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Megaman Compilation!!!


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if someone makes the same song, that's ok.


my final contribution's in YLC.


Dude, I know you know how to read. Send the submissions to my email. THe public doesnt need to know yet. I ask you as a friend to take it down.


OH YEAH, and only send me 24bit wavs plz!

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Been working on mine and thought I lost it due to ableton not playing well with a few plug-ins I use. Managed to get it back after many tries though!


I'm doing a cover of Snake Man's song.



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

DO EM BOTH, fuck it!


I set the deadline for November 9th but that can and probably will have to be worked around because some of you cunts need a fire lit under your ass. Unprofessional bastards. lol j/k



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^I actually just noticed you want to do the Gemini Man music. I am also doing the Gemini Man music, but I'm pretty sure our entries will be different enough that it shouldn't be a problem.

Naw, eventually we'll all run out of proper megaman tunes to cover, its not a problem for me

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