong :facepalm:



i really pity you man. you're all whacked up. you are the zany poon slammer. the feral moocow. i am really happy for you. i hope yoou get what you want. i would really want a girl. i think they are just lovely.

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i hate to bring this up but 'developing countries?' i think we can ditch this republican narrative right now.


err what?

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Congrats Jules!





Jules was born in an endangered tribe isolated on a small island in Oceania. He has to bestow his pure blood to his future (hopefully male) kid who will marry the chief's recently born daughter. You gotta confer your last name at all cost or your tribe's survival will be at stake!


fucking lol.



nailed it.

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I apologize, it was mighty ethnocentric of me. It's actually the western way of life that is causing the most trouble for our planet.


sometimes I look at a little planaria swimming happily in his petri dish, admiring his cute little wedge-shaped head and googly eyes, and I ask myself, "why did we ever have to evolve?"



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When my girlfriend's test came back positive we were shocked too. Until we learned it was just aids.



In one of the gangland flicks, Bamboo takes on three very large members. When they start DPing her, the guy goes "feel like you're having a baby?" a couple of times...it's fucking hilarious.


woah... i saw a little of that one today... weird! i missed the "having a baby" line though.


It cracked me up, cause here are these 3 dudes just basically destroying Bamboo's ring elasticity, and he asked her that line like in such a gentle voice.

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