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how do you go back to sleep?


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im sure its the fact that im trying to sell my condo before our baby comes. plus just the stress of a baby countdown until my life is totally altered forever. its a lot to take in.


our condo is a great size for 2 people and we would be able to manage with an infant but not for more than a year. plus to try and sell our condo with it packed to the gills with baby toys, clothes and empty bottles of red wine, jim beam and a few broken dreams wont be the most ideal.

Whoa dude! That will be me, I hope, in a year.


Watch a lot of "House Hunters"! lol

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im sure its the fact that im trying to sell my condo before our baby comes. plus just the stress of a baby countdown until my life is totally altered forever. its a lot to take in.


our condo is a great size for 2 people and we would be able to manage with an infant but not for more than a year. plus to try and sell our condo with it packed to the gills with baby toys, clothes and empty bottles of red wine, jim beam and a few broken dreams wont be the most ideal.


same boat. we've always had a spare room for hoarding shit but now it's needed so what do you do with all the shit? i intend to use it again... someday. i've been "nesting" like a mofo for the last few months. my tool/utility belt has never seen so much action!


try not to think your life's being altered so much... rather, added to. that's what i try to do anyway. it's definately a step into the unknown for us and obviously you'll have to accomodate to a degree. i could be completely deluded. probably am... oh shit.


when's yours due again?



thats a good way to look at it. but i cant add on to my condo so its shrinking quick! i really need to get out but the economy wont let me.


my wife is due in february


im sure its the fact that im trying to sell my condo before our baby comes. plus just the stress of a baby countdown until my life is totally altered forever. its a lot to take in.


our condo is a great size for 2 people and we would be able to manage with an infant but not for more than a year. plus to try and sell our condo with it packed to the gills with baby toys, clothes and empty bottles of red wine, jim beam and a few broken dreams wont be the most ideal.

Whoa dude! That will be me, I hope, in a year.


Watch a lot of "House Hunters"! lol


godspeed man! and yea that friggin hgtv is on constantly when the wife isnt watching wedding or babby stories and shit :facepalm:




trying to relax, etc.


if nothing works i just give up and get up.


counting does seem to work sometimes except there are times i forget what number im on and start worrying about other crap. lol.


Reading usually does the trick for me.


i have tried that but it usually ends up being watmm and it becomes counter-productive :emotawesomepm9:



side note: amazing cover for that hadron comp dude. love it!

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I try to make up stories. It gets me drifting off into fantasy world where my dreams take place.


I wouldn't say it's super effective though. I was up all night last night. Fucking 7 hours of rolling from side to back to side to back, rinse, repeat, piss, and not a fucking ounce of sleep.



i wake up once or twice a night to piss. i find it helps to go back to sleep on the same side as when you woke up

I find it uncomfortable to return to the same side after getting up.

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I try to make up stories. It gets me drifting off into fantasy world where my dreams take place.


its funny you say this, it does work for me occasionally. i try to let my mind make up any story without thinking, it gets very bizarre and i either drift off or question my sanity.

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i sometimes imagine im floating about in space, and that my eyes are actually open but all i see is the blackness of space. :crazy:


I also do that when I have trouble falling asleep, it's well nice.

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I second SOTL or Biosphere


Or I just listen to the wind or whatnot or any noise outside. I dunno if that is calming for you or not...


Or meditation, or just viewing your thoughts as just phenomena (no different than the wind, doesn't need to be stopped, etc.)

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I put on relaxing music and tell myself everything that i have to be grateful for. I love being a Satanist.


And then I kill a fucking goat.





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I close my eyes and switch to the cold side of the pillow, gone in 5 seconds.


I like the idea of creeping up on you with a pre-chilled pillow and using it like a "sleep weapon"--hold it to your face for 5 seconds and you collapse. Each time you came to, I would apply another cold pillow to your cheek. You could be kept asleep for years.


LOL, so evil :p

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